Editorial Time!

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Re: Editorial Time!

Post by Xelio »

Well, I had a lot of people suggesting various things from reporting her for harrassment to just ignoring her mail and blocking her. I finally did something in between. I replied with such and then blocked her.
At the time, I was not lying. Neopets has changed their policy again.

http://www.neopets.com/ntimes/index.pht ... &issue=380

That links to the rule that was in place at the time, 52 editorials ago, in which one couldn't back out after points were invested. I'm sorry about all that chaos and confusion back then.
I sure hope that's the best way to handle the situation. Being a 3-way trade, its not like she can force three people to trade back and she's adopted/traded the pet she got out of the deal anyways.

But that brings me to another thought...bacon grilled cheese? Never thought about putting bacon on one. I'm not much for bacon, but that puts me in the mind of other meaty toppings. If my current ideas you've inspired work out, I will <3 you forever.
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Re: Editorial Time!

Post by Kantark »

T'Editorial wrote:We'd like to note that we've received numerous questions with regard to the recent Neopet trading issues. We have not overlooked this subject and will be clarifying details in next week's Editorial. Thanks!
Hark - Is that the sound of the shit hitting the fan I hear? Hopefully they're expending some time working out the potential ramifications *before* telling us the rules, then ;-)
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Re: Editorial Time!

Post by Larkspurlane »

How'd your culinary experiments go, Xelio?

I was so happy to see that, Kantark -- it's really good of them to not just ignore this concern and actually address it.

(I think it's a mark of how bad neo generally is with ignoring these sorts of things when I'm actually happy that they take *two weeks* to figure out a rule for trading your pokemans on a virtual pet site.)
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Re: Editorial Time!

Post by Larkspurlane »

http://www.neopets.com/ntimes/index.pht ... l&week=434
If Player B had painted their Neopet Royal before Player A had backed out, then they would have had enough cause to report Player A to our monitors for further investigation
While we do not encourage players to back out after a Neopet has been painted or morphed, players can back out or change their minds at any time.
I'm liek really tired or something, can someone explain wtf is going on in this confused contradiction-fest, or maybe I just need to look at this tomorrow morning.
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Re: Editorial Time!

Post by Usul_Princess »

It translates to: "Yes you can still back out, despite anything we said in editorial 380. Don't bother whining to our PR department about how you got screwed. We'll probably tell you to get over it unless we're convinced you were scammed."

I really thought they'd backpedal and retreat to #380. So, they (currently) are apethetic about your trade backing out. It doesn't matter if it isn't fair and you've wasted your entire savings on someone else's whim. It's still considered your neopet until the trade is complete, so create a pet you can live with, should "trader A" do just that. Think of it as an extremely risky gamble.

...It took them a week to come up with this?

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Re: Editorial Time!

Post by Larkspurlane »

Thanks Etienne!

Well. :( I preferred the simple editorial 380 version of things. If it wasn't for that provision I wouldn't have gotten my UC faerie grarrl, 'cuz the owner tried to back out and I was able to link to 380 and save the day.
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Re: Editorial Time!

Post by Ailiel »

As disappointing as this is, I can see how this makes sense from the standpoint of being the people who actually have to ENFORCE something like this. As much as it sucks for those offering customs, it is such a gray area of trading as it is. For TNT to investigate this, they'd need to look at neomails and judge whether the trade was confirmed, check logs to see when the potion/paint brush was obtained, when exactly the pet was painted or morphed, if the other user had attempted to back out before that happened, and then decide the appropriate action. While I've heard of cases where people back out AFTER a custom has been created, I've also heard of the custom-creator backing out after making a name the other person liked, and even a trade where a person said they were CONSIDERING the custom offer, when the person made the custom and then told them they had to trade or they would be frozen. The custom scenario is so tricky, and while it sucks to be the person left holding a pet, I also don't know if I'm comfortable with someone being obligated to go through with a trade when they want out. On the trading post a trade is not final until it is done, and some people arrange trades on the pound board MONTHS in advance. So much can happen in that amount of time.

Eventually the buck has to stop somewhere, and as much as it sucks, I feel that the risk should be with the person making the custom. A trade isn't final until the pets have been exchanged, and really I think it's kind of always been this way-- I've never seen anyone actually frozen for backing out. Now those who make customs are aware of the risk they are taking, which I think is better. Even if the other user gets frozen, you are REALLY not going through with the trade then, so you are still taking the fall even under the old rules.

Also I would HATE to see Neopets traded for money, just because I can only imagine the horrifying pricetags attached to certain UCs and battle pets, and since there isn't any way to hide your pets it would be like drawing a big target for scammers on your forehead. It's bad enough now when they can only be traded for other Neopets, but at least it keeps the trading "price" somewhat in control.

Plus I just don't know how I would feel if I found out I was sitting on a 30 million neopoint pet. :P
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Re: Editorial Time!

Post by Usul_Princess »

Ailiel wrote:Plus I just don't know how I would feel if I found out I was sitting on a 30 million neopoint pet. :P
I'm pretty sure your main alone is worth 150m, Ailiel. :P Easily worth more than 4 Maraquan draiks. You have the most beautiful, and organized pets I've ever seen. Not to mention "value" of age and the avatar count. I felt bad when you had to put Crettek somewhere else and ruin your A B C D thing you had going on.

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Re: Editorial Time!

Post by Silent »

I think for me the most frustrating aspect of this whole Editorial business is that they won't acknowledge that this very much is a change of their rules, (the rules previously stated pretty unambiguously in Ed 380)

they write:
"We believe the confusion caused from past Editorials is that they have referred to custom Neopet trading with regard to Neopoints invested."

Implying that any "confusion" is down to the stupidly of Neopets users, rather than a result of them publishing two completely contradictory rules.

I mean how hard is it to simply state: "OK, we've looked at this area and as a result we feel we need to change our previous rules so that they come into line with the existing ethos that pets can't be traded for Neopoints."
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Re: Editorial Time!

Post by Larkspurlane »

^ I agree with the above post! (Albeit extremely belatedly.)

From today's editorial http://www.neopets.com/ntimes/index.pht ... &issue=438
Do you have any plans to either turn Stone Paint Brushes into Relic Paint Brushes or remove Stone Paint Brushes altogether? It seems kind of stupid to keep the old paint brush for a revived, revamped color... also, it would help avoid confusion. ~miztorere
Stone Paint Brushes will not become Relic Paint Brushes. The Relic Paint Brush was not intended to be a revamp of the stone colour. We'll consider whether to do something with the old Stone Paint Brush to avoid confusion, but won't make any promises.

No relation.
Lulz. How is it not a revamp? Pets become a greyish nondescript mineral formation when painted with these brushes. One gets *gasp* a pedestal. :o
*tosses jelly* Sorry, couldn't resist! I keep hearing people talk about "unconverted" Neopets. I've even read a story about one. Are these just Neopets that aren't painted? ~quickquotes
No, unconverted Neopets are Neopets left over from years ago, before Neopets could be customised to wear clothing, backgrounds, etc. Back then Neopets were unalterable images. For example, your pink Cybunny looked exactly like every other pink Cybunny in Neopia. This also meant that, at the time, Neopets could have more unique art, as they didn't have to fit a certain pose for clothing art. We had to convert almost all Neopets to a standard pose when we released customisation. Some Neopets would have undergone such a massive visual change that we either left them alone or left it up to the player to decide whether they wanted to "convert" the Neopet to the customisable version or leave it "unconverted." A lot of players still enjoy the look and feel of unconverted Neopets (which are incapable of wearing clothing items), so that is why you often see talk of them on the Neoboards. In case you are wondering, you can no longer create Neopets that are unconverted. All new Neopets are customisable.
Nice fail attempt at justification explanation of UCs. I like how whenever they are mentioned, their "failings" need to be mentioned in the same sentence ("before neopets could be customized to wear clothing", unalterable images, looks like every other pet, incapable of wearing clothing items). :@ I'm pleased that a line about UCs' unique art made it through, even if the gist of the rest of the answer is basically that UCs are failures because they can't wear clothes.
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Re: Editorial Time!

Post by Kantark »

Larkspurlane wrote:Nice fail attempt at justification explanation of UCs. I like how whenever they are mentioned, their "failings" need to be mentioned in the same sentence ("before neopets could be customized to wear clothing", unalterable images, looks like every other pet, incapable of wearing clothing items). :@ I'm pleased that a line about UCs' unique art made it through, even if the gist of the rest of the answer is basically that UCs are failures because they can't wear clothes.
I had a little eyeroll/chuckle when I read that reply too, though it wasn't too bad - just a bit of spin. I can see that getting some people a bit riled though. "Listen to us, you've never had it so good!". And it sounds like they're ruling out any sort of unconvert brush/item there? Drat.
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Re: Editorial Time!

Post by ZomgethMew »

Dear Neopets buddies, I am a musical genius, but there is nowhere on Neopets for me to have an outlet for my amazing talent! What gives? You've got stuff for all the arty people with writing and arty art! I feel discriminated against.
It was the musical genius bit that cracked me up. I love it when people send in questions like that 83.

Also this:
Karma karma karma karma karma chameleoooooooooon. I hope you are pleased to know that every time I go to the Petpet Shop in Neopia Central and I see the Carma sitting there, staring at me, that song pops into my head. Therefore, I can no longer shop there. Thanks! o_0
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Re: Editorial Time!

Post by Kantark »

A musical genius? Well, maybe if the first post was written by the originator of the song referenced in the second? :-P

And, yup, I read that, LOL'd, and then had to go and listen to the song. Sometimes you need a bit of 80's cheese.
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Re: Editorial Time!

Post by Cranberry »

Hi, TNT! *shakes violently in the presence of TNT* So, I was wondering: is there ever going be a morphing potion that can change a Neopet's species but not their colour? Thank you so much if this gets published! ~grape0lot
We've discussed this and, while it might not be in the form of a morphing potion, it's something we're not opposed to. We'll keep this idea in our heads and see what we can develop. Please no breath-holding while you wait, but yes, there is a very good chance we will do this in the future.
Hey, I like this idea! I'm surprised that TNT said they'll probably actually do it.
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Re: Editorial Time!

Post by Seerow »

It would be neat if that was a possible new Lab outcome, it would make it a bit more interesting when species changes occur. Isn't there already an Underwater Fishing item that does this though, but with a random species?
Hello, TNT staff! I love the new look of the wheels that the Save the Wheels group have rescued so far. I also don't mind that it costs more to spin the Wheel of Excitement, especially since the prizes have been updated. But... since the revamp, we have only been able to spin the wheel once per day, even though the description says it can be spun every two hours. So, which is it? Daily or every two hours? Inquiring minds want to know. *grin* Thanks for all your hard work! ~smseal
Most of the wheels are daily, so there was a bit of "human" error that resulted in it only being able to be spun once a "day." While a programmer works on fixing it, we'll entertain ourselves by adding quotation marks around "random" words.
This amused me. "Most" must mean something else for TNT, seeing as only two of them are daily.
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