R.I.P my beloved hdd

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R.I.P my beloved hdd

Post by MileenaHuggles »

My computer is dead. It may technically be just the power supply, but I won't know for sure for a while. I'm hoping that's all it is, but either way I was not expecting to have to buy anything more until I could afford a brand new pc. I'm using my mother's at the moment, but I don't have access to my account here or at Subeta or anywhere really since I changed all my passwords to ungodly random strings of numbers and letters. I did have the forsight to write them down, but underestimated my forgetfulness and have no idea where I put that piece of paper. As such, I'm not sure when or how much I'll be around as I detest using this pos machine and having someone constantly looking over my shoulder.
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Re: R.I.P my beloved hdd

Post by AngharadTy »

Catch me (or Jazzy) on MSN and we can fix your password. I think there's an email system for forgotten passwords, isn't there? I don't know--I write mine down in safe places!


*runs back* I am very sorry about your computer. I know intimately how much that sucks. And I oh god you have an axe! *runs again*
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Re: R.I.P my beloved hdd

Post by MileenaHuggles »

I believe there is, but then I would have to have the password to the email account attached to my account here. Alas. I may even have my password list stored on a disk, but I don't know where that would be either. I suppose I should have backed up my hdd and all that jazz, but the interweb is all I really use my computer for and nothing exists on it save some pictures, settings, and Bleach and Naruto.

On the brighter side of things, I did finally finish Metroid Zero Mission in 9 hours with 69% completion on my ds. It only took about two years on and off, and it's the first game I have ever actually completed in my life, save Um Jammer Lammy. Lammy doesn't count because it's insanely fun, but also so seemingly random at times that being good depends on whether it desires to recognize your input—like playing DDR on a crappy dance pad.

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Re: R.I.P my beloved hdd

Post by Catwhispers »

Eep. So sorry about your computer. Here's hoping you can find the source of the problem very soon and get it fixed. I don't know what I'd do without one. My whole life would literally fall apart, I think. Well, perhaps not. Would be hard to cope though since I take it too much for granted.
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Re: R.I.P my beloved hdd

Post by Huggles »

Don't call it a comeback.

Howdy. So as mysteriously as it shut down and wouldn't come on, it's back again. Joy. I still suspect my power supply is having problems, so if I drop off the radar for a while, you'll know why. Now comes the fun part of trying to figure out just what exactly is wrong. Huzzah.
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Re: R.I.P my beloved hdd

Post by AngharadTy »

You should also work on figuring out your passwords. *hides*
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Re: R.I.P my beloved hdd

Post by Jazzy »

Sounds like my hard drive - back yours up now if you've anything at all that needs saving, because mine appeared to stage a full recovery, then died again pretty much for good.
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Re: R.I.P my beloved hdd

Post by Huggles »

And it's died again. I did remember to save my password list onto a nice shiny purple disk though, Ty. I didn't get to finish a backup, but like I said there's not much there anyway and hardly anything I could use on this pc. Add in a bathroom ceiling that needed to be replaced with a few other things and it may be a while before I get another. Poo. Nothing will appear different on your end however. Lucky you!
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Re: R.I.P my beloved hdd

Post by Huggles »

Let the rejoicing began, for I have returned! So yes, it was my power supply. The ball bearings are what were making this hideously high pitched noise. Since it was no longer under warranty, I just went ahead and bought a new one. I bought a cheap one that arrived about a week ago, and then realized I bought the wrong one after I tried plugging in all my crap. So, I had to wait for my current one to arrive. It's nice and shiny and makes the entire inside of my case glow blue.

But, now I'm poor. I see the donations will last till May, so I'll certainly have mas dinero by then. I love you all and missed you terribly. I browsed a bit on my phone, but I forgot my password to my ds browser and couldn't use its better browser. Yay forgetfulness!
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