Knitted Peophin

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Knitted Peophin

Post by Wingsrising »

Yes, I know it's very, very strange that after not doing Neopets projects for literally years, the timing has worked out such that I completed two during the same weekend.

Sorry for those who have already seen this post on the LiveJournal knitting community. :-)

Yarn: Lion Brand Homespun in Gothic. Mane, hooves, and tail are Lion Suede in black. Pattern: the Walrus and Zebra patterns from World of Knitted Toys


Me and my Peophin (before I gave her pupils), which should give you some idea how big she is.

Head shot. :-)

Given the conjunction in time, I've had idle thoughts of trying to knit Kass. I think I should lie down until these thoughts go away.
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Post by TCD »

That is adorable! Now I want to continue to learn to knit, if only so I can make my own huge peophin. :-D
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Post by Jazzy »

Wow, that's some huge gauge :P (I'm getting 9sts/in on my latest project, so everything looks big...but that's bigger than most). It reminds me a lot of this donkey I used to have when I was younger, anyway- the face, the short legs. Was it hard to put the two patterns together?
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Post by Wingsrising »

It's not all THAT big a gauge, really... Lion claims Homspun knits up at 3.5 stitches per inch, which is fairly standard chunky-weight. I did it on 10 needles. It's big compared to 9 st/inch :shock: but not one of those "big needles fast knits" things.

I think the issue is that the pattern calls for DK. :-) I knew substituing the Homespun (which I chose for the great Darigan Peophin-y color) would make it bigger. I just didn't appreciate how MUCH bigger.

As for combining the patterns, yes and no. The tail ended 44 stitches around and the horse pattern went through a 44-stitches-around point, so I just stopped knitting the one and started knitting the other.

If you read the LJ post, though, I mentioned that when I first started I stopped knitting the tail and started knitting the horse body WAY too soon. (I also started the horse body at the barrel the first time around: I didn't put the hips in at all.) I think this is because I didn't appreciate how big the front end would be -- the tail seemed long until I saw how big the front end was. So I ended up with the sort of freakish thing.

Anyway, I let it sit for about 2 months before it dawned on me that I could add more knitting to the center by cutting it at the point I wanted to add more knitting, putting it on the needles, knitting more, then grafting everything back together. (I knew how to crochet before I learned to knit and you can't do stuff like that with crochet.)

So that part was a pain. I've officially decided I hate working with Homespun.
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Post by AngharadTy »

Wingsrising wrote:I've officially decided I hate working with Homespun.
I loathe Homespun. It can make a nice, soft finished project, but it splits and frays and snarls and I hate it so much.

I already told you on your Knitting post, but it's awesome and I like it. ^_^
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