Editorial Time!

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Editorial Time!

Post by Seerow »

I just discovered that "google" is a verb (since at least 2006). I know naming companies is against the rules on Neopets, but is it okay to use "google" as the verb it is? Thanks! ~mizkelly
That may be true, but it's still directing players off site. Telling someone to "google _____" is basically telling them to leave the safety of Neopets. Often there are words that have a lot of different meanings, and if you google these words you might find something you weren't prepared to know or see images of. D: So yeah, we know it's very commonplace, but please don't use it on Neopets.
I had to go back and read that twice, I thought for sure I'd read something wrong there.
I know I used to use "google" all the time on the neoboards when I'd venture there, guess I was just lucky I never got a warning. Stupid rule to get in trouble for.
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Re: Editorial Time! (With yet another new editorial!)

Post by EofS »

Seerow wrote:
I just discovered that "google" is a verb (since at least 2006). I know naming companies is against the rules on Neopets, but is it okay to use "google" as the verb it is? Thanks! ~mizkelly
That may be true, but it's still directing players off site. Telling someone to "google _____" is basically telling them to leave the safety of Neopets. Often there are words that have a lot of different meanings, and if you google these words you might find something you weren't prepared to know or see images of. D: So yeah, we know it's very commonplace, but please don't use it on Neopets.
I had to go back and read that twice, I thought for sure I'd read something wrong there.
I know I used to use "google" all the time on the neoboards when I'd venture there, guess I was just lucky I never got a warning. Stupid rule to get in trouble for.
Stupid how? They're perfectly right that telling someone to google something is to tell them to go offsite, and that's been disallowed for as long as I can remember.

Very glad to hear the walking stick answer - I wondered where that came from!
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Re: Editorial Time! (With yet another new editorial!)

Post by Aurinona »

EofS wrote: Stupid how? They're perfectly right that telling someone to google something is to tell them to go offsite, and that's been disallowed for as long as I can remember.
Didn't the Neopets site search contain a google search bar at one point ?
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Re: Editorial Time! (With yet another new editorial!)

Post by EofS »

Aurinona wrote:
EofS wrote: Stupid how? They're perfectly right that telling someone to google something is to tell them to go offsite, and that's been disallowed for as long as I can remember.
Didn't the Neopets site search contain a google search bar at one point ?
Not that I can remember in my 7 years on the site, but it's possible I'm forgetting something. I'd be amazed to find it had during the last, say, 5 years.
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Re: Editorial Time! (With yet another new editorial!)

Post by varii »

Actually, I'm pretty sure it did. I remember a lot of wtfing going on, but it didn't last long at all. Couldn't have been more than a few days.

Edit: Yeah, I found the link to the thread on PPT.
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Re: Editorial Time! (With yet another new editorial!)

Post by AngharadTy »

As for other activities (such as the Caption Contest or Beauty Contest) where you are relying on votes from your peers, we think it's not really fair play to use a Neopoint advantage to win. Let your own creative skills help you win, not your Neopoints.
Funny thing to say about a popularity contest....
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Re: Editorial Time! (With yet another new editorial!)

Post by covet »

This has been bothering me for some time now: is a Skeith a fat version of a Draik? ~ahoy_pirates
Ahaha, this is my new favourite question EVER.
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Re: Editorial Time! (With yet another new editorial!)

Post by Usul_Princess »

Actually TNT may as well come out and say "Pretend as if your life does nothing but encircle Neopets, because anything non-Neo related will get you warned."

I've seen people get warned on Charter talking about Prenatal care, or being pregnant. So now people create their own censorship:

Pregnancy = Little Bun in the oven
My son/daughter = My family
Getting married/Engaged = Sent in N/M's only.

Do not discuss any consoles not related their video games either.

I just don't understand. Not in the slightest that people are expected to remember not just the basic ground rules, but it just feels like month after month there's a new rule in the editorial. Makes the site feel a tad Nazi. Just a little. I remember coming on the Pound boards for the first time, and it scaring the hell outta me when people wanted to trade my pets for their shit. I thought that people were nuts!

It really is best to stay away from the boards. You have no idea when you'll violate a rule some do-gooder will throw at you.

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Re: Editorial Time! (With yet another new editorial!)

Post by Jessi »

I too remember Neopets having that google search bar feature - in fact, I remember us discussing it here.

And I have to agree with Seerow. It's ridiculous you can't tell someone to 'google' something without getting warned. Especially because I'm sure TNT has used that term in their own editorials before.
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Re: Editorial Time! (With yet another new editorial!)

Post by Madge »

I'm sure there's going to be a little bit of discretion:

"I need help with my maths homework"
"Search for calculus help, there's tons of good places to go"

as opposed to:

"I got given a rusty trombone - google to see what it is ;)"

Sure, you could get warned for either, but they're completely different offences. Obviously TNT wants to eliminate the second at the expense of the first, and as such I don't think many people would report the first so it would be easier to get away with.

Also, TNT is allowed to break its own rules so I don't think there's any cause for anger at this - characters in plots can be romantically involved, because TNT can control them and ensure they have no wedding night RP or what have you, whilst TNT has no control over the sweeties your pets have, so you could be having anything from a simple note in the lookup saying "my special friend is Joey" to having explicit neopet sex RPs over neomail. So they can say "Use google to find a forum where you can discuss politics" because they know that googling for forums about politics will not generally turn up explicit websites.

Now go watch me get frozen in a month, when I've forgotten about this because I've told someone to google something innocuous, and eat these words.
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Re: Editorial Time! (With yet another new editorial!)

Post by Huggles »

Kind of OT, but what exactly is the status of the Just Ice League since customization? Obviously, things like pet trading being officially sanctioned changed things, but in general?
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Re: Editorial Time! (With yet another new editorial!)

Post by Jessi »

Madge wrote: So they can say "Use google to find a forum where you can discuss politics" because they know that googling for forums about politics will not generally turn up explicit websites.
Madge, apparently you missed the release of Nailin' Palin ;)
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Re: Editorial Time! (With yet another new editorial!)

Post by Kamil »

Hi, something really strange happened today... my friend and I both went to our inventories and found that we had carved walking sticks! Neither of us had spun any wheels, visited any pink Ixi from Terror Mountain, or anything! Was this just a generous gift from the almighty TNT? Thanks! ^^ ~satsuma567
Did you participate in the Key Quest stress test last Thursday? If you did, then that's your reward. If you didn't... well, no clue what happened. Enjoy your stick.

I did the load test (it was the first time I'd ever played, in fact) and I have no stick. That is annoying. It's a nifty stick, wearable too (and therefore extra valuable), so it's extra annoying. I've submitted a bug report, but I doubt anything will ever come of it.

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Re: Editorial Time!-split 2/16/09

Post by Cyaneus »

It seems funny to me that Neopets urges its users not to "leave the safety of Neopets" while displaying incessant advertisements requesting them to do just that.
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Re: Editorial Time!

Post by varii »

Are avatars a dying art on this site? There hasn't been a new one in ages. Can the bizarre rumours of "it's because no one has figured out Bonju yet" circulating the Avatar Chat be true, or were they purposely discontinued, or perhaps they've just taken a backseat to customisation and Neohomes for a while and will resurface shortly? It's sad to be an avid collector of something that seems to have been forgotten about. Can you give us some hope to hold onto? ~kreepyjess
Funny you should mention that! We're already working on some brand new avatars! Thanks for your patience, and sorry for the avatar dry spell.
Oh really? You're already working on them? That's so awesome how your timing is so in sync with what I am sure is the first question you have ever received regarding the lack of avatars let's say in the past year, and then the absolute lack for the year before that. I am really glad that you guys are so on top of the site activities that make your users happy.
rei @ neopets
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