State your preference: RB peo vs. RB/Darigan double-paint.

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Which do you prefer?

Royalboy Peophin
Darigan Peophin in Royalboy clothes
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Re: State your preference: RB peo vs. RB/Darigan double-paint.

Post by Jessi »

I feel like adding my input too, even though its at the end and it seems you've decided to sit on the fence xD But I'm here because I really just don't LIKE the royalboy clothes on the Darigan Peo. No other reason. There's something about the colors that just don't blend well. I'm not sure what it is. But I also just love the base color on the Royalboy Peophin - such a handsome shade! I've never really been a fan of Darigan Peophins in general.

So my opinion is here just as a purely personal one xD There's just something about the Darigan Peo I don't like, and I'm another who just loves matching royal pairs xD
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Re: State your preference: RB peo vs. RB/Darigan double-paint.

Post by Larkspurlane »

Hahaha I'm sitting so firmly on the fence that I have a wedgie :D

I've always been a Darigan lover, so that probably plays into it a lot. But thank you for sharing your thoughts on the issue anyway! I think I was actually closer to making a decision *before* I made this board... go figure :P
Thank you for the av and sig set!
Larkspurlane @ neo
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Re: State your preference: RB peo vs. RB/Darigan double-paint.

Post by Michelle »

Well I'm going to throw in some last minute input basically agreeing with what Jessi said =)

If having a nice matching pair and pretty lookup is what you're after then don't crosspaint...I feel like you're looking to combine two of your favorite colors (dari+royal) when the darigan base kind of looks iffy with the clothing to me. :/

But otherwise I say go with your gut and you'll end up with a pet you love ^^
...formerly known as 'spiraled'
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