Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by Monkeyguy »

Aww those pictures are so sweet. I wish my cat and dog got along like that.
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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

So I posted in AaToW about my new horse. Now you get to see him. :)


Stormy and my other horse Esprit on top of "Conference Hill" at my parents' home

Esprit and Stormy in front of the stable
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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by Cranberry »

Aww, I love horses. Crystal and I like to run with one (along the side of his fence; he keeps pace with us).

My kittens are getting big! Here's how much space they used to take up on this cat tree!


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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by EofS »

Cranberry, Crystal is the most beautiful dog I have ever, ever seen. Stunning.

And the pics with the cats are adorable. Was that voluntary?
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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by Jessi »

I can't let Cranberry have all the fun with pet posts ;D So everyone, meet our new rescue:


This is Moose. She's a mink broken hooded (thank you for the help with her color, Ty ;D), and a very, very special little rattie. Moose suffered from a severe middle ear infection when she was still a kitten, and did not respond at all to rapid antibiotics or any other treatments. After taking care of her for over a month, we brought her home, first with the intention to foster her, and now with the intention to keep her, heh.

Because of her head tilt, she always walks towards the right, which means she turns in circles a lot. She's also quite strange for a rat - she prefers to be held upside down with her neck and tummy exposed, as it makes her feel 'straight'.

She's a total clown, however, and has TONS of energy and is a total sweetie :D Right now she's in quarantine on her own, but soon she'll be introduced to the pack, and we'll see if she can handle being around other rats. I'm hoping actually that being around other rats may be good physical therapy for her. We'll see!
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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by Cranberry »

EofS wrote:Cranberry, Crystal is the most beautiful dog I have ever, ever seen. Stunning.

And the pics with the cats are adorable. Was that voluntary?
Thanks! And I set her up on the tree (she can't climb up there on her own), but she often cuddles with the cats... in this pic, Lily came and snuggled up with her, but in this one, Crystal climbed up on the pillow with Lily!

Jessi, what a cute rat (and story)! I love rats -- I had one when I was younger (I know now that I should have had at least two), and he was an awesome little pet. We'd let him run around the living room and climb up the couch and bookshelves.
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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Yeah, it's surprising how many different species are social animals. Horses most certainly are (the old "safety in numbers" and probably other more complex social reasons). Dogs, several kinds of rodents, and surprisingly cats too, are some I've learned about from childhood until just recently. There will be the occasional few who do better as an "only child" so to speak, I even knew one horse like that. But my kitties (sister and brother) definitely like having each other for company - most of the time.

EDIT: Have I not ever posted pics of my kitties? For shame!

Catkin and Teasel, sister and brother from the same litter.
Catkin has a heart shape on her right front paw. She's shy until she gets to know you, then she's an attention hog. She's very athletic and active.
Teasel has more white and also has ear tufts. He's very outgoing and into everything (especially things he's not supposed to). He's lazy but can be agile.

(that's an interesting angle to pounce on your sister, Teasel)

I have recently discovered they go CRAZY over a little red laser beam, and I've found it the easiest way to get Teasel to exercize now that he's gotten lazier and a little fat. :P

This is their mother, Catty. Teasel got her color, and Catkin got her physique; both got her temperament in some way. She was a semi-stray for a while, and when I lived at my old apartment she was always wandering around begging for food. When I adopted her (assuming nobody claimed her because all my neighbors thought she was a stray too) I found out that one of the other neighbors across the little trailer park street was all upset because she didn't show up for supper. Since she was pregnant, my husband and I claimed two of her kittens instead...who are just over a year old now.
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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by Cranberry »

Aw, Catkin and Teasel are cute... and those are great names!
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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by Usul_Princess »

Andrew took pictures of this puppy at his office. It's being trained as a helper dog for special needs kids. He took pictures because Samoyeds are my favorite breed of all time. His name is Champ, and he's 17 weeks old in this picture. He's gonna be a big boy!


He told me that he took this pic at a stragegically placed angle because he shudders at the idea of going near or looking at "dog balls". So everytime the little thing rolls over on his stomach, he won't pet him. Bastard.



I love those dogs, but I don't think I'll ever own one because that coat looks like a nightmare to take care of. And in this pic it's trimmed pretty well. Those pelts get crazy out of control if you let them grow out.

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by Cranberry »

I had a samoyed named Kalli when I was younger. She was a friendly, happy dog, but very hyper, and the fur was indeed a nightmare (she shed garbage bags full of fur every summer). Then I had Scout the malamute/collie, who was bigger and therefore shed even MORE. If I ever get another medium/large dog, it's gonna be something short-coated... maybe a doberman!
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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by danceu4ia »

That's it. I'm jealous of all you people with beautiful furry dad's allergic to everything, and me - just cats. I'm planning for a dog in my future, at the time being however...

Meet my fishies Goober and Twinky!
Twinky is the orange one.
Goober is the large anti-social one.
And Here's Goober completely blocking poor Twinky.

Both well taken care of - neutral rock colours, natural light pattern, flakes, pellets, and a lettuce leaf for a treat - since they kept eating the tank foliage. Everytime it comes time to re-inhabit the tank, I want for something more exotic, and then the pretty, flowy, orange, glittering goldfish catches my eye again. Every once in a while I'll go wild and get a black moor, but I still find the iridescent sheen of colourful fishie scales interesting, after all these years.
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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by Kelly »

I haven't posted pictures of my cats in ages, its about time for a new bunch.

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Sig and button by Jazzy.

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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by Charlie »

A mere two weeks after starting work as a vet already have a stray - this is Callie - a mere 6 weeks old and very people orientated!
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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by mellaka »

I just found two goofy pictures of my cats, so I thought I'd post them.

Mina, my first cat, who is now about 12. She loves any kind of box.

Zero, who's about 4, and who is fat because he steals all of Mina's food. I wish I could do something about his size but am at a loss.

They do not get along but are finally getting to a point where they tolerate each other most of the time.
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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by lavender »

Dug up some old pictures. Sorry for the bad quality (old camera, bad scanner)! The cats are MUCH cuter in real life ;)
This is our cat Goober playing with (what used to be) a squirrel (gross, but amusing):
And Goober again, exploring the dishwasher (wow, our kitchen was kinda crap back then):
This is my sister's cat Micah (when he was thinner :P) with his head stuck in an empty soda box:
And this is her other cat Asher looking all sweet and innocent (he's actually a TOTAL diva) in a box that was covered in a blanket:
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