RL Achievements and ToW

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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by EofS »

Unfortunately waiting for flights to run again wasn't really an option, as the one bloody time this happens I wasn't actually at my boyfriend's place - we were on holiday together in Hamburg. So whilst I have a right to a spot on a flight Hamburg-Luton once they run again, I have no way of taking up said spot. So the decision was taken on Sunday (once my flight was officially cancelled - morning thankfully) to go ahead and book me on the earliest ferry or train that we could. Somehow I managed to get on as a foot passenger, probably because I'm not on one of the cross-channel ferries but am going directly to Hull.

But when we checked on Saturday through a travel agent, already the earliest she could get me on any ferry was going to be Thursday! And that would have been going via Denmark too, ugh.

Usul - I definitely get a refund for my flight being cancelled, and I can apply for one for my unused train ticket (since I wasn't in the country to use it...) But the rest I'm not holding my breath on. Reading my policy it looks like I miiiight get £20 per 12 hours I was delayed, for a max of £100. Which doesn't even cover the cost of the ferry. And my flight + train refund might just cover the cost of the train I had to take the other night. I'm also worried they might go "aaah, well you decided to move locations instead of just sitting in a hotel in Hamburg, can't give you money now" - which of course I did because sitting in a hotel in Hamburg until flights exist again was going to be bloody expensive! Even a single night would have cost me less than the train fare to get down to my boyfriend's, where I can stay free.

About to set off for the train to get the bus to get the ferry. All told, it's still 24 hours before I can expect to walk through my front door. And then 2 hours later, walk back out again for a 13 hour shift at work. Fun times!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Jazzy »

E: They might genuinely consider a full refund, or at least partial and consider it an unprecedented "act of God".
Actually, the "act of God" part is being used as a pathetic excuse by a lot of travel insurance companies as to why they don't have to refund people. Surely unprecedented, unpredictable events are precisely why you bought travel insurance in the first place.

My favourite quote so far has to be this one:
We arrived home on Sunday after a 2,200-euro [$3000] taxi ride from Courchevel in the French Alps to Birmingham.

We were due to fly back from Geneva with Easyjet, but once we found out our flight was cancelled, we asked our driver to keep going.

His journey then went from about four hours to three days round trip.

The taxi driver, Matt, is still on his way back.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Goldenchaos »

My current job is making feel completely worthless. Its the first time ANY job that I have ever had since I first started working thats made me feel this way.

All I can do now is hope I get call backs from the other places Ive applied to. Then I get the hell out of here . >:|
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Huggles »

Tiny, tiny rageawoe.

My mom threw the dish towels in the wash with my bath towels. I don't care if they are supposedly clean now. Why won't she stop?!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Joey »

Thanks for the congrats guys! As a little follow up, I just got another acceptance, to UCLA! I don't actually want to go there, as I prefer Davis and I definitely need to move out. But it's a nice little achievement to know that I made it in to freaking UCLA.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Huggles »

It's cuz your smart and famous.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Jessi »

Ugh ugh ugh. It has been a really wet and rainy spring here, especially the past few days... and because of it, we are becoming overrun with ANTS inside our house.

Lindsey discovered a bunch of ants inside our baking supplies cabinet and since then it's just been a massive assault with the Raid. Our house smells, I hate ants, all of our food is currently in milk crates. It makes me feel so gross and dirty, even though our house is CLEAN.

Our stupid apartment complex came down and put one lousy ant trap in our cabinet, so we just went out and bought two boxes worth and are prepared to put them all around our kitchen. Stupid ants.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Alicorn »

Oh poor Jessi and Lindsey! **hugs** I can't believe your apartment complex only put one trap out, I mean really. **shakes head** I wish you the best of luck on your war againest the ants and hope it's over fast for your sake.

And a big congrats to you Joey! I'm glad you got accepted to both collages. So very cool. ^-^
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Goldenchaos »

Have you tried using borax on the ants? You combine that with sugar and water, try and but a bit more borax, mix it up really good. Then set it aside on a small piece of aluminum (make it into a small dish). Sprinkle a bit of the concoction near ant trails or where they all come out of. :O Fair warning..They will ATTACK IT. Borax is poison, and with the sugar water, theyll just go back to the queen and kill her.

This has worked wonders when I had ants, about a day or two after doing this, they are usually long gone.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Jazzy »

Spraying the nest or the place they're getting into the house also works. Last summer, I would spray the counters at night and come home from placement the next day to find ants all over the floors, sink, counters - dozens and dozens of them, lots of them the flying sort too. Sweep them up, spray again, find them after work again the next day. I was not at all impressed. It finally finished when we found and sprayed the hole they'd been using for entry.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Jessi »

The problem is, we have no idea where the ants are coming from. We don't see ant trails coming from anywhere =/ There's none by our windows, front door, or patio door. The only thing i can think of is our neighbors have an ant issue THEY'RE not taking care of, and we share a wall, and they're coming in from over there. It's... possible. Luckily the several ant traps we put around our kitchen seem to be working; there was a lone ant on the counter tonight, and we've found a few stray dead ones but that's about it.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Well, i never did get to do a decent writeup of the Orbital concert. There were three things that bugged me: 1) the preceding techno DJs were OK, but they stayed up there way too long - i wish Orbital had hit the stage within half an hour of the show's posted time; 2) WAY TOO LOUD - i really don't like having to muffle music because it's literally hurting my ears, and Orbital's music has little nuances that were lost in the noise; 3) they apparently disappeared after the show - no autographs aww. But other than that? FANTASTIC show. I LOVED the dual headlamps and the light show. They played Input Out, Out There Somewhere?, Belfast, Satan, Halcyon, and The Box, among others.

In the morning, i fly out to Arizona to meet my mom to visit relatives for a week. I'm taking my computer, but i might not get any real internet access. Have a great week, everyone!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Fury »

Jessibean wrote:The problem is, we have no idea where the ants are coming from. We don't see ant trails coming from anywhere =/ There's none by our windows, front door, or patio door. The only thing i can think of is our neighbors have an ant issue THEY'RE not taking care of, and we share a wall, and they're coming in from over there. It's... possible. Luckily the several ant traps we put around our kitchen seem to be working; there was a lone ant on the counter tonight, and we've found a few stray dead ones but that's about it.
My boyfriend and I recently had an ant problem in our new bungalow. It was really stressing me out and making me feel dirty also (I kept having nightmares about them crawling all over my house, LOL) but we've sorted them out now. I'm sure you can get the same/equivalent product in your country but we used Nippon Ant Stations. Basically, they're little containers that you fill with liquid that ants adore. They flood into it, lap it up, run back and share it with the colony and it completely wipes them out. They were gone within a few days and we haven't seen any since! It should work well for you, especially if you don't know where they're coming from.

It was pretty disgusting though - we used to see the odd one on our living room floor but when we put the base station down, there were loads of the bastards scuttling in and out. Turns out they were coming in from outside via our Virgin cable box. Urgh.

Best of luck!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Elzaim »

Just a little tidbit of help with ants (because my husband and I also had problems in an apartment once) - but an easy and cheap alternative to keeping them out is baby powder. There's something in it that messes with their "signals" and if you make a line around where you think they're coming in, or just around general areas you don't want them to get to, they won't cross over the line of the powder. Don't know why, but it worked like a charm with our ant problem. We found where they were coming in, drew a powder half-moon around the area and watched as they came in, skidded to a halt and retreated. :D
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by jamboree »

Effective but not recommended: my boyfriend's approach to de-anting, which consisted of squirting ant poison all over the sink, countertops, stove, and baseboard crevices of his tiny kitchen. He used almost the entire bottle on a 7'X10' space - there were pools of the stuff everywhere. Imagine his surprise when I told him that poison for ants is ALSO POISON FOR PEOPLE.

Since then, however, I haven't seen a single ant in his apartment.

Method not recommended if you have pet, children, or a wish NOT to die a horrible death by poisoning. Boyfriend turned out to be just fine, primarily because he doesn't use his countertops or sinks for food preparation. It doesn't take much to microwave a Lean Pocket.

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