Revamped Angelic Hikei and Hipottu

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Revamped Angelic Hikei and Hipottu

Post by Jax »

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I sadly don't have the old art of either so bare with me XD

Both are fine art wise to me, the Hikei is very close to its original picture, which is fine with me except it took me forever to realize it's laying down and not floating.

The Hipottu looks off to me, I don't know why. I kindof like the concept of a pet depicted in its standard form flying, sitting in the redraw but other then that it's a meh to me.

Nice revamps, but nothing I'd own anyway XD
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Re: Revamped Angelic Hikei and Hipottu

Post by Seerow »

Old ones :)

I adore the Hipottu revamp. It no longer has the "d'oh!" looking teeth! A really lovely revamp.
The Hikei is nice, but I think it's still could have used a bit more tweaking, especially in the feet area. The paw pads look a bit strange and so does the hoof. The wings are really gorgeous though and I love the face.
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Re: Revamped Angelic Hikei and Hipottu

Post by AngharadTy »

I forgot the old angelic hippothing existed, so the hipottu now is of course a vast improvement to me. I admire the subtlety of the markings. Nice.

The hikei, I have mixed feelings about. It's great that the general pose was kept; I like the halos now. The tails themselves are very nice. I liked the old colorscheme better, though. Seeing only one forelimb is odd, and the forelimb we can see looks angled oddly somehow, like the "floor" dips right there and the hoof slid into that hole. It makes it seem that the front half of the hikei is on a different plane from the back half. And the paw pads look just wrong; too stuck-on, definitely, and maybe also too small, although that might be because there's zero differentiation between lower leg and foot. I know the differentiation thing was a problem before, but if you're going to change the position of the feet anyway, why not add the joint that looks like it's missing?

I don't think it's bad, overall, but I think it could have gone better.
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Re: Revamped Angelic Hikei and Hipottu

Post by Not A Kitty »

The Hipottu looks quite feminine now, and I wasn't a fan of the pose in the first place, but obviously the art is much better.
I like the Hikei a lot and I would actually consider owning it, I love the expression. That said, the feet look a bit strange, especially the back paws, they do look a bit like blocks that have been stuck on, and the pose just looks a bit off balance. ...But I'd still own one. :3

Re: Revamped Angelic Hikei and Hipottu

Post by Pyrostatic »

I think the Hikei is a good revamp. I'm glad they kept the pose, and I like the expression it gives now. The wings are beautiful and not oddly shaped like the old one. I'm going to miss the orbs with the halos around them though, but it's still really nice. The legs are nice (although I don't like the 3 leg syndrome) and an automatic win for the paw pads. All in all, my favorite Hikei revamp thus far.

The Hipottu is pretty nice, in the sense that the artist kept the same pose. I don't like the eye lashes given to it though; it looks very feminine. But at least it doesn't have that dumb expression with the buck teeth and everything. Thank Martel it was revamped.
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Re: Revamped Angelic Hikei and Hipottu

Post by Huggles »

I like them well enough. I dislike the yellow wings on them both, however. Pale blue shading would have worked better on either. Or even maybe pale pink on the hikei because of the new muzzle and pawpad colors. I'd possible like the yellow on the hippo if the tail tuft was yellow or orange, or maybe even light pink. It's the same problem I have with angelic pets in general. There are lots of blocks of color together, that don't necessarily match when they aren't blended or repeated. They're kind of a mishmash of every color used for angelic pets, rather than a few picked out for each individual pet.
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