Technical Problems

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Technical Problems

Post by Tintenklexs »

I'm going to describe this in german, because I'm not familiar enought with english descriptions of technical problems.
If someone wants to translate it - feel free!

Seit einiger Zeit habe ich in Firefoxbrowser (Installiertes Adblock Plus, für Neopets allerdings ausgeschaltet) Probleme mit Neopets. Zunächst begann es nur damit, dass ich eine Fehlermeldung bekam, wenn ich auf das Labor zugreifen wollte, die so lautete:

"Error: Du bist von der falschen Stelle zu dieser Seite weitergeleitet worden! Wenn dieser Fehler WEITERHIN auftritt, hast du wahrscheinlich irgendwelche Sicherheitseinstellungen aktiviert, mit denen du Neopets nicht korrekt spielen kannst.

Klick hier, um Tipps bezüglich dieses Problemes zu sehen."

Diese Errormeldung tritt auf, egal auf welche Weise ich zum Labor gehe (von PP-Seiten, über die Spieleübersicht, direkt über den Browser etc. pp. )
Mittlerweile gibt es dieselbe Fehlermeldung auch, wenn ich (auf egal welche Weise) auf meine Neomails zugreife und auf eine Antworten möchte.
Im Internetexplorer funktioniert es.
Die Tipps bezüglich meines Problems beziehen sich auf Einstellungen mit:

> Firewall (Norton) => habe Antivir + Vistafirewall, hat ihn jahrelang nicht gestört...
> Windows XP + Internet Explorer => benutze ich beides nicht
> AOL => auch nicht
> Uhr des Computers falsch eingestellt => auch nicht.

Wer hat eine Idee, was ich tun kann?

[[Jazzy's edit: I'm going to approve this post once I've translated it.
To the original poster: dieser Beitrag wird sichtbar als ich es übersetzt habe :) wenn ich es falsch gemacht habe, tut mir leid!]]
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Re: Technical Problems

Post by Jazzy »

Here's a translation:
For a while, I've been having a problem with Neopets using Firefox (with Adblock Plus installed but turned off for Neopets). At first, it started displaying this message whenever I used the lab ray:
"You have been directed to this page from the wrong place! If you KEEP getting this error, chances are you have some security settings enabled that are not letting you play Neopets correctly."

I get this error no matter how I access the lab - from petpages, from the games room, directly from the browser, etc.

Now, as well as having that error when I use the lab, I am also getting it when I access my neomail to write/read [[Jazzy note: I'm not certain which]] responses.

It works in Internet Explorer.

The suggested solutions for my problem [[Jazzy note: a Neopets official page,]] are as follows:
Norton firewall settings => I have Vista's firewall and an antivirus but it's been fine for a year until now...
Windows XP with IE => I'm not using either
AOL => also not using
System clock set incorrectly => not the case.

Does anyone have any ideas as to what I can do? Thank you!


Having translated it, I don't have many suggestions myself - I have had this problem before, but it was caused by the very first thing on the error message page, Norton firewall settings :)

I have found that if I end up on a URL which looks like this:
rather than the ordinary URL:
it can give me an error that I have not come from the correct place, because it is using "petpages" instead of "www" at the beginning. Could that be happening? If you go to can you use the lab ray normally or does it give you an error message?
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Re: Technical Problems

Post by Rah »

Do you have Illimitux installed on your computer? I had this exact same problem after my last update. It changes the uh...refer or something. I had to type some sort of config thing into the url and change a refer thing from 0 to 2 after uninstalling illimitux. Ugh I can't find the page that helped me.

I know grelca on subeta recently helped someone with this same problem so I can try and get her over here.
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Re: Technical Problems

Post by Kantark »

Just a thought - some antivirus packages (I'm thinking specifically AVG, but others might do it now) now have a feature that checks all the links on a page when you load it, to check for blacklisted websites (phishing pages, etc.). The AVG feature is called 'Linkscanner'. This might be causing problems? (I diabled that feature on install so I can't easily check it out)
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