Customization Sticky?

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Do you think this would be a good sticky?

Yes, lets put it in Aesthetics!
Yes, lets put it in New Features!
Yes, but I don't care where it goes.
I don't think we should have the sticky.
I do not really care one way or the other.
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Customization Sticky?

Post by Illuen »

I've heard a couple of people mention this, but do you think it is time for a sticky of some kind RE: Customization? Somewhere that new clothes could be posted/discussed, opinions on what clothing to choose for a pet, discussion on trends, that sort of thing? I know it was proposed and shot down when the revamp first came out, but we now have enough choices in clothing where I see it as a valid sticky, and since it was shot many people (myself included) have found they enjoy Customization a great deal. Also, we really don't have a place to mention clothing, which in some cases can be like a whole new paint brush for a pet. So I was thinking a sticky in somewhere like New Features or Aesthetics.

So yeah?

Also, slightly off topic, but the Journey to The Lost Isle sticky has not been replied in since July (we kept it up because we thought TNT might bring back the plot). Perhaps we could unsticky it until TNT decides to come back to the plot, if they do? I know its not urgent, but every time I see it, it tings my neat freak muscle.
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Re: Customization Sticky?

Post by adi_gallia »

I don't think a sticky is necessary. We've had topics to discuss new clothing, but they generally end up dying after a few posts. We also had a show off your pets topic that got locked for some reason, I wouldn't mind seeing a new one made though.

As for asking opinions on what to wear, I suppose the topics could be just like the threads where people ask what colour matches their pets personality, but instead you could ask what clothes/colour would fit the pet? I'm not sure how often we would ask for these opinions, or someone would have asked by now surely, but I'd say it might be fairly rare, so I think they'd deserve their own topics, rather than putting them all together.

I voted the "I don't think we should" option, but I suppose I don't mind actually, if enough people want the sticky I'm not going to make a banner in protest.
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Re: Customization Sticky?

Post by Jessi »

I think it'd be a nice idea, and I think the sticky belongs in Aesthetics, which i can't spell. I know the clothing will be new, but obviously wearing them is not by this point, so it seems silly to clog up new features with it - especially when Aesthetics isn't used much anymore, so this'll give us something to do with it :3
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Re: Customization Sticky?

Post by Wingsrising »

Hmm, how many people here do a lot of customization on their pet, though? I'm not sure. It might work out like it did when I tried to start a Neohome thread: turns out there are only about 2 people on this forum who are into Neohoming so it died quickly and I eventually decided I'd just make a new thread when I wanted to post my latest creations.

Maybe another approach is to start a thread that's NOT stickied and see if it's posted to enough to stay near the top of board anyway. If not, then we probably didn't need a sticky for it in the first place. :-)

I agree it should go in Asthetics.
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Re: Customization Sticky?

Post by daisybell »

I'd like a wearables sticky, so that we don't have to have a new topic each time to talk about new clothing items- and often I want to mention something but it seems too trivial to merit a whole topic to itself. Partly for this reason I'd put it in new features, because it's usually new wearable items I want to talk about, but aesthetics would do too. If it doesn't get used, we can always unsticky it? I'd like to try it, anyway.
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Re: Customization Sticky?

Post by oogabooga »

If we put it in New Features, it could be like the editorial thread, which seems to be relatively successful without even being a sticky. I'd prefer Wingsrising's idea, trying it as a nonstickied thread first, but I don't mind a sticky either. It seems like a useful thread to have, at least.
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Re: Customization Sticky?

Post by Aaron »

If we put it in New Features, it could be like the editorial thread..
..but wasnt there already an attempt at that..? a little while back, which seems to have sunk down somewhat..

Personally I'd prefer it in Aesthetics as surely not all the discussion will be about NEW clothes, and.. aesthetics is for pet's appearance and whatever..

Just my two cents :P
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Re: Customization Sticky?

Post by Cranberry »

I voted for the thread, although I find the idea of voting for any thread kind of silly... I'm more of a "just create it, and if it needs moved it'll be moved, and if it merits sticking it'll be stickied, and if it sucks it'll be closed" type of girl. ;)
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