Free Realms

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Zombie Queen
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Free Realms

Post by AngharadTy »

So, no one wanted to play Warhammer with me, but maybe Free Realms will be more enticing.

If you liked this comic, you may like Free Realms!

Heh, you don't have to be a fairy. Thank goodness, because the fluttering of the wings would get to me after a while. It's a bit kid-oriented, but I'm talking to Neo fans here, right? We're past that. You can't swear (there's a very strict filter that doesn't let you say "but it's" or "class") and you can't have anything to do with murder or death in your name. (Someone on their forums complained that they weren't allowed "Flesh Devourer," har har.)

But it's a great, casual, fun game. There are minigames (a couple similar to the laundry game in Twin Skies), you can be a race car driver and a miner and a lot of other stuff, and there are adorable pets (I have a himi cat). Pets cost money ($2.50 to $4.00, and you buy $5 at a time) and there are also premium accounts, which have access to more quests and more jobs (wizard is a pay class). However, I haven't felt a need to pay yet, because the combat classes are all pretty similar (that is to say, simple) and I'm really really pleased with the ones I have available.

This is me! I'm primarily a chef (max level, you make foods that help you out in various ways--make you faster or give you more HP, etc.), and also a ninja. I also love being a miner because collecting things that make happy noises when you collect them is so satisfying.

Warhammer is a pretty demanding game; sometimes it can be really difficult. Free Realms is how I relax, lately, but I've played so much it's ridiculous and you all need to get addicted too.
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Feral Koala
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Re: Free Realms

Post by Huggles »

I was in the beta for all of five minutes, I think. I didn't accept your Warhammer invitation because I'm still playing WoW. Not as much lately, but I can actually have fun with my guild. Remember the one Keith created? Well, it kind of dissolved and reformed and is under new management. There's still something about mmorpg and pc games in general that keep me from playing. It's because I always feel that I have to set aside time to play, instead of just poking around here or there for 5 minutes while still doing other things on my comp. It's just powerful enough to do thottbot searches while still in game, but that's about it.

In short, I will try because I like ninjas.
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Re: Free Realms

Post by AngharadTy »

I play FR in windowed form while I talk to people on MSN, just idly searching the lands for new things to collect. (If you see something sparkling, click on it--there are sooo many things to collect. Leaf piles can have leaves or bugs, junk piles can have toys and such; there are fossils in the graveyard city [DID I FORGET TO MENTION THE GRAVEYARD CITY THAT IS FULL OF BONES???] and shells in the beach city, etc. etc. etc.)
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Feral Koala
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Re: Free Realms

Post by Huggles »

Hah. It doesn't work in Firefox. At least, not for me. GRAH! My name is in the generic name generator. :(

Ooh oh oh!

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Re: Free Realms

Post by AngharadTy »

I've never tipped a cow!

It doesn't work in Firefox? It works in IE and Chrome, and since it works in Chrome, I kinda figured they supported multiple browsers.
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Feral Koala
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Re: Free Realms

Post by Huggles »

It's in the very first part of the tutorial. If you walk over to the cow and click it, it will say moo and fall over. Isn't that what everyone does when they see a cow?

I've had lots of flash stuff not work, even though it's updated, along with other video type things. I don't know why.
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Re: Free Realms

Post by AngharadTy »

I think I'm going to spend the entire rest of the night trying to find a cow. I missed the cow! (I hadn't optimized my settings yet--playing felt like moving in slow motion. It was surreal, and not in the fun way. Decreasing the render distance works surprisingly well for improving performance. Har.)

edit hours later: I have found no cows. ;_;

another few hours later, another edit, yeah, I've been playing this whole time, scary:

Arrr... I've spent too many hours in this game (and money, now! I have a $4 cat), but there are apparently some free cards for Free Realms--here. Cruel of them to basically offer $7.50 (maybe plus, I dunno what the potion is) free, especially since I beta-tested the hell out of this thing and all I got was a hat that clashes with my hair. ;P

waaahhh nice, for $2.50 I can get a lightsaber. I can even get a rainbow one. Muahahaha.
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Re: Free Realms

Post by Seerow »

Hmm I saw a commercial for this the other day on tv :P

I might have to try it out later today. I kinda miss mmorpgs and since I won't start back up in MS and WoW is too pricey for me, this might be a good alternative!
Wanna donate towards my drink gallery, the Golden Goblet.
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Re: Free Realms

Post by AngharadTy »

I had leftover money after buying my cat so i bought a hoodie that has a skeleton pattern. I can imagine myself sinking a hell of a lot of money into this. I can play dress-up! with a 3-d character! who is also a ninja!

edit: I went insane with the screencap button, once I realized it was F12 and not PrtSc like in every other sane game. (PrtSc probably does put it on my clipboard, but dammit I didn't know that and now I'm missing cool stuff.)

Closeup of my cat, whose name is Ultra Chloe. At least for now.

My cat demonstrating her Jesus powers. It's just a glitch, but...

She really does hate swimming. She's so cheerful until we go in water, and then it looks like she just saw all her kittens get murdered. (The weird twisty-body thing is a visual effect in water, which kind of needs to be tweaked down a lot, or given a depth scaling effect or something. Funnily enough, I only see it on Derek's computer, because I can turn the graphics up higher there.)

Ultra Chloe sleeping and dreaming of a snack?

The whale you can see from the beach city. I only just noticed it today! Its spout does not come out of its blowhole. It has a secret other blowhole farther forward, I guess.

These next four are bigger (1024 wide):

The waterfall next to the main city. Well, I say city, but I would go with town. Village.

At the top of the waterfall next to the beach.

I love the beach city so much! The swirly thing around my feet is a speed buff that my cat gives me when she's happy.

More pretty beach sky! This picture was taken about three seconds after the previous one. My cat has the "lazy" personality. Psshaw, you can hardly tell.
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Re: Free Realms

Post by Seerow »

Soo this game is rather addicting at the moment :P It's nice that it's not completely based on combat!Right now I'm working on my pet trainer skills and I own a dog named Lake. I'll probably get a kitty to eventually :D
I do wish you could preview what you are buying though and how it looks on. I want to know what my pet/me will look like before I spend cash on an outfit.
My name is Sarai Stormjolt for now. Waiting for my name (Indrys) to be approved or something. Anyone know how long that usually takes?
Wanna donate towards my drink gallery, the Golden Goblet.
Zombie Queen
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Re: Free Realms

Post by AngharadTy »

When I first started, it took a day, but there are more players now; it probably takes 3-7 days. I'm not sure. They do have a high turnover rate. You get an email if it's been reviewed. I switched to Chaostrophy in the middle of a logged-in session, hee.

One good thing to know--if you complete the rare exploration collections, you get clothing. A lot of my favorite clothes are from rare exploration. (There are some hint guides and screenshots on the FR forums, which were useful for me when I was stuck on the last few.) Also, regular collections give you experience for jobs; I finished a seashell collection and got some brawler exp. Collections of all sorts are how you level the adventurer job. And I have a ton of duplicates--if you're missing one particular mushroom or something, let me know and I'll check what I have.

I can't figure out how to friend people remotely. So until I figure out if that's possible, I'll be sitting in channel 4 on the northwesternmost island of the tide pools in Seaside (the absolute northern part of the map). I have to clean the rat cage but I'll just leave the program open for now. ;D
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Re: Free Realms

Post by Seerow »

Hmm I think maybe I sent you a request. I just clicked on the "add buddy" option in the friend's menu, and it said it was waiting for you to accept. Hopefully that will work.
Wanna donate towards my drink gallery, the Golden Goblet.
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Re: Free Realms

Post by AngharadTy »

Sorry, I got stuck fishing through rat litter (I found a teeny piece of sharp plastic or something!!) and I totally missed your request, and then the server went down. I'll message you on Subeta sometime when I'm in FR and see you online. =) (Though you're right about how the remote request thing should work--I just didn't think to look there. I was trying all sorts of /friend /add /buddy and other /slash commands. Har.)

(there I am again--for some time, now that the rats are done. Phew.)
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Re: Free Realms

Post by Seerow »

Hope the rats are okay!!
I won't be on again till sometime later this afternoon. Weird that the friend request doesn't stay active even if you aren't on to accept it.
Wanna donate towards my drink gallery, the Golden Goblet.
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Re: Free Realms

Post by AngharadTy »

It'd be nice if the request would stay up. You can't send one to someone offline, I tested last night, hehe. I guess it's a stricter system because there's a buddy teleport option--you get to teleport to where your friends are at any time. Which is cool, I must say. They even show up on your map.
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