Be Happy!

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Post by oogabooga »

Hiking. The exercise doesn't actually do that much for me, but I love the views I get and the unexpected meadows full of wildflowers, and walking through pine forests that muffle your footsteps, and coming out onto deserty hillsides where you can see the whole valley.
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Post by EofS »

Happiness is that feeling right before you go on stage, when it doesn't matter how little sleep you got the night before or how torturous the rehearsal period has been because right then, right at that time, you are there and you are ready to go and there is nowhere in the world you would rather be. It's the most wonderful exhilaration and it drives you through your performance.

It's also the feeling after your last exit when you know you've nailed it. And if it's not a run of performances, but just a one off, then the entire day is filled with that feeling of "I have thrown my life and soul into this thing for weeks and months and damnit, I'm proud of this piece" and that knowledge that you've got one shot to get it right and one shot only.

I do find the thrill not unlike the one I used to get at the end of a race (I ran cross-country as a kid) so I can understand the exercise thing.

More in the near and now on the simple pleasure front, something which makes me really happy is cooking or baking for my friends and having them really appreciate it. There's no substitute for somebody getting excited at the prospect of getting to eat Emma food.

In the more undefinable sense, akin to the relationship many of you have with books and music, there's that fluttery little sensation in your heart and the feeling that someone has squeezed all your insides and you can't breathe properly. Except that for me the cause of this is editing and cinematography and imagery and mise-en-scène. The yearning to reach out and touch it, to somehow encapsulate and own the way somebody has crafted the piece together... It comes ordinarily from adverts for me, or films, but sometimes television and the best of music videos. Music is often a large part of it too, that perfect combination of audio and video. As a consequence the music which means most to me is the music which conjures images in my head, the music which calls to me and asks to have a music video made, or to be used over a montage or just to spin and twirl amongst the pretty pictures.
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Post by Kantark »

I haven't found one activity which is guaranteed to make me feel happy - sometimes things gel and sometimes they don't. The weather helps a lot.

Things that normally work:

* Going on a bike ride around the town on a warm summer's evening, some chilled-out tracks on the iPod, with the smell of freshly-cut grass and creosote.

* Hearing a long-forgotten favourite song being played on the radio. As I'm writing this 'Have I Told You Lately...' by Van Morrison has just come on the radio and it's wonderfully relaxing.

* Working into the night with a good team of people to get an interesting project done - or finishing a de-rig at 5am when the sun is coming up.
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Post by Illuen »

There is nothing greater in the world than writing something, be it poetry, a dramatic scene, a rant, whatever it is you write, and then preforming it for others. The feeling of total dread you have for hours previous to preforming is strangly addicting, and as soon as you get up on stage and say your first line, or read your first stanza, you're in heaven. By the time you're done, it is as if the audience is gone; you don't care whether they love it or hate it, but now they know it, and part of yourself is forever embedded into them, even if they don't know it.

I also love film and television for numerous reasons, as others have said much better than myself. I think, though, the best feeling you can get (and I think this is a sign of great cinema as well) is when you've seen a movie or television show numerous times, and you know all the lines, all the motions, and yet still, that one eye flick or throwaway line has the power to make you die laughing, or to tear up, even when you know it is coming, you've been affected this way tons of times, and it still feels fresh and new.

One last thing, the happiest feeling in the world for me is that of being held by someone who I love and I care about, and that feeling that the world is safe and nice and all of the bad in it can't touch me because I have someone who loves me, and who can hold me and protect me and stay happy with me.
No spoony bard could spin a sweeter tale.
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Post by Spivsy »

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Post by nanabobo567 »

There are a good many things that make me happy. My youngest cat just jumped up and nestled down on my neck. The pain of his claws stings, then he lays down and feels so nice...
When our band won the Pa Championships... Oh, what joy!
Spivsy's post is, as ever, short, blunt, and truthful.
Beautiful music that makes me cry gives my a joyful feeling. The best video game composition of all time: The ending to Milky Way Wishes on Kirby Superstar.
Finally, thinking about Team Rocket. Yeah, seems kind of dorky, but they have the best idea ever. Whenever I feel down and defeated, I just think of them. Jessie, James, and Meowth don't continually try to capture Pikachu because it's good for them, they do it just because. They know the good will come someday, and even if it doesn't, they still have one another. Two of my favorite episodes of Pokémon were earlier ones: "Meowth Rules" and "Go West, Young Meowth". Yeah. Great. If you don't have any understanding of Japanese or can't understand Meowth's accent, look up the lyrics to Maemuki Rocketto-Dan. Makes you feel good inside.
Seerow wrote:Aww Nana, I didn't think you meant you were literally dead last night :(
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Post by Fjorab_Teke »

I like shiny things in general. Silver with cubic zirconia is good enough for me! But one nice white gold and diamond wedding band is absulutely superb. :-)

My favorite colors and holograhpic stuff...oh yes.

Basketball (to watch or play), laser tag, miniature golf, and ultimate frisbee are favorites of mine. I also like biking and hiking when I can find the place and chance.

If it's not obvious, HORSES...I love riding (especially the saner bolder ones), and I love just looking at them. I have a particular fondness for Norwegian Fjords and metallic gold buckskin Akhal-Tekés. I also like the plastic ones - be they lovely authentic models or colorful girly MLPs, etc.

I'm VERY visually obsessive, so pretty things and attractive people in general will get an appreciative gawk. Sometimes it's hard not to buy something that's pretty but essentially useless.

I love music. Every so rarely, I'll find one that has lyrics that mean something special to me, but usually it's just the sound. I LOVE instrumental pieces with distinctive sounds and rhythms and subtle bits...ranging from the hardest electronic rave to the easiest new age, rooted actually in instrumental progressive/classic rock and instrumental new wave...including a few TV and game theme tunes. Ear candy, essentially. :)

I like to do artwork when the inspiration hits.

I love games, especially card games and a few console games. I love obscure old-school stuff like Magnavox Odyssey and CD-i as well as Intellivision. This weekend I may even FINALLY pick up a Sega Genesis game called Master of Monsters.

Although it's not the most environmentally-friendly thing ever, I love going backroad driving (and driving in general aside form dealing with other drivers). I think part of it is driving Toyota Supras, so I'm totally spoiled on those. I LOVE pretty scenery as well as maps and mazes, and sometimes I'll purposely get myself "lost" if I have the time to fritter away. When at home, I can waste hours "wandering around the world" on Google Earth.

And I love my husband *yeah yeah bring out my sappy side*. I love when he calls me and sends me mail, since I can't be with him.

Haha, nice topic. This made me end up giving MYSELF "Warm Fuzzies." :-D
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Post by Fury »

If I may be extremely soppy and pathetic for a moment [scroll on past if you don't want to hear about some crazy tart's relationship] I'm going to say 'being with my boyfriend'.

I've had a really tough time in my life up until now and so many things have gone wrong which have left me feeling completely broken and hopeless; recently though, because I have found someone who I can share all of my interests with, be relaxed with, have fun with, talk to, listen to - a lot of the problems I had before have gone away. Michael means the world to me and I feel so incredibly lucky to have found someone I feel so strongly about.

*throws up*

Other things include art, music, learning, chocolate and good food. 8)
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Post by KauKrazy »

Pilates classes.
Being able to help someone who's had it much worse than you in life.
Doing my decos (basically handmade booklets with people from different countries each taking one page and decorating it with papers, pictures, glitter glue, confetti, ephemera, rubber stamp images, stickers, whatever you can think of).
Watching old Buffy episodes (and getting the feeling Illuen described so well).
Cross country skiing.

Ughh.. and loads more stuff but I guess you're not that interested in ALL of them.
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Post by roger9614462 »

I may be weird*, but everything makes me happy. Everything I do, everyone I see, everything I say, leaves me a happy feelings.

*Okay, maybe it's not that weird, but many people thing's it's not normal to be always happy like I am. xD
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Post by Aaron »

ee havent posted for ages *hides*

I'm usually happiest around my friends - even if we're just chilling watching TV or something, as I would be at home, its so much better around my mates :D this summer has basically involved me drifting between the various free houses and moving in for the week, its been great fun..

Oh and singing! I cant sing to save my life, but I love it when you can just blast some music and sing as loud as you can

also, only because this is fresh on my mind, Reading Festival is just plain awesome (this is not reading as in books btw :P pronounced redding, its a town..) I've finished recovering from being horrifically drunk in a field for 6 days, last weds to monday.. Theres music and stuff around if thats what takes your fancy, but the nights are the best bit, so that was fun.. we had a good 30ish people in our camp in a big circle, cant wait for next year :D

Things involving alcohol are usually good


oh and this WILL make me happy in 3 weeks.. MY BIRTHDAY! 18th.. so looking forward to it :D

and if anyone sees this, I apologise for not doing warm fuzzies, I have been so busy just recently, havent had the time to sit here typing them all out, sorry :/
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Post by gomababe »

Oh another thing that makes me happy these days is 85% chocolate ^_^, gotta love those endorphins. It does get bit addicting though, so I have to watch how much I'm eating {whichever chef said really good and very high percentage chocolate is as addicting as severall illegal as well as legal substances was right :P. Not that I'd know... >_>}
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Post by ladynight6 »

Writing. When I get an inspiration for a story it really makes me happy. Just sitting down and writing my story and seeing it finished: whoa a bit of a rush.

Stargate Atlantis. Watching those people just makes me smile, especially when Ronon wears shirts that show off the muscles...mmmm YUM!

Yoga, wheee it's so relaxing! And then I sleep really well so I'm happy. :)
Anna the Red
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Post by Anna the Red »

This is a nice topic! I like the cut of its jib!

Well, I've recently gotten into running which isn't quite so much fine while you're doing it, but when you finish it's all "Yeah. Running is pretty swell."

I try to find happiness in anything I do, which can be hard when something is a realm of not-fun.

Most of all, I think improvement is what makes me happiest. Like getting a block down-pat in martial arts, or noticing improved muscle mass, or managing to type with correct grammar (Which has been steadily improving since I got back from Iceland.)

All in all - I don't think my comment made much sense.
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Post by Rainbow Daydreamer »

*is way late at posting to this*

Doing random things to make other people happy, whether on Neopets (which is all I seem to do at the moment, but it's better than nothing) or in the Realworld (lollipops in bicycle baskets!)

Singing beautiful music in the college choir. I may not be strictly Christian, but those guys have some fabulous music, and singing some of it just gives me happy little shivers of beauty all over my body.

Cooking. I've just discovered it this last year, and I can't believe it took me so long. Making cakes is what I'm best at so far, but I'm learning to cook meals for myself and other people too. It gives me a real sense of achievement when someone else can enjoy something I've made.

Listening to music. My life just doesn't feel complete without it. And Pandora = love.

Talking to my boyfriend (most people here know him as V) on the 'phone, and talking to my online friends. I'm not really a social person, but I've come to really trust and enjoy the company of the people I've met online.

Watching anime with V.

Taking a walk through a place I love, not going anywhere, almost trying to get myself lost, just for the fun of it.

Playing Werewolf! Seriously, I know it's counter-intuitive for a bad liar who loves everyone to enjoy a game of treachery and killing, but I actually find it rather much of a thrill. I love complicated dramatic nightscenes, with near-misses and sudden shocks and people protecting others at their own risk.

Singing along to the radio. I harmonise when nobody else is home.

Going to the gym. It wasn't meant to be fun, but I'm coming to love it, especially when there's something on the TV screens with enough bounce to rub off on me (I'm ashamed to admit how attached I am to one particular kids' TV programme...)

Although my diet sucks at times, I can honestly say that losing weight is making me feel fantastic. I didn't really believe I ever could, but what do you know?

Neopets, of course.

Playing my Pokémon games. And kudos to the person who mentioned Team Rocket. They are brilliant, aren't they? And Maemuki Roketto Dan is hilarious. I've known about it for ages.
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