DM Manchu

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.
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DM Manchu

Post by Pyrostatic »


The species does nothing for me, as does this DM Manchu. But at least the pose looks fine and as well as the Dark Matter. I think the held DM orb should be a bit smaller though.
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Re: DM Manchu

Post by Aisu »

Is this a revamp or a new one?

I think it's cute!

Re: DM Manchu

Post by Pyrostatic »

It's a new one. ^^
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Re: DM Manchu

Post by Jessi »

Personally, I think the Manchu is absolutely brilliant and it COMPLETELY fits the personality of the pet! The idea of peering into a darkmatter like a crystal ball is just perfect for it <3 I don't even like Manchus, but this one is great!
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Re: DM Manchu

Post by Seerow »

He's rather adorable. I can't really see myself ever owning a Machu, but this is a good representation of the species. I also like that he's using the DM as a crystal ball of sorts. I want to ruffle his ears though, they look so so very soft.
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Re: DM Manchu

Post by lavender »


I'm hoping the Lasirus is next! And if the Montre does get revamped (although I personally think it's fine), it's just as awesome as the others.
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Re: DM Manchu

Post by TCStarwind »

Kinda looks like its going to crush the dm it's holding. XD It also looks suitably evil. If I was going to get a manchu, this is the one I would get. I think it's my favorite out of all of them, and it's very well done. Which is really awesome, because I usually hate manchus.
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Re: DM Manchu

Post by Enriana »

As I pretty much have a Glade Manchu ("pretty much" as in I have the elixir and the potion, just haven't used them yet), I've become more fond of this species.

The configuration of the elbows and knees looks a tad weird - I can't pinpoint it exactly, it just seems almost like it's going to topple over.

That said, I REALLY like it. I was momentarily tempted to make Yradel, my creepy seer-type pet, into one of these. However, Glacier Celinox works for her well enough.

The position of the matter is great, with the one it's holding/looking into, the expression is awesome.

What I love most, though, is the designs on the wrists - and to a lesser degree, the knees. They just look SO pretty and ornate and are just the perfect detail. I'm also glad you can't really see the membranes, because they bug me.

GO RAH! It's awesome, and makes me eager for more Manchu redraws.
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Re: DM Manchu

Post by Foghawk »

I don't really care for Manchus in general, but this redraw is fairly nice as they go; the expression is spot-on.

A couple of things have really been bothering me about some of the recent Darkmatters, though - for one, they seem to be getting greyer and greyer. I may just be biased because I'm on a Mac, with a bright graphics-work monitor, but when I look at, say, the Malticorn, or the Terracoon, or the Manchu next to the older DM pets like the Kumos or Irion or Tigrean, they seem really light and even a bit flat (especially with the little darkmatter blobs as dark as ever) - which seems out of place for such a deep, shadowy color.
Secondly, I'm not sure what to make of this sort of dull purple for accents that's been showing up on the Escalade and Hikei and oh my god Legeica. I much preferred the bluer, deeper purple that works so well on the Dillema and Endeavor; especially combined with the lighter greys, the muted accents somehow seem to me less like "imbibed with the essence of shadow" and more "viewed in insufficient light". Don't get me wrong, the new DMs have for the most part been really lovely - but the color balance seems a bit off. Has anyone else noticed this, or am I just nuts?
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Re: DM Manchu

Post by Rah »

Foghawk - I can't speak for the other artists but I've personally been making my DMs a bit lighter because there was so many users (here and on subeta) that were complaining that the old ones were too dark to see the details! Malticorn, terracoon and manchu are all pets of mine :)

I'd say I would try to darken up future DMs but well, I've drawn all of my pets in DM now xD
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