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Re: Giveaway

Post by Jessi »

I agree with you completely, Cyro. It'd be nice if they spread out the donations over a certain time frame, so you don't have to be on for exactly the first five minutes in order to get anything. I don't care if I miss a giveaway; I care when it just starts and there's already nothing interesting left because I wasn't one of the first 10 people.


Heh, in case anyone misses it:
Keith in the news wrote: Note: Giveaway is over. If you want to know why there won't be anymore (at least with rare items, legendaries, cash shop items) take a look at the complaining nature in the forums. That is unfair, and the result of that is no more giveaways.
The immature, childish part of me wants to say "Thanks for ruining it, idiots!", but the more rational part of me (and the bigger part right now) wants to smack Keith for being the childish and immature one. People whine about things being unfair. It's annoying. ...oh well. Ignore them. Things on any website are always going to be unfair for somebody, and someone is always going to complain about it. It's... not that big of a deal.
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Re: Giveaway

Post by Goldenchaos »

Note: Giveaway is over. If you want to know why there won't be anymore (at least with rare items, legendaries, cash shop items) take a look at the complaining nature in the forums. That is unfair, and the result of that is no more giveaways.
On the news. So, the many just ruined it for the few people that simply enjoy snatching pretties from the donation center.

Mostly people whining that they were asleep during the whole thing.
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Re: Giveaway

Post by AngharadTy »

I would say it's more likely that the few ruined it for the many. There were ~450 people online at the time. I haven't counted, admittedly, but I somehow doubt that over 200 people all commented, whining, in the forums.

Punishing everyone for the actions of a few is not justice. Blaming it on the few instead of taking responsibility for it yourself--someone had to turn off the donations, and it sure wasn't the users--that's just immature. What I'm saying is: blame the complainers for complaining. Don't blame them for the loss of a giveaway and every future giveaway. That's not logical, it's not righteous, it's just petty.

I commented with this in the news (which promptly filled up with nothing but "no I tottalllyy agre and I luv u still" comments. I'm grateful for the chance at free items, but I don't need to kiss ass):

When I was in grade school, the entire class got detention because of the bad actions of one student. I didn't even know who it was. I was sick that day and all I knew was that I was forced to suffer even more for something I didn't do, had no knowledge of, and had no way to fix it or get around it.

Just remembering that now. Strongly.
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Re: Giveaway

Post by Wingsrising »

I know complaints can be annoying but they're also valuable feedback. The point of any game site, after all, is to be fun. When people are complaining, it means they're not having fun. When enough people aren't having fun, it means that there might be an area of the site that can be improved. This is true regardless of whether the original complaints have merit per se.

What I mean is, sure, you can argue that people shouldn't be complaining about not getting free stuff that was as good as other people's free stuff. After all, it's all free stuff, right? But what the complains tell you is that, for whatever reason, people aren't finding the giveaway as fun as they could.

Look, basic psychology: people are unhappy when distributions are inequitable. If you parents give your brother a new car for Christmas and you a new DVD, you'd be unhappy, right? Even though, hey, free DVD? This even works with monkeys. I saw a great talk on this recently. If you have two capuchin monkeys and you give them both a slice of cucumber, they're both happy. If you give them both a grape, they're happy. If you give one a grape and the other a cucumber, the one that got the cucumber is one pissed-off monkey. (The talk included a video where the monkey who got the cucumber threw it away in disgust, whereupon the monkey who got the grape promptly snatched it up and ate it.)

I think the thing about giveaways is that when a few people get something incredibly valuable and most people get nothing, the people who get nothing are likely to be upset. It's the nature of humans and, in fact, of primates in general. You can tell us we should be happy to get cucumber until the cows come home, but we're still going to be jealous of the monkey who got the grape. :-)

I think there are a few things that could be done to make the giveaways less like the cucumber-and-grape scenario. One, I think there should be an upper limit on how valuable the things that are given away are, and perhaps a lower limit as well. When in one moment of luck people can get an item worth more than I've ever made on the site, I find it discourages me from working to earn sP. I'd rather see a giveaway with more items of medium value (maybe tens of thousands up to a few millions) rather a giveaway with a few 100-million sP items and a ton of 100-sp junk. I think that this helps avoid the cucumber-and-grape scenario if everyone gets a chance to snag something good (even if they don't get the really really good stuff). I also think when the item values are less variable then the giveaway just becomes more fun. You get to pick out cool free things, rather than desperately refreshing hoping to hit it big.

Two, I think that new items should be added continuously over a protracted period of time (or maybe continuously over an hour or so, for several time windows throughout a 24 hour period to let all time zones participate) so that all the good stuff isn't gone within the first ten minutes of the giveaway.
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Re: Giveaway

Post by Farseek »

I missed the whole giveaway. I work nights so this isn't the first time it's happened.
I've just learned to accept that real life often ruins virtual fun :P

FYI : There is sort of a mini giveaway going on. Seems people are cleaning out out their vaults to refill the donation center which is a nice gesture. I donated all those candy hearts and anniversary goodie bags I've been hoarding .
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Re: Giveaway

Post by AngharadTy »

*hearts* for Wings. =) You always say what I want to, and better. I also have allowed myself to grow far too irked about this... not about missing the giveaway (I missed the first and got one item from the second), but about the belittling injustice of it. Someone on the news said that being lumped in with the complainers is insulting, because I didn't behave childishly, and certainly not after the (unwarranted, I believe) threat of a warning. So treating me as if I behaved so childishly is rude. I'm upset now where I wasn't before, and I'm still not reduced to sobbing via text, but I still get the punishment.

Was the Draconis-era giveaway the first big one? That was the best one. There were so many, many things for such a long period of time that everyone was so happy. The thread on NC ended up pages and pages long; most of it was people sharing items they'd gotten. No other giveaway has been that fantastic. When I look through my shiny-things gallery, I can still point to the items I got from that giveaway, and I can generally remember who gave/traded me those items, too. That was one of the most warm-fuzzy experiences in my Subetan history. (Receiving my Shinigami is really high up there, too; being gifted one of my mystical plushies is another good point.)
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Re: Giveaway

Post by Jessi »

I remember that, Ty, and I remember how much fun it was. That thread was awesome - people were giving away things to other NCers without a second thought, and I both received and gave away so many wonderful items. Giveaways haven't been the same since then.
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Re: Giveaway

Post by mellaka »

Well yes, I complained (here) but I was on within the first 3 minutes and stuck it out for hours without getting one good item. Then again, I think back that I got a Crown of Ultimate Evil last time and a Balrog a few giveaways ago and figure it's just someone else's turn to get good stuff. (I miss my most wanted item on the site every single time though.)

But just because I got good items in the past doesn't mean it's wrong to for me to vent about clicking for a few hours and the only being able to grab items like a Gold Mallarchy Elixir and Haunted Cherry Juice.

This isn't directed toward anyone here -- I'm just a little resentful that the news post made me feel guilty for being disappointed at not finding good items. Yes, I'm grateful for the giveaway and I also remember the huge one where so many great items were given away that it was tough to find someone unhappy about it (except maybe the people who were hoarding those items, but they got a ton of great items too). I just think the idea above of spacing out the good items would be better than ending giveaways altogether.

Also, I just checked Crown of Ultimate Evil and I'm guessing they gave those out again last night? They're down to 5 mil now.
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Re: Giveaway

Post by Figment »

What galls me is the duplicity that that news comment reveals. On one hand, in the news posts all around that one, they're all solicitous and stroking, like, "tell us what you want! we love you! users are the heart and soul of subeta and you guys are the best!" and then when (yeah, admittedly probably stupid & rude) people are vocal, they're like, "NO! we do not want to hear of your discontents! *wristslap* no cookie!"

So which is it? 'Cause if you're going to have an attitude of openness towards input and user-oriented decision making, you've got to be both thick-skinned and even-handed to deal with the inevitable stupid criticism while not doing unfair things that will incite more. And the tone of this qualifies as neither.

Like Ty, I actually didn't care about missing the giveaway. They're always fun, but it's a treat and I was busy elsewhere at the time. It's their response that is irksome, particularly the embedded threat of no more giveaways ever again. They've worked out fine in the past. I see no reason why this one shouldn't have as well if it were executed differently.
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Re: Giveaway

Post by Iggy »

Also, I just checked Crown of Ultimate Evil and I'm guessing they gave those out again last night? They're down to 5 mil now.

Nope, they actually inflated,since I sold mine for 3.2,and paid 2.5 for it.
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Re: Giveaway

Post by Joey »

Yeah, I wasn't actually upset that I missed it. I say Bah all the time. It was more like an oh well feeling, since I figured they might do a second wave I could catch when I woke up. Only instead I wake up to this immaturity on Keith's part, which has only managed to annoy me and solidify my vow to never give money to this site.
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Re: Giveaway

Post by Cranberry »

And he was doing so well, too. The new pet colors, the great new clothes, the ability to order pet treasures, the new cash shop system, the nice posts about how much he values us... and now this. Yeah, it sucks that people are ungrateful. I even understand the desire to stop doing giveaways altogether. If Keith is sick of the ingratitude and doesn't find giveaways rewarding anymore, he should just stop doing them -- but he should not announce it, especially if he's going to attempt to shame people in the same breath. It just makes him look childish and petty, and it's punishing many, many good users (who he claims to love) because of a vocal, annoying few.
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Re: Giveaway

Post by Officer 1BDI »

I saw a bunch of people on the Subeta forums earlier today showering Keith and the staff with praise for the giveaway. I thought it was just part of the aftermath of last night, but now I think it was a not-so-subtle plea to continue giveaways in the future. I wasn't even aware of the change in the news until I came over here.

I hardly got a thing out of last night's giveaway, too; but I figured it was karma for snagging such great stuff last time. I was still really disappointed despite that thought, though; I mean, I could have gotten a Shinigami. =P I can sympathize with him over the complaints, especially when he had nothing but the best intentions, but... well, Cranberry said it. Keith's update just seems like a petty response and goes against what he's been telling us for the last week.

Incidentally, I really like Wings' suggestion that future giveaways have a set range so that the items aren't ridiculously cheap or ridiculously expensive.
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Re: Giveaway

Post by Goldenchaos »

Oh man I just something really cute in there, I didnt catch its name, Frothling? Something like that, a little white impish looking thing. A glacier inspired minion.
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Re: Giveaway

Post by AngharadTy »

Iggy wrote:
Also, I just checked Crown of Ultimate Evil and I'm guessing they gave those out again last night? They're down to 5 mil now.
Nope, they actually inflated,since I sold mine for 3.2,and paid 2.5 for it.
Okay, someone needs to notify me when the price of this drops below, like, 3M. ;P I don't search for it often enough, apparently. I've never seen it below 5.
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