Layout 'n all that

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Layout 'n all that

Post by Joeno »

As discussed before, my skills at making pretty webpages are pretty much non-existant. Sure, it's functional, but at the same time it's not very attractive.

But hey, I'm not the only person involved in this, so I'm going to opt for that other lazy man's solution: Let others do the work for me ;)

I suspect that there's more than one person here who's willing to do this, and really, that's no problem - it won't be difficult for me to add such features in.

So it's possible to have customizable layouts. If anyone is interested in creating one, here are some instructions.

* What should/can be modified/created? The <head> part should remain the same, with as little modifications as wated (a CSS line can be automatically added, and the others are likely to be generated by the script). It shouldn't require many changes anyway. The beginning at the page is free, so a logo and whatever more can be put there. Use CSS for the layout of the menu, it is automatically generated to include and exclude some links. Do give an idea on how it should look in a mock-up.
After this will follow the content area. Since this'll depend on the page in question, there's not much to say about this. The CSS classes for this haven't been defined yet, but feel free to define these for your own purposes as for what's needed.
The current footer (from <hr /> onwards) is the same on every page, this can once again be expanded.
* The more you do in CSS, the easier it is to add your style, since I just have to add an include. In general, the final result should consist of only three files: CSS, the HTML at the top of the page, and the HTML at the bottom.
* The code so far is valid XHTML. I'd prefer to keep it that way.
* The best way to get an idea of how the page will look can be gotten by having an example. Please include a mock version of the page that can be used to show off. If you don't have a place to host it, I can take care of that.
* Below is the current CSS file. These should not be changed; if you do, make sure the intention stays the same.

That's about it (I hope). Let me know if there are any questions or such, and feel free to discuss whether or not this is a good idea and how any moron could see that solution XXX would have been SOOOO much better.

Currently existing CSS:
img { border-style: none; }
.noexists {background-color: #AAA}
.unreleased {background-color: #555}
.expl {font-size: x-small}
.stats {border-width: thin; border-style: groove; margin: 2}

(Suggested) other CSS styles:
* Menu at the top: menu
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Post by Kamil »

Just for a start, if someone could get rid of the "A Neocolours temporary forum" up top there, I'd be all kinds of happy.

I still feel like we're moving again soon, which I don't think we are, just because of that.

And if I practically live here and feel that way, imagine if a guest or old lurker dropped in to see if we're settled yet. Just one glance at the top of the page would give a definite 'no' impression.

And I know it's been mentioned before, but can we have our old banner back? Or something besides the phpbb default?

It's ugly. Horridly so.

I know Joeno has a squillion things to do that are more important than this, but removing the text should be really simple for anyone with access to the forum admin panel, right? *whine*

complainingly yours,
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Post by Joeno »

I've said from the start that I'm not going to change stuff on the forum and its layout. I think Jazzy should be able to change that text and banner somewhere.
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Post by Jazzy »

I think I'm going to redo the banner first- same basic design, a rainbow of pets in the letters, but I just want to fix the little things about it that irritate me. Like the odd missing pixel and such.
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Post by FaeMcCloud »

I second that, the boards needs something else besides the default banner ^^;;

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Post by Silverevilchao »

I third that.

That banner is uber-boring! xD

Also, it links back to the forum index. Isn't it a bit extravagant to have 2 links to the forum index? Is there a possibility that it could link to the main site page?
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Post by Trick »

Eee, a proper banner! Nicely done Jazzy, it looks like awesomeness on a stick :D

Edit: Ooh and pretty new colours in various places too ^___^
Last edited by Trick on 18 Mar 2006 01:04 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Matt »

I noticed it too Trick! It's so amazing :) Nice job Jazzy!
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Post by Kantark »

Hurrah! The banner's back :D
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Post by Tom »

Very spiffed. I love the new banner, and the light blue accents are a superb touch.

Lovely job Jazzy.
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Post by Kamil »

Awesomeness, Jazzy, you totally rock. I love the sketch pets as the background, and the bits and pieces of other pets you used. Yays!

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Post by Ierosbats »

<3 Banner. <3 Jazzy.

Not so sure about all this new teal text though. It's kinda...ergh.

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Post by EofS »

I really like the new text and stuffs. Perhaps because I find orange and blue the ugliest colour combination possible. The blue is nice and calming :0)
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Post by AngharadTy »

I looooove the blue colors but I'm finding it harder to tell which things are new. *ducks* love! but difficult! *hides*
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Post by bonecrivain »

^ditto ty. The colour's pretty, but I need a more striking contrast.
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