Trying to get back into the hang of things

General help with pet/account decisions, galleries, CSS/HTML and so on.
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Re: Trying to get back into the hang of things

Post by Xelio »

Mistress Morbid wrote:Then if I paint the zapped pet a plain colour, the clothes will remain on my account even after I abandon the zapped pet?
Right, or use the turnip tonic I mentioned before. It can sometimes, depending on the market, be cheaper than paintbrushes and/or morphing potions. It'll leave the species alone and make the pet red, blue, yellow or green. Key is to make that pet no longer a Halloween hissi or what have you so the clothes stay in your closet.

I remember seeing where you posted your server before. Shame I'm not on the same one and am not too keen on starting over. I suppose that's what DKs are for though if I ever get up the gumption.
Thanks Tiel for the lovely set!
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Re: Trying to get back into the hang of things

Post by TCStarwind »

Or you could take my shadow hissi, paint her halloween on the account of your hissi, take the bones for yours, then dump mine in the pound for someone else to have. It saves you one whole paint brush if that's the route you're planning to take. *shrug* Just an option for you.
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Re: Trying to get back into the hang of things

Post by Mistress Morbid »

That's a good point too TC, thanks for mentioning it. I'll be sure to let you know if I decide to do that. :)

I'm still a little shell-shocked at the price of paint brushes right now. I had 1 million NP when I left neopets. I thought that was a fair bit, but it's really not. >.>
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Re: Trying to get back into the hang of things

Post by bonecrivain »

Out of curiosity, what amount would make a person "comfortable" on Neopets now? I've been on Subeta and away from Neopets for so long that 1 million sounds like nothing, but I think when I quit, it would have made me feel pretty wealthy.
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Re: Trying to get back into the hang of things

Post by Mistress Morbid »

Well I see that Maraquan Paintbrush are almost 10 million now. So...yeah.....I'd say comfortable would be a few million at least. ><
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Re: Trying to get back into the hang of things

Post by Jessi »

I have 8 mil on Neopets right now (down from about 10ish but I recently bout a royal PB XD) and I feel 'comfortable' ONLY because my pets are all finished (except for whatever I use my FFQ on!) 8 mil is enough for me to buy up a lot of the items I want for my galleries and what not (though certainly not all, considering I need a chokato card, agh. I should have saved mine from like 5 years ago!)... but if I were trying to hand-paint any pets, I'd feel kind of poor still, heh.
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Re: Trying to get back into the hang of things

Post by Silver Link »

I haven't had a million NP in years but I'm ok with it because my painting goals were never lofty. I always wanted to keep my Lupe blue and I wanted my Cybunny to be rainbow but an accidental lab zap took care of that

However, I still need a few more items for my gallery and the cauliflower lolly alone costs more than a million but aside from that, I'm rather comfortable
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Re: Trying to get back into the hang of things

Post by mellaka »

On Neo I mostly train my pet and spend NPs on battle items, so I feel pretty broke with my bank account usually hovering around 1.5 mil, give or take a few hundred thousand. I'm also in a mall, so I do have a lot of NPs tied up in shop stock.

My goal for the year is an 11 mil-ish battle item, but it's not looking good so far with half the year gone and zero progress. But, most of my pets are painted the way I want them - except for one kougra who should be Halloween but was Boochi'd 3 times - so that's something I guess.

I think I'd feel comfortable if I could get my battle item and maintain my bank account at 3 mil+.
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Re: Trying to get back into the hang of things

Post by Usul_Princess »

Comfortable for me is over 950K. (The most I've ever had was 7.5m) Mainly because I'm almost completely done with training, and that was my main goal to get Rendivir evenly statted, and buy all mid-range BD weapons. Now I spend most of my NP on food club, or worthless junk like cross-painting. Right now I have about 1.1m, and haven't been over 1m in at least 6 months. When I get below 600K, I start being cheap and greedy until I reach 1m again. Getting to your first million is very hard, but once you have it's easier to save.

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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