Glacier Paralix and Warador

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Glacier Paralix and Warador

Post by TCStarwind »


I love the paralix. So much, in fact, I've already morphed my telenine into one. I love everything about it. The expression, the pose. The shading looks a little light, but I'm on a school computer, so the screen is probably lighter than mine at home.

The warador is kinda meh. It's not nightmare-inducing like the angelic, and its staff is nice, but nothing about it really jumps at me at screams "OWN ME" like the paralix. It is nice for them to be getting some attention, though.
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Re: Glacier Paralix and Warador

Post by Sunwolf »

The paralix is nice - I like the icy horns and soft-looking fur. It's strange to see one in a non-floating pose.

The warador - is a warador. Meh. Although I do like the snowflake hat.
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Re: Glacier Paralix and Warador

Post by Pillow »

Oh man. That Paralix is going to be added to my list of Glacier pets that I want and will have to choose from. >.< Although there is something about the shading or the lineart, especially around it's face and neck, that looks off, cluttered and not nearly as smooth as other parts of it's body.

I think the Warador could use some more light blue Glacier designs, since it has almost none. >.< It doesn't even look that much like a Glacier pet to me, just a random light blue Warador with an awesome poking stick and equally awesome snowflake hat.

Edit: Actually, never mind about the Paralix looking cluttered. It might have been the way my desktop has been set, because looking at it on my laptop, it looks far better. XD;;
Last edited by Pillow on 06 Jan 2009 05:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Glacier Paralix and Warador

Post by Seerow »

Your pet has changed into a Glacier Paralix!
Meet the new Sundance :D Needless to say I love absolutely everything about this pet, and it is tied for my top three Subeta Pets Of All Time.

Warador is actually pretty nice for a Warador. The staff is awesome.
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Re: Glacier Paralix and Warador

Post by hebdenhippy »

That Paralix is gorgeous! The pose is lovely and it's hair looks so soft. Another great pet Keshi!!

Warador is alright I guess, if you like Wardors.
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Re: Glacier Paralix and Warador

Post by Sarivonne »

I would have loved the paralix if it wasn't for the placement of the fur on it's arm near the chest, it gives a weird allusion that the chest suddenly juts out and then it suddenly curves back in. It really throws me off. I know it's because of that bit of fur, but it really does look odd to me. Other than that, it's really pretty even though I don't like the way lines come out in Sai when things are resized. I love crisp lines, but they look too harsh. Lines done in other programs come off a little softer when resized, which look better on things that look like they need to be furry or soft. (Personal opinion, just saying)

The Warador's face looks really off to me. It looks almost lopsided. Maybe because the lack of a neck being shown? I cant really tell if it's trying to keep warm or doing an arm cross. But it's not really a striking pose. But Waradors are kind of hard to work with anyway I suppose. The hat is really pretty though. I love the folds and icicles.
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Re: Glacier Paralix and Warador

Post by AngharadTy »

The warador here really illustrates to me why the warador's "other creepy eye" is dumb. It throws the face off-balance in an unpleasant way, and it looks like... old gradient shading. Oh--and it just looks tired, not... cool and aloof. The only other problems I have with it are the same problems I have with waradors in general. Staff and hat are nice, though.

The paralix is gorgeous. I love the whisker(s).
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Re: Glacier Paralix and Warador

Post by Alecko »

The Paralix is almost making me want to break my 'birds/bird-like' theme- it's beautiful. The pose is great, the details are nice and I love the attitude it's giving off. After reading what Sarivonne wrote, the chest bugs me slightly, and I think it may look cramped- but they don't take much away from the pet overall.

I don't care for Waradors, but I do think this one is nice. Might have been nice to have some more ice on the body, but I like the staff and it is pretty detailed.
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Re: Glacier Paralix and Warador

Post by WisteriaLynx »

Waradors in general I find a little bit creepy and unappealing. :/ No exception here.

The paralix is gorgeous, though - I love the icy horns, the pose, the soft-looking mane... and especially the fact that the pale blue markings are pretty without being overwhelming, like they are on some other glacier pets. These actually make me think of ice. :)
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Re: Glacier Paralix and Warador

Post by firost-the-dragon »

i like the paralix. but as someone else said, the paralix is usually floating. it looks a little unusual on ground. and ice on the whiskers wouldve been cute! but the neck is i little thick and the pose looks like a cat stretching in front of the window. not that i don't like it, but it looks unusual for a chinese dragon

but the warador is just something else. its not something that looks freaky. well, not compared to the other ones.
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Re: Glacier Paralix and Warador

Post by Foghawk »

I had the same problem with the arm tuft as Sarivonne - and that illusion of the shape of the chest made it look squashed horizontally - but once I realized what it really was, it seems much better. As for the 'on the ground' pose, I think it makes rather a nice change for the Glacier. So lovely. I just came back (to NC and Subeta both) after a sort of hiatus, and it's great to see all the new glaciers, almost enough to make me want to break out the potion I've been hoarding. Still, I swore to myself I'd wait for the Cadogre... but it's nice to have so many choices.
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Re: Glacier Paralix and Warador

Post by Jessi »

I'm honestly not that fond of the paralix, though apparently I'm on my own here. It looks... too thick, I guess. The far front paw that it's holding up especially bothers me - it just looks so... odd and out of proportion. I don't know, that hand is bothering me a lot, heh. It's sad, because I want to like it, but I just... see things on it that make me think "Not Paralix."

Also, I'm kind of tired of seeing glacier pets from behind. I know they're supposed to look uncaring and aloof but I feel like a lot of back poses like this just don't show off the potential of the pet.
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Re: Glacier Paralix and Warador

Post by bonecrivain »

Hmm. When I first saw the paralix, I thought, "Wow, that's pretty's a shame the body looks sort of squished into the frame." But the more I look at it, the less I mind the tightly arched body. It's just so pretty. I like it far more than any of the floaty/flying poses. I really want one, but I don't know which of my pets to replace. I wish I knew whether/how/when the spectrum hikei will be revamped, because I'm expecting to not like it after that, which would give me a free spot. But I want the paralix NOW. I guess that gives me a new goal to keep Subeta looks like I'll have to save up for another pet slot.

I don't have much to say about the warador. The accessories are nice, but I tend to happily forget that waradors exist.
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Re: Glacier Paralix and Warador

Post by Mort »

Once again I'm left wanting a warador. :| Or at least for them to be revamped. The hat is awesome, the staff is beautiful, and I actually rather like the "creepy eye". The subtle markings on the face are cool too.

The paralix is simply astounding. I want one very badly. XD
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Re: Glacier Paralix and Warador

Post by Alicorn »

I'm so in love with the paralix! I saw it in the news and has an instant want feeling. And the more I look at it, the more I love it. The ice horns, the back fur, the colouring and markings. It pulls off the "stay away from me" attitude well. And I like that it's not floating. It fits so well. It just can't be bothered to float. Oh how I wished it fit my pet Dianire. Glacier pets fit her personality so well and I've been waiting for an endeavor version to come out. I'm very tempted to make her a paralix but the endeavor fits her to well. Oh well, just another pet to add to the "must have but don't have room for" list. I really should work on getting some extra spots. That list is getting to long. o.O Damn you artist and your gorgeous pets!

I don't like the warador. I just can't like any of the waradors. They just aren't my type of pet. I like the concept of them but they just don't win me over. I like the creativity with their hats and staffs but that's about it. So like others, I like the staff and the snowflake on the hat but that's about it.
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