What is the largest animal you could kill whilst naked?

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Re: What is the largest animal you could kill whilst naked?

Post by Wingsrising »

In an interesting coincidence, I just read this "Ask the pilot column" a few weeks ago:

http://www.salon.com/tech/col/smith/200 ... epilot215/

It's also been in Straight Dope:

The short answer is:

1) The usual statement of the problem (that the treadmill moves at the speed the wheels are moving) is actually logically impossible. It is impossible for the treadmill to move backward as fast as the wheels are turning forward because the laws of physics dictate that however fast the treadmill is moving, the wheels will always be moving faster (at least up until everything explodes). The speed of the wheels will always be equal to the backward speed of the treadmill plus the groundspeed the airplane WOULD be moving at if there were no treadmill... it will never be equal to the backward speed of the treadmill alone no matter how fast the treadmill moves.

2) Assuming the treadmill moves forward at the ground speed of the PLANE rather than the wheels (which is possible and how Sagrei put the question), the plane will take off (again, assuming nothing explodes -- there is a maximum safe speed for airline tires). That's because a plane on the ground isn't driven by its wheels the way a car is. The plane is driven by its engines -- the wheels are free-spinning.

One physicist posted an elegant demonstration. Take a Matchbox car and tie a string to it (the airplane) and put it on a piece of paper (the treadmill). Now pull the string forward at the same rate you pull the paper back. The car will move forward as normal with the wheels spinning at twice the speed they would be spinning if they were on stationary ground. (This also demonstrates why the treadmill cannot actually go backward at the rate the wheels go forward.)

Why yes, I am easily amused. Why do you ask?
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Re: What is the largest animal you could kill whilst naked?

Post by Joey »

Actually the episode of Mythbusters with the plane and the treadmill aired here last night. And they actually put a real plane on a treadmill (being a large piece of cloth dragged along the ground by a truck), and the plane took off. Wings has all the nifty sciencey stuff as to why, but if you actually want to see it in full scale action, there you go. They also filled a car with foam for no good reason :D

As for the 5 year olds, I'd go with a good old fashioned bow and arrow. Be able to snipe them all, while I doubt they could draw the things. And if I could keep a good distance, I wouldn't have to be stabbed with arrows. I imagine I could take out a ton this way.
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Re: What is the largest animal you could kill whilst naked?

Post by Spivsy »

I think the best weapon against a swarm of 5 year olds would be farting. You fart and they're all on the floor laughing, which is when you kick them in the head.
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Re: What is the largest animal you could kill whilst naked?

Post by Twofold Black »

But if all the five-year-olds are farting too, you may pass out.
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Re: What is the largest animal you could kill whilst naked?

Post by Huggles »

Lots. With a baseball bat. I'm fairly tall with a long reach. They wouldn't be able to hit me in the head. If I could wear body armor, or just leg gaurds, I'd still be able to take out a ton by smacking them in the head. I could run faster too. For the most part it'd just be a matter of how long I could stay standing, which is pretty damn long.
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Re: What is the largest animal you could kill whilst naked?

Post by nanabobo567 »

Give me Cloud Strife's sword. I could take on some five-year old wimps. They wouldn't even be able to lift it.
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Re: What is the largest animal you could kill whilst naked?

Post by Cranberry »


Apparently I could take 18 of them before they got me. ;)
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Re: What is the largest animal you could kill whilst naked?

Post by Huggles »

That has to be one of the best online surveys ever. I could take 29. Neato.
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Re: What is the largest animal you could kill whilst naked?

Post by Jessi »

I could take 23. It probably helps that I said I wasn't morally opposed to using one of the kids as my weapons, haha.
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Re: What is the largest animal you could kill whilst naked?

Post by Joey »

16 for me, worst so far xD
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Re: What is the largest animal you could kill whilst naked?

Post by Wingsrising »

I could apparently take 20.
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Re: What is the largest animal you could kill whilst naked?

Post by Seerow »

Haha that is a great survey!
I got 19 kids.
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Re: What is the largest animal you could kill whilst naked?

Post by Iggy »

You could take on 21 five year old kids in a fight.,

more than Wings, less than Jessi.

Jessi is hardcore :)
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Re: What is the largest animal you could kill whilst naked?

Post by Arviragus »

Apparently I could take on 20 kids. I blame my short, stumpy arms.

If I'm ever faced with having to beat up that many five year olds, I call Huggles to be on my team.
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Re: What is the largest animal you could kill whilst naked?

Post by Helmcargh »

I could take 18. But I'd feel bad about it.
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