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Post by Kamil »

Umm, did y'all see this part of that nifty little document:


The first time we offended a newbie and s/he ran screaming to Neopets over it, we'd be so screwed.

Oh, before I forget though, ads won't ever be a problem - Robin and Bonnie would TOS me themselves if I ever put ads on one of their servers. =D
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Post by Trick »

Just my two cents but I opted out of the fansite agreement for PPC (it's up to the site owner to sign up to it), well not so much opted out as never signed up to it. I have banners that use neopets images, and for that matter a lot of the buttons that link to other sites on the front page use modified neopets images. Also is signed up to it and as such is not allowed to use any old neopets images, like old pet poses and petpets.

That was the main reason I didn't sign up, half the point of my site is to have the old petpets up there for everyone to see and use. Also if you sign up to the agreement you are not allowed to link to any other sites that break the terms of the agreement which would have meant I'd be left linking to... maybe just two sites I think if I remember right.

Either way I don't think it's really necessary, it isn't like not being signed up to it prevents you from doing anything but signing up to it can be quite a restriction and not many fansites as a result are actually signed up to it. Just my two cents though!

As for I kinda like it, I'll hold out to see where .net comes into it but it's pretty unique without looking unprofessional. And it isn't that big a change from =)
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Post by Wingsrising »

Kamil wrote: The first time we offended a newbie and s/he ran screaming to Neopets over it, we'd be so screwed.

Oh, before I forget though, ads won't ever be a problem - Robin and Bonnie would TOS me themselves if I ever put ads on one of their servers. =D
Wasn't that why Sam got the purple sanserif threat email, courtesy of Soupfaerie?

I don't recall anything ever coming of it, though.

Unless someone comes to break our kneecaps I don't see any reason to sign anything.
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Post by Joeno »

If I remember correctly, not signing it would at the same time give Neopets the possibility to come in at any time and basically say "You're using our copyrighted material, stop now." and pull the site down. Although it's not very likely, it's worth keeping this in mind.
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Post by Trick »

Not at all, as long as you abide by all the rules here: ... r=graphics you can use any neopets material without worry though obviously they can request a site to be pulled at anytime though that isn't very likely. Again that prohibits the use of modified graphics but a glance around any of the big or small fansites shows that that doesn't really seem to concern them. In fact given that many of the fansites are plastered in adverts and contests while some contain spyware it doesn't seem that they concern themselves that much over fansites at all - free advertising for them and all I suppose.

But really given that practically none of the major fan sites and most of the smaller ones aren't signed up to it I really don't think it is cause for concern. Better to not sign and see if anyone complains than the other way around I think ^^;

Also, a little unrelated but who will ultimately be responsible for NC now that Sam is out of the picture? It would be nice if more than one person had access to the code and dbs as well as being responsible for decisions and responsibilities so that we don't end up in the same situation again :)
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Post by Joeno »

Yeah, it's pretty unlikely. But the possibility is worth keeping in mind, and as I said, it can always be discussed further if the legal department would ever contact us about it.

As for a central responsibility... I've currently got (theoretical) access to everything, as do Jazzy and Kamil. We may want to discuss this in a separate thread, but I personally think a triumvirate of Jazzy (forum admin), me (site maintainer) and a third person (possibly Kamil) would probably cover all bases. I am personally hoping that any (major) decisions will be discussed here anyway, but for stuff that requires a quick decision, I'd personally recommend something like that.
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Post by Silverevilchao »

The thing is about the modified graphics rule is that TNT, for some reason, has not been enforcing it. Jellyneo, Neodragonriders, and a few other Neopets Fansites had banners with the pets or Neopets images on them.

I think it could be safe to say that we don't really have to worry about it, as long as we are not putting up Ixi pr0n or something. *cough*
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Post by oogabooga »

Wingsrising wrote:Wasn't that why Sam got the purple sanserif threat email, courtesy of Soupfaerie?

I don't recall anything ever coming of it, though.

Unless someone comes to break our kneecaps I don't see any reason to sign anything.
The thing to remember about that was that his rant appeared on the front page of the site, easily accessible to any visitor. Things we do on the forums are a lot less noticeable. Anyway, as you said, nothing ever came of it (except that Sam changed the wording of that particular post).
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Post by KasiTL »

AngharadTy wrote:I still like it. It makes me think of Homer: "Beer me, Marge!" And anything that makes me think of Homer is good.
"Neocolour me, United Kingdom!" :lol:

As long as the site itself is fairly clean in the language department (but remember, Sam would swear fairly casually on a regular basis on the main page, it was just the one rant they complained about), I don't think they'll get onto our case about the forums. We've had at least four staff members in the forums in the past, but they never complained about the mature and the adult discussions in Chit Chat or Mscl.
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Post by sterlinglyons »

It works for me. I like .net better, but I also like the idea of taking it and moving forward with things. The .me part is rather welcoming and personal.
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Post by Jazzy »

If I remember correctly, not signing it would at the same time give Neopets the possibility to come in at any time and basically say "You're using our copyrighted material, stop now." and pull the site down.
Copyright notices should avoid that (I'm pretty sure I could add a copyright disclaimer to the forums- and we really ought to have one). I doubt they'd be stupid enough to use any non-legal methods to pull the site down (ddos attacks or what have you), so they would have to do it through either the hosting company (how likely are they to blindly cooperate, kamil?), through you (Dutch, impossible to bring to court) or me (English and a minor, impossible to bring to court).

I like the URL, anyway.
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Post by Kamil »

Jazzy wrote: (how likely are they to blindly cooperate, kamil?)
Not.At.All. =D

As well, they're used to having screaming fen writing them, demanding that this person or that thread (they own JournalFen, which was created, in part, so fandom_wank would have a place to live where they never had to worry about being TOS'd again)(they're HUGE proponents of free speech - which would only come into play re the forums, but they'd never agree to letting these come down for any reason short of the US Supreme Court demanding it)be yanked AT ONCE. And they ignore them and possibly laugh, depending on how it's approached. So hyperactive fans somehow digging them out of the woodwork and harassing them would be for naught.

So far as TNT's legal department goes -- they've left us alone up until now, right? Is there any reason to expect they'll not continue to do so, so long as we continue along as before?
Also, a little unrelated but who will ultimately be responsible for NC now that Sam is out of the picture? It would be nice if more than one person had access to the code and dbs as well as being responsible for decisions and responsibilities so that we don't end up in the same situation again
I've been meaning to write Robin and tell her that if I fall off of a bridge and am never heard from again to please allow Jazzy and Joeno to carry on as before. I need to give you guys her contact info too.

So, I think I'll go do that now. =D
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Post by Kantark »

I've read that fan site agreement that was linked before, and I would be strongly against us signing one ourselves. It looks like any minor transgression of their rather odd rules and we would be given no choice but to shut down. Also, as Trick says, it would mean we couldn't use the old pet images and various things like that. I agree with Kamil - if we keep ourselves off TNT's legal radar and out of trouble we'll be okay :)
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Post by Kelly »

Wingsrising wrote:
Kamil wrote: The first time we offended a newbie and s/he ran screaming to Neopets over it, we'd be so screwed.

Oh, before I forget though, ads won't ever be a problem - Robin and Bonnie would TOS me themselves if I ever put ads on one of their servers. =D
Wasn't that why Sam got the purple sanserif threat email, courtesy of Soupfaerie?

I don't recall anything ever coming of it, though.

Unless someone comes to break our kneecaps I don't see any reason to sign anything.
IIRC, that was becasuse somebody tried to download the entire site (every image, every forum post, etc) to their computer, to be viewable offline or something along those lines. Sam found out, posted an angry rant calling him a "mother felcher" and then got purple comic sans-ed.
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Post by Wingsrising »

Kelly wrote:
Wingsrising wrote:
Kamil wrote: The first time we offended a newbie and s/he ran screaming to Neopets over it, we'd be so screwed.

Oh, before I forget though, ads won't ever be a problem - Robin and Bonnie would TOS me themselves if I ever put ads on one of their servers. =D
Wasn't that why Sam got the purple sanserif threat email, courtesy of Soupfaerie?

I don't recall anything ever coming of it, though.

Unless someone comes to break our kneecaps I don't see any reason to sign anything.
IIRC, that was becasuse somebody tried to download the entire site (every image, every forum post, etc) to their computer, to be viewable offline or something along those lines. Sam found out, posted an angry rant calling him a "mother felcher" and then got purple comic sans-ed.
Yes, I remember. :-)

What I meant is that someone reported him for using fowl language (IIRC at the time we suspected the lovely folks at soupfaerie) and the lawyerbots were (momentarily) unleashed.

Amusingly, I think a significant percentage of members didn't realize what "felch" meant until after the arrival of the purple sanserif.
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