New neopets layout

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Post by Officer 1BDI »

I think I found another customization bug.

If I go to customize one of my pets, and change the Items View species category from [insert pet's species here] to ALL, then I can see the clothes of pets that I've pounded.

However, if I go to my closet, I do not see the pounded pets' clothes.

Does anyone else have this problem?
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Post by galacticMel »

adi_gallia wrote:
Illuen wrote:As much as you want to deny it, some of the horrendous pet art on the site has been redrawn splendidly. People have been bitching forever and a day for some of these pets to get redrawn, and they finally do, into NICE pets, pets that are worth having, and you cannot see this because of your anger.
I agree, we did want them to redraw all the old, crap art, such as the Peophins. But I would rather have an old Royal Lupe, Darigan Pteri and such other pets that got butchered, in my opinion. Than a new Orange Peophin, Pink Eyrie and Halloween Bruce. Basically I prefer the old redraw pets, than the nice new non-redraw colours.

I'm just wondering why we had to sacrifice our good pets, that I was target zapping and such for, for the nice revamps that only have one pose.
Other pets that got butchered horribly: Grey Pets and Royal Pets. A lot of them were the best pets/pet art on the entire Neopets site. If I were the original artists of those pets, I would be outraged. Gone are the Grey pets wonderful morose-ness... now they are literally just grey. And I wanted the Royal Girl Kyrii for the grace and elegance of the pet, and now it is laughable. I bet the prices will go down for those brushes based upon the art pretty soon... when no one has the option of the old pets, because I wouldn't shell out 3 million NP or more for this new crap.

Dear Neopets God,
Please make the Mutant Gelert look like the three-headed dog of the underworld, Cerberus. There may be a fruit basket in it for you.

Maybe. -_O

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Post by Fjorab_Teke »

My outrage over the pet changes is the fact that MOST of them were NOT optional as we were led to believe, even some that WERE drastic changes (ahem GREY). The majority of them clutching air (in "preparation" for weapons/staffs/etc.?) is ridiculous-looking. I am only feeling that way because 1) I see that art around the site now in place of what once was, and 2) I'm exceedingly upset sympathetically to the people who lost the whole character of theirs (and to goals they've been working so hard for just poof gone).

I am personally glad that the only two that affected me "negatively" were the Desert Ixi and the Island Uni, because they lost certain stylizations I loved in the old ones and both gained some minor but glarey expression changes. I really like the new Eyrie and the new Peophin (also enough to ponder changing my Darigan one to the new style, though I probably won't). My Royalboy Uni had a semi-major change (mostly his old "don't f*** with me" expression as shown on the shopkeeper), but I'm quite OK with it other than his main image not showing his character so well. I'm not quitting since mine weren't butchered, and my hard "work" hasn't gone to waste.

I'm neutral about the Elephante because I'm not keen on the new bipedal stance (that WAS appropriate on Royal), but it's not sitting anymore and has gotten a nice fresh look.

The Koi is RUINED, in my opinion (HANDS on long stalky "arms" Geodude-style?!?). That's the most obvious example I can give. I was once tempted to get either a Faerie or normal blue one, so now that temptation has been it's almost good for me despite the utter murder of the species. Then again, there was something really amusing about the older silly-looking Koi that appealed to me, that the elegance of the previous revamp completely took away.
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Post by Rainbow Daydreamer »

Not that I'd want to get one, but I've just been looking at Shieboo's page.
Is it just me, or does the Christmas Chia not have anything about it that can be described as "festive"? I'm serious.

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Post by daisybell »

Someone made it naked, RD. There are clothes- try looking for Christmas Chia lederhosen or something similar to that on neoitems. But whoever owned that chia took the clothes off. Which is fine, except it's not a very useful illustration of what the Christmas chia looks like now.

ETA: found one: Image
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Post by Sagrei »

I got lucky with my main account: Lupe, Aisha, Gelert, and Blumaroo, and none of 'em are redraws. Those are the only ones with real sentimental value, and as long as they're all right, the game isn't ruined for me.

The sides didn't fare so well. My Koi (one red, one white) are ruined, and they'll be morphed eventually. I can't bear those grabby fins. My Maraquan Lupe is also ruined - looks like a thalidomide baby, ugh - and my Skeith has gone from "lazy and indulgent dragon-thing" to "Hiya kids, let's learn the alphabet!" DO NOT WANT. My mutant Scorchio, fortunately, is old-style and staying that way. Poogles came out all right, and I think the Lupes benefited from this redraw.

I'm going to need a huge pile of morphing potions.

What's this secret about getting the Tammy Faye eyelashes off the girl pets? Inquiring minds are desperate to know.
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Post by Rainbow Daydreamer »

Genderswitch, customise, revert, genderswitch. I think.
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Post by Officer 1BDI »

Further proof that they're actually working on the pound:

I looked up the Island Cybunny I pounded when this whole mess started, and I noticed that he was missing all of his clothes. I thought that was strange, and felt kind of guilty about passing on a clothesless, highly coveted pet, but something felt off.

So, I looked up another pet I had pounded: a Desert Kyrii. I know I fully clothed her before I pounded her. And yet, she's wearing nothing right now.

So, something's changed since I checked up on them last week. That's encouraging, I think.
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Post by tupajumikka »

I hope my Grey, Baby, and Darigan Kougras will keep as they were and are now. I'm never going to convert them! Too bad that Halloween one is changed and lost his evil expression.

Only good pet I found on these new ones is Mutant Kougra. I now really love it and actually made one to be my main pet. But I still scare about my Faerie Techo.. It's stupid how they messed so beautiful pet! (Like other faeries as well -Grarrl!) he look little odd between my othre pets since his image is bit smaller than others.

Thank god my Maraquan Draik is still lovable! It would have been horrible to lost him. He is my first pet and spent over 6mil for that pet (plus training).
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Post by phoebemittens »

On a new layout, postive aspect tip: user's shops are now way easier to navigate and faster-loading. Mostly because there aren't too many ghastly kludgy pre-made shop lookups with 1,000,000kb graphics and Limp Bizkit* tunes on. So that's nice!

<small>*Or "Flaccid Cookie" as I like to call them.</small>
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Post by Rainbow Daydreamer »

I just realised I do have an unconverted pet. She's one of my fosters, Skygaze12819. Thank goodness I have the option. What is the converted version supposed to be? Some kind of nut with arms?

On the plus side, I'm looking forward to seeing what the new emotion poses will be. Although some emotion pictures were very beautiful pre-2.0, I always thought Silver's sad pose looked rather silly, as if it had been sketched as an afterthought. Whatever else this is, it's a good opportunity to update the art that had been left for no good reason.

(Although I still don't know why they didn't pull an evolution on the Chias. What are Chias, anyway? Unlike most Neopets, they don't seem to parallel ANY animal evolved on Earth. They look like little bags of flour. With hair.)
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Post by sureq »

Rainbow Daydreamer wrote:(Although I still don't know why they didn't pull an evolution on the Chias. What are Chias, anyway? Unlike most Neopets, they don't seem to parallel ANY animal evolved on Earth. They look like little bags of flour. With hair.)
Chicken McNuggets.

Also, I'm not so angry anymore, and I'm actually not as anti customization as I once was. I /still/ hate my krawks, and nothing will ever change that. Their legs annoy me now, and they've lost something from their eyes. Which is why the only krawk i like now is the maraquan one, and I'm not zapping for maraquan, buying a maraquan paint brush (use it on my kau instead) and so same goes for a FFQ. I'm kicking myself over and over for not painting one tyrannian while I could.

Actually, I'm looking forward to being able to transfer my grundo over to my new main, to play with customization on their as well. And I'm actually debating whether to convert zoa or not.

I guess we'll see.
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Post by Farseek »

As you all know, I am not a fan of the whole customization thing. I self froze every account but farseek after it happened and basically gave up on Neopets.

I have been playing Neopets a bit recently because of the Altador Cup.
I still hate the way my pets look even now. My haughty hissi looks way too happy for his personality. My once lovely spotted koi now has grabby fins which I loathe. Mukkia my grey jubjub remains unaltered but I miss all the poses she used to have.

As for the site itself, I've gotten used to the new navigation but do wish TNT would make it compatible with 800 x 600. I either have to scroll sideways or endure itty bitty font.

I actually do like the new kacheeks. They are much cuter :o
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Post by Zane »

My interest in Neopets reached its lowest point quite a while ago, and then my computer broke so I couldn't get on it even if I'd wanted to. I've had a new one for a couple of days, and today is the first time I've actually visited Neo and seen the...glory that is the new layout and pets.
My mutants are *mostly* alright, though I didn't get the option to convert most of them; only my Mutant Skeith is still in the old style, and she will remain that way.
The layout...hideous. It took me a while to figure out what the hell was going on, and getting to my inventory was stupidly difficult. You fail at layouts, Neopets.
I may visit the site for dailies and the Altador Cup, but I just can't be bothered to do much else at the minute. I feel bad for those of you whose pets were ruined.

EDIT: One more gripe. I just looked at the petpages linked earlier in this thread (Jauzlin and Shieboo) and what the fuck are all these new-style pets doing with their hands like that? Giving handjobs? (The Kiko is especially bad.)

EXTRA EDIT: Apparently, I am blind (probably from looking at so much bad art.) Thank you for pointing that out to me, EofS.
Last edited by Zane on 09 Jun 2007 05:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by EofS »

Zane wrote: The layout...hideous. It took me a while to figure out what the hell was going on, and getting to my inventory was stupidly difficult. You fail at layouts, Neopets.
But it's linked from your Neopoints. Just as it was on the old layout. Or click on shops and choose it from the shops bar. Just like on the old layout. Honestly, what is so difficult about finding something which is exactly where it has always been. (Well not always I suppose - I can remember back when the only way to get there was through shops. But it's been a good few years like it is now.)
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