New pet: Jollin

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.
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Re: New pet: Jollin

Post by Huggles »

Yeah, the artic fox has itty bitty ears and little stumpy legs to conserve heat.

I like the pose and look of glacier slightly more than the standard, but I think the ears bother me even more because of the sharp color contrast.
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Re: New pet: Jollin

Post by shaelyn76 »

I like this pet overall. It is cute and cuddly and a fox. Those are all good things in my opinion. I agree that on some of the colorfills the spots look garish or more like a rash, but I really like the Twilight and Common. I agree that there seems to be more blank/open space around this pet than on most and I also don't like how it is off center. BUT..I still like this pet.

The Glacier version is pretty and I love the colors used, but I agree that it looks more sleepy than aloof and also that it has a bit of "beanbag" about it in this pose. I don't really care for how the ice/frozen fur in the ears was done for the very reason that I can't tell which it is supposed to be. Again...really like the colors and the spots look soooo much better on the Glacier than most of the just really doesn't make me lust after it like most Rah pets do.

P.S. Happy birthday Rah!!!
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Re: New pet: Jollin

Post by Jax »

I like the spots much more on the glacier pet, and I've come to the conclusion that of the colourfills Twilight is my favorite, I've really come to like it but not a must have

My only complaint against the Glacier Jollin is the ice on the ears, it took me a second to realize it wasn't just some odd misshapen part of the inner ear. But overall, I think it's a huge improvement on the base pet

And unrelated but, Happy Birthday Rah :D
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Re: New pet: Jollin

Post by Xelio »

Ace job, Rah, ace job. I'd say more, but what more is there to say? Happy Birthday to you, but you're the one that gave us something. I know I want one, and if the name frees up of the last pet I want, I have his name all picked out. I was wondering what my 10th slot would be filled with, and now I know.
Thanks Tiel for the lovely set!
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Re: New pet: Jollin

Post by bonecrivain »

Cranberry wrote:YAY, IT'S OUT, finally!
You were expecting it? I've noticed you making comments like this in several other threads recently; I didn't realize you were part of the Subeta staff.

It's a fox, so I SHOULD adore it, but it's somehow not working for me. That's really disappointing, because foxes are in my top two favorite animals, and it's kind of difficult for me to NOT love anything fox-related. There's just something kind of off about these so far. Glacier is definitely the best of the bunch, and I think it would have made a better common Jollin (especially if it's meant to be an arctic pet). Even so, it looks so SMALL. People have made this complaint about pets like the graveyard montre, which I love (and have), and I don't think that pets always have to take up all the available space, but so much of it seems wasted with this pet. That's probably because of the huge ears--in order to fit such giant ears into the box, the rest of it has to be tiny. Big ears are a cute idea, but these really overpower it: my eyes are drawn to the giant pointy ear-fur before anything else. It gives me a weird impression that I'm looking up an old man's nose, and that makes me uncomfortable. The lineart also seems oddly thin to me.

Other people already pointed out the other things that look odd to me, like the pointy head and bits that just don't seem to be attached properly. I'm actually not a fan of the spots at all. They're pretty on the glacier jollin, but on the rest, they really do just look like festering sores. I especially dislike the one in the middle of the forehead.

The glacier jollin has a nice face--I like the soft, sleepy eyes and cute nose--but the tail looks more like an overstuffed cushion than fur. It kind of looks like the face is pasted over it, instead of actually resting on it. Wings phrased that better. I think one reason I like glacier more is because the three big tufts of neck/shoulder fur aren't visible. They're too differentiated and seem more like pasted on chunks rather than soft fur.
Kamil wrote:The spots in particular are so pasted on looking; there's nothing natural or flowing looking about them. They seem to just be sitting on top of the fur, like some kid held the pet down and went to town with his set of magic markers.
Sometimes that works.

So yeah, I'm disappointed. It does have promise--it's a FOX, after all--so I'll be interested to see more colors.
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Re: New pet: Jollin

Post by lar »

Hmm, I dunno. I really like the idea of a fennec fox-based pet, but... meh. It took me a moment to realize it was supposed to be a fox, and the spots look really busy and a bit contrived. I suppose I don't mind another fuzzy quadruped pet, I just wish it had a little more... pop? Pizazz? Something to make it stand out a bit.
The glacier one is very cute, though. I may just dislike the base pose.

...and those blasted spots. The arid one looks pimply and diseased.

Actually, that might be kinda cool. o_o Morbid pets, whoohoo~!
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Re: New pet: Jollin

Post by Jessi »

I'm with the group that loves this pet, haha. I don't see anything 'pasted on' about its spots. They look very natural and like part of the fur to me, and like Ty, I adore that they're a very GOOD way for accent colors to be added in - cream with the blue spots looks especially pretty to me, though I think nuclear somehow works on this pet, too. Glacier is gorgeous, so fluffy, and the colors look really beautiful on it. I love how it manages to look so warm, despite obviously being so cold. I just want to cuddle up against it and that big, giant tail.

I can't wait to see more redraws of this, especially Glade xD
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Re: New pet: Jollin

Post by Rah »

Cranberry wrote:YAY, IT'S OUT, finally!
bonecrivain wrote:You were expecting it? I've noticed you making comments like this in several other threads recently; I didn't realize you were part of the Subeta staff.
I was working on the pet whilst I was in Vegas - and Cranberry was also there in the room with me so she caught a glimpse :)
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Re: New pet: Jollin

Post by Officer 1BDI »

The Sun Jollin reminds me of the old Sun Demi and so I instantly love it. <3

I'm a bit iffy on the spots. On some of the colors they look brilliant, but on others they look almost cut-and-pasted because the contrast (?) is so great; the Arid Jollin in particular has this issue IMO. I think the pet overall is adorable, though, and I can't wait to see its other redraw colors.
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Re: New pet: Jollin

Post by carlos2000280 »

Oh my god they are so cute! I love the twilight and nuclear ones.
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Re: New pet: Jollin

Post by C. Dagger »

A little late to the party, but I still wanted to chip in!

I love this pet! I'd never get one because I'm not really into foxes, but it's a refreshing new species (nice to see something sort of close to a real species, I know a lot of people will be happy about this) and I cannot WAIT to see the redraws.

I agree that the spots seem a little funny, but the more I look at it the more they seem to fit. I suspect because actual foxes don't have spots I feel weird looking at them on the Jollin. It's also a BIT on the realistic side, but I personally like that. I don't want to see sparkledog anatomy and perfectly groomed fur infecting my canine species. ;o;
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Re: New pet: Jollin

Post by Seerow »

I rather like this pet. I don't think Subeta really needed another canine pet, but if we had to get one I'm glad this is it. People have been clamoring for a fox pet for ages now so this should shut them up at the very least :D

The pet is rather pretty and I'm not seeing the spots as tacked on or as sores. I think Field and Dusk are my favorite colorfills. Glacier is also very nice and I like how he's all wrapped up in his tail. I think some of the other redraws have great potential, especially Glade and Reborn.
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Re: New pet: Jollin

Post by Alicorn »

I love this pet. It's cute but I don't find it overly cute like say the priggle or pokoto which is good. We have plenty of overly cute pets. I don't find anything wrong with it myself. I love the spots, they really work with the pet. I love all the colour fills for the pet (even sun and dawn, my most hated of the colour fills). As soon as the potions go down in price, Naowi is going to be one. It fits him so well!
The glacier turned out quiet nice too. So grumpy and fluffy looking.
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