Nightmare Pets!!!

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.
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Re: Nightmare Pets!!!

Post by Akjara »

*giggle* I win! :twisted:

I think these are quite a bit lighter than the first batch, especially the Torrent. And the Endeavor is really made of win. Perhaps... but I also like my Darkmatter endeavor. Desicions desicions. *sigh*
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Re: Nightmare Pets!!!

Post by adi_gallia »

I just added these to be rated if anyone still rates pets.

I think the Warador looks quite small, but not bad if that's what you like.

I think the Endeavor looks awesome, but perhaps too skinny looking? I'm not saying it's by any means bad though, I may get one of these.

The Torrent is good as well but these were quite dark before, which was good. This is quite light for a Nightmare pet to me. I can understand why Arbor might have used lighter shades as people were saying the Legeica was too dark. It's quite creepy in a good way. Fish with teeth just creep me out. o.o
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Re: Nightmare Pets!!!

Post by Jessi »

Hm. The torrent is pretty awesome, as far as torrents go. I think the warador just doesn't take up enough of the space - there's way too much empty white in the background, which distracts from the pet.

The Endeavor is nice, but it doesn't really seem to match the rest of the nightmare pets. It just... looks like a dark-colored endeavor. Oh well.
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Re: Nightmare Pets!!!

Post by Seerow »

The Endeavor and Warador don't impress me much, though they are good for the species. Unlike 99% of the Subeta population, I really dislike Endeavors, but I wouldn't cringe if I saw this one. The melting-ish wings and spiked tail is nifty :D

The Torrent however is amazing. Its so eerily creepy and evil looking. I love the teeth and the pose. I may have to consider this as being the Nightmare pet I end up getting, but I think I'm going to wait a bit longer and see what else they come out with.
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Re: Nightmare Pets!!!

Post by hebdenhippy »

I usually hate Endeavors, but I really like this one, I like that it's thinner, and i love how its wings are like melting away, it looks awesome. The Warador looks, small, I'm no fan of Waradors but it's not bad. The Torrent is very nice, I like it's wispy fins, but the front fins look weird to me, but the teeth are cool
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Re: Nightmare Pets!!!

Post by Twofold Black »

Aqua and Arbor, please to be bearing my childrens. I feel weird not really having any natively aquatic pets in the Swallowed City (the closest I get is two hydrus pets, and the Keeto doesn't look all that aquatic); this Torrent may be the first truly aquatic Subetan pet I get. Sometime far in the future when I have many mystical plushies. I love its expression of sinister glee. The jaw seems undershot, but that's not inappropriate. The Endeavor just rules, and while quite dark is one of the easiest Nightmare pets to make out because it's shiny. I love the jagged mouthparts and the melty wings.

Warador's not doing much for me, but Waradors never do.
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Re: Nightmare Pets!!!

Post by Alicorn »

Oh yay, another batch of nightmares!

I'm don't like waradors but I do like the nightmare one. The staff is so cool and I love the skull on it's hat.
The torrent is freaking awesome! The pose it's in, the eyes and teeth are just so great. I love the teeth the best, it looks ready to bite your arm off. I also love the look of the fins.
The endeavor is my favorite. It is just so wicked looking. I love how the claws look and how Aqua did the face. Oh how I would love to have one but I don't have the room. **whines** I might repaint Sunova into this but I love the bloodred endeavor so. Maybe later I might change her...maybe.
Great job to the artist!
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Re: Nightmare Pets!!!

Post by Aqua »

*was a bit afraid of what the opinion of her endeavor would be* Nightmare/really evil things aren't my forte as much as I'd like them to be. I'm glad most of you like it so far though. :p
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Re: Nightmare Pets!!!

Post by Huggles »

Even nightmare can only do so much to make the warador tolerable. I must say that the skull on its hat is lovely. It almost looks tentacled. I love the endeavor, of course, but the torrent is wicked. The eyes don't look like they're covered in runny mascara so much as they look like they're melting or suffering from Maya's power in heroes. It's also very swishy.

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Re: Nightmare Pets!!!

Post by Sarivonne »

I'm sad that I've really yet to have been wowed by any of these :/ First batch or last. I think at this point it's just the color and not the art itself, because I loved most of the glaciers but not really any of these. And don't get me wrong, I love evil and ghoulish, but these don't really make me run to turn a pet into Nightmare. I'm more fond of Blood red. But to each his own. From this batch my fav would be the Endeavor, and from the last is the legeica. I will await the next batch and hope more Glacier colors come soon.

I am happy to see more pet art and less 'OMG IS IT WEARABLE' because Pet art > Wearables in my eyes.
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Re: Nightmare Pets!!!

Post by Alecko »

I like the Warador's pose and expression. It just looks delighted to be dancing insanely. The lines on the staff also makes it look slightly contorted which is an interesting effect.

The Endeaver is pretty. :P Only thing I'm not too keen on is the arms- first thing that came to mind after I saw it was tree branches. Something about them bugs me, but the rest of the pet is gorgeous. The wings especially, with the melting-ness and the way they're posed for some reason.

Least favourite is the Torrent. The tattered fins fit the mood but they basically dissolve into ablur of colour when I'm looking at it. That and I don't like the mouth. It's got very nice eyes, though.
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Re: Nightmare Pets!!!

Post by oh em gee »

the torrent wins, for me. i've dreamt of nightmare fish before, and well, the torrent is actually pretty near the mark to what it looked like. :x i love the eyes and the mouth full of IMMA EAT YOU teeth, and the way the fins swirl and it is just yay. the favorite by far for me on nightmare pets. this is the first ever torrent i really, really want.

the endeavor is pretty, as always... but i guess i'm a little disappointed because it doesn't seem nightmarish enough. :T i mean, not something i'd run screaming from in a nightmare, you know? :x i have to agree with jessi that it just looks like a dark endeavor. i do like how its wings seem to be dissolving, though :]

meh, warador. he kind of looks like he's going to do that javelin throw thing.... xD
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Re: Nightmare Pets!!!

Post by Arbor »

I can understand why Arbor might have used lighter shades as people were saying the Legeica was too dark.
Nope. I used the exact same base colour, and that colour on the stripes is the exact same as many other pets. The spots? Even darker than the legeica. There wasn't a colour that contrasted well with the gray.

It looks lighter than the legeica because you see more of the lighter base colour than on the legeica. Thats all. 8D

I don't have any opinions on the pets right now, I melted my brain drawing that stupid torrent. XD

Large version of the torrent, is once again, available on my DA.
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Re: Nightmare Pets!!!

Post by Mayhem »

*flails* ENDEAVOR.

Oh man. Okay, I REALLY like that. A lot. Why must everyone tease me when I already have a perfect Endeavor? Nightmare would fit Dreadwing's name TONS better, but Dreadwing is a Decepticon and therefore, Graveyard makes him look much more robotish than Nightmare does.
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Re: Nightmare Pets!!!

Post by Chandi »

Arbor, I know you don't like Torrents too much anymore, but seriously... this thing is awesome. It reminds me of a viperfish, this big, underslung jaw fish of deep sea nightmares. God knows I may just have to make one, add a light onto it, and call it so. I loves you. o.o Thank you for posting the full size version; it may warrant me stalking someone to make a look up using it.

The others are impressive, but just don't set me tingling like the Torrent does.
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