RL Achievements and ToW-split 2/16/09

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Post by roger9614462 »

Achievement: I now have my OWN computer! Yay! It's currently plugged in my parents room (because my bedroom is currently used as a storage room, for various reasons), but it's MINE!

Woe: I just started my last year school (well, high school) and it will be tough as hell. Why did I wanted to do an enriched program? :?
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Post by Charlie »

Going to Alton Towers tomorrow which is THE best theme park in the UK - very very very excited!
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Post by Alicorn »

Big Yay: Friday night I got to go to my first concert ever! Can't remember if I wrote about this a bit back or not. Anywho it was a Nickelback concert and it was so awesome! I loved every moment. I loved the opening bands (Finger Eleven and Puddle of Mudd) and of course when Nickelback was on stage. I yelled and sung loudly so much that I'm surprised I still have my voice. Also spent 100 bucks on 2 shirts (a hoodie for my fiancé and a long sleeve for myself) but it was all worth it.
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Post by FaerieInGrey »

So... I've been at college for a few days, and I succesfully mingled today! That sounds silly, but I moved in early and there was no one around, so I really had to venture out and find people... and I'm just not *that* outgoing. But today I thought I should try and I am pleased with the results :)

Small woe is the bus system. I mean, if you've ever ridden a poorly-managed bus system, you know this woe.
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Post by tallan »

Concerts are incredibly fun!

I have an achievement myself on that topic. Dream Theater is playing here at the end of the month, and, well, I love Dream Theater. Have for a long, long time. My brother's fault, really. But, anyway, I'm completely broke. Can't even afford to pay all my bills this month. So I've been whining a bit about not being able to go see them, especially this past thursday when I met up with a couple of friends, as one of them elected to tell me that they're coming to Stockholm, woo! Sigh.
About an hour later, on the subway on my way home, the other friend who was there (my closest one), text messages me with some not-so-suble questions, and ends with a "book the 28th." She bought me a ticket. Just one, for me, since she has to work that night.
I have the best friends ever.
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Post by Cranberry »

Woe (it's long, I'm sorry): My 10-year-old, 110-lb malamute/collie tolerates my brother's five-month-old pit bull unless the pup gets near his food, in which case he snaps at her (he's never actually bitten her or any other dog). So what did my brother do but bring Scout into the kitchen today and feed both him and the pup treats at the same time (I was asleep in my room or would have stopped this). The pup got too close to Scout's food, and Scout snapped at her -- my brother jumped between them and Scout hit his tooth on my brother's thumbnail, making it bleed.

My brother dragged Scout to the porch (Scout did not fight or growl), locked him in and proceeded to scream at me for ten minutes about how I'm a horrible owner and my dog should be thrown from a bridge, run over by a car, shot in the head, etc. I have done a lot of reading on dog training and tried to explain some concepts to him, including the idea that our dogs need to spend more time together (AWAY FROM FOOD) so the pup can learn how to act around an older, more dominant dog. Even though they live in the same house, the dogs rarely see each other and the pup has not learned how to relate to Scout yet. My brother refuses to listen to any "animal behavior bullshit." I just... I hate him so much sometimes. This is just one more thing in a long list of nasty things he's said and done.
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Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Argh, I hate when people are willfully ignorant about animals. Dogs generally sort things out by themselves, usually without any kind of injuries but rather a bit of bark-snapping, pinning-down, and maybe some subsequent whining if body language doesn't get the point across. In this case, I agree with you. These two need more time together, supervised and without anything to "fight" over (like food). My sister and parents (especially Dad) are pretty bad about animal etiquette and safety. Dad caves in to EVERY whim of the critters (even dangerously unhealthy ones), and my sister has some rather counterintuitive ideas (like adopting a ground squirrel and wanting to breed her because veterinarians don't know enough yet about spaying them since people don't generally keep them as pets).

Achievement: After many years and not wanting to buy online, I finally got a copy of the old classic Sega Genesis game "Master of Monsters." My husband (back then new boyfriend) and some of our friends used to play it a lot. So ever since then I'd been trying to find one, and now I have it! Now I have ANOTHER game to figure out how to play, as I've long since forgotten how this one works. But YAY! I almost cried over the awful music from sheer nostalgia. "Eenie, meenie, miney, DEMON!"
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Post by Monkeyguy »

Woe: Kyle XY is over until 2008.
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Post by gomababe »

Achievement: I've gto two chats this week with different voluntary agencies about doing work for them ^_^. This makes me very, very happy as they're both opportunities to do work with children {one is one-on-one reading tuition}, something I want to get into since I want to become a teacher. I'll let you all know how these both go.

Woe: My cousins' grandad died last night. We're a very close family and even though my aunt divorced from his son many years ago they all kept in touch. Needless to say my cousins are devastated as is my aunt. My gran doesn't know yet, but hopefully we can all get through this like we always do. Unforuntately I'm getting to the point in my life where it's expeected that elderly relatives are going to start dieing. Not something I like to contemplate but, life is life I suppose {I'm not being disrespectful, in case anyone thinks that way, but I do recognise that death comes along with life and is pretty much unavoidable for everyone. Besides who wants to live forever?}
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Post by anzuronamin »

Good: I have friends in my classes (school started today for me), and got the English and World History teachers I wanted.

Bad: My math teacher (my worst subject) sucks and speaks too softly, and I was assigned in the back corner .___________.
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Post by adi_gallia »

Oh yeah, school.

My school started today, my final year. My best friend didn't get the grades to join year 13, it's gonna be a lonely year. *loner*

Also I have no decent free periods, they're all basically at random times, or in the morning. I liked last year where I could go home for the afternoon, this year. Oh well, a free is a free I suppose, I will probably do more studying in them this year because of this schedule.
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Post by Ellie »

Yay?: I start high school tomorrow ^^
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Post by roger9614462 »

adi_gallia wrote:Also I have no decent free periods, they're all basically at random times, or in the morning. I liked last year where I could go home for the afternoon, this year. Oh well, a free is a free I suppose, I will probably do more studying in them this year because of this schedule.
What? Free periods...? Those things exists...? That's unfair, we don't have any free periods at my school. D:
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Post by Kari »

Good thing: My school schedule this month has me in class from 1:15 PM to 9:00 PM. Yay sleeping in.

Bad thing: I'll get a new schedule with new classes next month and I might end up with a 5:00 AM lab or something.
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Post by nanabobo567 »

Meh. School, easy. Band. Most nights lets out after nine pm. Bleh. Rep the set, rep the set, rep the set...
Seerow wrote:Aww Nana, I didn't think you meant you were literally dead last night :(

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