Wanted: T-Shirt Design

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Wanted: T-Shirt Design

Post by Madge »

Well, I figure I may as well post this here, on the off chance that someone's willing to do this :)

Firstly: Payment is a possibility, but that said, I haven't cleared a figure with the treasurer or president, so if you want a payment, let me know how much you'd like - preferably Australian dollars.

Basically, I'm vice president of the computer science students club of the university of western australia. Our current shirts have a pac man related design:
(Another picture if you want to see me with my thumb up: http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/5263/presvicekh1.jpg)

Years before that, it was a black or white shirt with a big smiley (":)") on the front with small smileys on the back and a key to various smileys on the back.

Ideas that have been thrown around:
Space Invaders (with the shield things being "C S S C")
Hello World in various human and computer languages (Concept was rejected because it was too text heavy)

Things that are required:
  • Some sort of computer related theme
  • The words "CSSC" , "Computer Science Students Club", and "UWA"/"(The) University of Western Australia"
  • Monochrome: will probably be white text on a red background
  • Nothing offensive/explicit
  • If you want to sign it, please make the signature small and unobtrusive.
Finally, break any of the above rules rather than do something outright barbarious (the only thing we can't really budge from is the monochrome as it would cost too much - faking shading with dots and stuff like that is fine)

As for file type, I have no idea - something that can be resized to be bigger or smaller is probably needed.

Also, I'm not asking for finished art; just someone willing to make something, and with a concept. (Even posting something like "you know what would be cool? Pac-man!" and us being all "Dude, that's what we ALREADY HAVE" and you being all "BOO! D:"

I could even have a crack at the space invaders idea myself. What's a good program for this sort of thing?

Finally: these shirts are very unlikely to make the club money. The current shirts cost us something like $13-$14 each to make up (I don't know exactly, this is what I was told, though), and we sell them for $15. Very, very meagre profit. We are non profit, and all our money goes to buying stuff (we need a new BBQ), and our end of semester event which basically gives students the free beer and soft drinks they so rightly deserve (?).
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