Meteor Games: Vikings, Pirates, Ninjas

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Feral Koala
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Re: Meteor Games - Adam and Donna's new venture

Post by Huggles »

You need to make a new one. Twin Skies is a separate game. The only thing that is the same, for now, is your forum name and password. However, tons of names are free and you can probably pick the same one.

They changed my name, hoorah! My ninja is officially Feral Koala.
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Re: Meteor Games: Vikings, Pirates, Ninjas

Post by Seerow »

Whee, free name changes :D Got my viking's named changed to Jeysca (my standard name for sites like these), then created Jayne the pirate and River the ninja.
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Re: Meteor Games: Vikings, Pirates, Ninjas

Post by daisybell »

I created two new characters- Maya Fey the ninja (I love the idea of her as a ninja :P) and Freyja the Viking. I gave her red hair and green eyes, even though she should technically be blonde and blue eyed. I'm happy with my pirate's name and so won't be asking for a rename.

I've friended Seerow and mellaka's characters and one of Huggles' on my pirate, but I was wondering if it was necessary or useful to friend everyone on my other characters as well- can I give an energy boost from each character?

Also, I haven't spent any attribute points yet, because I'm not sure how best to use them. I couldn't see anything about them on the VPN forum, does anyone know anything about them and if they do anything yet?
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Re: Meteor Games: Vikings, Pirates, Ninjas

Post by Seerow »

Yay, friends :)

I've just been adding the points to each ability one at a time, so they stay even. I'm probably doing it wrong, but ohh well!
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Re: Meteor Games: Vikings, Pirates, Ninjas

Post by lavender »

I went with a pirate (named lavender, of course). Still a lvl 1 and waiting for more energy... hmm. And I'm getting my ass pinched by a crab. :P
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Re: Meteor Games: Vikings, Pirates, Ninjas

Post by Seerow »

Even VPN Seems to have gotten into the April Fool's Day fun! Everyone has turned into Oompas!
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Re: Meteor Games: Vikings, Pirates, Ninjas

Post by daisybell »

Is it possible to send items to other users yet? Reading the friends notification would seem to suggest that you can, only I can't find any way to do it. You can send gold with messages, but you can't attach items.

I'd quite like to send some of my surplus logs from my pirate to my viking, I don't need the logs for my pirate but I got lots when trying to get silk.

Also, are there any help sites for VPN yet? With lists of achievements and quests and so on. I've only seen bits and bobs, and nothing all that indepth, and the forums are so hard to read with chit chat and helpful info all jumbled up together.
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Re: Meteor Games: Vikings, Pirates, Ninjas

Post by mellaka »

I don't know about sending items.

There is a site with the achievements:

There is also a wiki but I don't know the address, and really wasn't able to navigate through it myself.
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Re: Meteor Games: Vikings, Pirates, Ninjas

Post by daisybell »

Another update, and they've got rid of the things that told you how many times you'd done each quest. I thought they were very useful, especially when collecting tealeaves for silk and knowing if you'd already done a repeatable quest. Now to find that out, you'd have to go to your quest diary, rather than at a glance.

I've looked at the new areas for the Viking and Pirate, but not the Ninja- I don't have enough rep yet for the Kitsune faction. I think building ships will be fun, and fortunately they've asked for a lot more logs than silk for pirates, given that the quest gives out more logs. I expect I'll still end up with a surfeit of logs- I already have lots in the bank.

I got the captain's tunic for my pirate today, and I already have the hat and gloves, so the only token clothing I need now are the boots. I'm a bit bored of collecting tokens now... but I still have a long way to go to get all the token clothing for my ninja and viking.

I can't help but think that there's an awful lot to do when you're at level 10- which is good until they release level 11 and above, at which point there will be a backlog of unfinished quests while you're still trying to get rep and build your ship and get the token clothing. I'm glad there is still so much to do because otherwise it would be boring, but if you started out as a newbie when later levels are released, there would still be many quests to do in the newbie areas when you were at a high enough level to move on.

Oh, and I noticed another change: you now steal robes from the monks' laundry room, rather than from the monks themselves, "leaving them in their underwear". I wonder why they changed it- perhaps someone pointed out that monks probably didn't wear underwear? Though monks probably never wore silk, either.
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Re: Meteor Games: Vikings, Pirates, Ninjas

Post by Huggles »

Maybe you want clean robes, instead of sweaty ninja monk robes?

Adam says the quest counter will be back. I'm also not fond of the energy system, now that I've tried it for a bit. I find that I can't really come back EVERY 15 minutes to do quests that take 2. I'd rather have The Kingdom of Loathing's system of adventures where you get a certain amount each day and the reset the next. That way, I can spend 20-30 minutes on the site and come back the next day instead of trying to remember what quests I was doing and where I needed to go.
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Re: Meteor Games: Vikings, Pirates, Ninjas

Post by Seerow »

The timer is really aggravating and actually turning me off from the site. Only being able to do 4-5 quests before I am forced to wait again is just silly, and with nothing else to do on the site, I've found my attention seriously waning.
If it was 15 minutes to recover your full 24ish points, then I could live with that, but as it is it takes 45 minutes to get back to full energy.
I'll check back every once in a while to see if they've improved the system, but until then I think I'll let it be.
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Re: Meteor Games: Vikings, Pirates, Ninjas

Post by daisybell »

I guess it rewards you for the amount of time you spend on the site, though I don't see how they're going to make money from it yet- I guess from a cash shop.

Congrats, mellaka, on building your ships. I'm still working on all of mine, and I'm at varying levels of progress. The most annoying is the pirate, which is really annoying since I'm having to waste energy getting logs when I want silk. If they wanted to devalue logs a lot, then they're going the right way about it. When they eventually let items be traded or gifted between classes, it's going to make logs devalued in the whole economy, so no class will want to do lots of quests for them.

The limited energy at least stops the economy from massively spiraling inflation and deflation of particular items, unless they give away certain things free later on.
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Re: Meteor Games: Vikings, Pirates, Ninjas

Post by mellaka »

Thanks. ^^ I skipped the nice clothing quests for my side characters (which I see you have completed - congrats).

But I actually found the pirate's ship the easiest so far since we need both logs and silk and can get them in one place. I wound up with 12 excess logs in the end.

I'm still working on my ninja's ship because I got bored by the silk gathering and decided to get her the dark silk vest before going back to working on the ship.

I also find the timer annoying, but I'm hoping that's one thing they'll improve as the game goes on.
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Re: Meteor Games: Vikings, Pirates, Ninjas

Post by daisybell »

Only 12?!

Actually, I had a lot of logs left over from getting silk for tokens for my pirate's clothes, and used some of them for lumber, so that added to all my extra logs (I've done the quest 416 times now o_O). I need 42 more logs total for my ship, and 35 silk, and I currently have 81 logs and 27 silk... Also, if you look at the auctions, you'll see that there are hundreds of surplus logs.

I've only done the tunics for all of them, and the Viking hat (because the wolf head was making me wince). Part of doing them was to get my reputation up, it was a useful way of getting rep with the Kitsunes, in particular, but the other factions too. I'm not sure the pirate gloves are all that good, actually, they cover the pretty cuffs. But I'm wearing them because I went to the trouble of getting the complete outfit- pity there's no achievement for it!

EDIT: RRRARRGH. Stupid Jackatrice eggs. I'm trying to get my ships built so I can go to the new island when it's released and I'm getting dumb eggs instead of shipbuilding materials. Yes, have a fun Easter-type site feature, by all means, but don't stop people from doing the things they're aiming for, especially when they're crucial for the next released part of the game.
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Re: Meteor Games: Vikings, Pirates, Ninjas

Post by Huggles »

I don't know how not being able to do anything on a site is supposed to make people want to stay on said site. I haven't seen the energy issue mentioned on the first three pages of the sub-forum, aside from the fact that you need to refresh for the counter to refill once it goes to zero. So, I made a new thread expounding upon my woes. ... =21&t=3945

The carrier pigeons you see when you check your mail are adorable. I want to huggle them all.
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