Post minor achievements/woes here!

Post the good things and the bad things that have happened to you on Neopets here.
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Re: Post minor achievements/woes here!

Post by FaerieInGrey »

When they reset my password, it was to n1nja.

Not exactly thwarting any attempts to get in, but at least it wasn't my username or p4ssword? :P
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Re: Post minor achievements/woes here!

Post by Gumdrops »

Snagged an 'Amulet of Life' for 700 nps. They go for 30k.
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Re: Post minor achievements/woes here!

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

FaerieInGrey - eeskads, really? I hope posting that there doesn't make trouble for other people though...not that it would be hard for hax0rz to play through anyway.

UNIB hit 150, and i sold mine off. I'm a few mil richer. :D I need to quit peeking at all the stocks though, since at one point KSON was that one i had the most way back when. :P
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Re: Post minor achievements/woes here!

Post by FaerieInGrey »

From what I've heard from other people, they don't use the same temp password for everyone, but they're all similarly lame passwords.
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Re: Post minor achievements/woes here!

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

This is an achievement for you all, hehe.

You will never have to read my whining rants about stupid not-attaching Aboogalas ever again!

I have a Magma Peophin named Neightmare on one of my side accounts. I decided to give up with the Aboogala on my main and attach it to Neightmare's Froiler instead. I didn't have much luck there either. I got the Darkness Attacks foreground, which melds nicely with A Rolling Fog. I checked Neightmare and was pleased with the effect - and saw an Aboogala there too - then it hit me. Somewhere in all that shuffling around, one FINALLY attached! So much for all those hours of pointless inventory refreshing. Anybody need an Aboogala? I have some extras. :)

And also on that account, i created ANOTHER Peophin and sent over a PB in hopes of a future Maractite one. The species is negotiable upon seeing another that i can't resist, like a Uni.
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Re: Post minor achievements/woes here!

Post by Jamie »


I've been sitting on 797 for probably over a year now so I decided to go for 800, yay for aesthetically pleasing numbers! But now that I've started again I think I'm going to just keep going -_-
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Re: Post minor achievements/woes here!

Post by Madge »

Here's my latest neomail.

On my side, with my pet Ash, I get:
Is Ash UFT? It's okay if she's not, but my friends name is Ash and her birthdays in 2 weeks and oddly enough she likes Peo's. I'll offer anything you want for her. :3
Firstly, Ash is a BOY, but whatever.

However, these two neomails went to my main two days later - and I assume from the same person:
My main account is Slowbro, please neomail me there as neomails are ignored on this account.

^ shouldn't of ignored that, even though your last log in was 12 days ago lol. okay so i give you ANYTHING for that faerie peo named ash :3. like any pet you want name i even if it's UC. Also since the purge is going on , if you give me names i''ll stalk those accounts and be on when they try to get purged and give them to you. or i'll try to find well named pets and give them to you. my friends name is ash and she likes UC faerie peos and it's just pefect! D: I'll give you any 3-4 pets you want and you can transfer Ash directly to Ash's account and I'd transfer you all the pets first. I pretty much will do anything. He probably means a lot to you since you've been playing for so long but I will do anything and give you anything! Pretty please wif a cherry on top? :3
and, of course:
i won't stop trying by the way, for the heads up lol. i'll do anythinggggg. like build a time machine and beat you to it XD. you'll probably say "go and get another faerie peo" yeah ash loves faerie peos but it is also her name. you also probably get mails like this all the time but i'm different :c. i will give you like any and all the pets you want lol
I sent them a neomail explaining rather angrily/sarcastically that Ash was named after my friend Ash who was killed and I worked hard etc. It's all bullshit, of course, but I do it with the blessing of my best friend Ash who thinks it's all hilarious. So stay tuned for updates, I guess. Everyone gets really super horrified at their behavior/insensitivity when I drop the "dead best friend" bomb on them.

And, they should learn their lesson. Because somewhere there's a lovely UC pet that IS named after someone's beloved friend or something.
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Re: Post minor achievements/woes here!

Post by thelonetiel »

That's kinda hilarious Madge. x)

If they keep bothering you, just report them for trying to trade you multiple pets for a single pet, and they'll probably stop neomailing after they are frozen. :3
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Re: Post minor achievements/woes here!

Post by invaderhorizongreen »

geez that person sounds like a stalker i hope they get frozen. i would hate to run into someone like this, why do they not understand the pet is NOT UFT.
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Re: Post minor achievements/woes here!

Post by Madge »

I'm not sure about reporting them. Technically you're not allowed to talk about death on neopets, so I wouldn't want to risk myself getting a warning.

My reply was:
Dude, you do know that I created Ash in honour of my best friend Ash who was killed after he was hit by a car? Hence the big "In Memorium" on his lookup.

That said, I would really be completely remiss not to give you a pet I stalked the name of for months and months, saved up to paint faerie, and created a character for to honour my best friend's life, since it turns out your friend REALLY REALLY likes UC faerie peophins.

Finally, it is very much against the rules to trade multiple pets for one.
They sent two neomails in quick succession, as seems to be their wont:
Dude, you didn't have to say the beginning and make me feel bad lol.
My friend doesn't really really like Faerie Peo's. I just really really wanted to give something to Ash since she already liked Faerie Peo's she said she only liked 3 UC's and a Faerie Peo was one of them she warned me that you wouldn't give up your pet for anything buuuut I still Neomailed you lol.
I'm not sure what to say to that, since this seems to be the only person who wasn't immediately stumbling over themselves to apologise after the dead friend bomb was dropped.

Anyone have any suggestions?
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Re: Post minor achievements/woes here!

Post by Iggy »

Fuck, I'm glad no one bothers me for Sydney.

Block them, seriously.
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Re: Post minor achievements/woes here!

Post by Madge »

I don't like blocking n00b mail unless they're really, really awfully n00bish or spamming me with dozens of neomails. n00b mail is one of the few joys left in my neolife these days :)

I'm surprised I don't get more neomails begging for Ash, tbh; I only get one every few months.

Sydney is pretty cool, though!

But I like to think to myself that Ash, as a UC Faerie Peophin with such a fantastic RW/RN, is probably up there in the list of most valuable non-BD pets in Neopia. It makes me feel important ;)

Now I'm wondering - what other super-awesome pets exist? Is there Bob, the UC Maraquan Krawk, or his equal, out there somewhere?
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Re: Post minor achievements/woes here!

Post by Gumdrops »

I got the Wheel of Knowledge avvie today!

I didn't think it was ever gonna happen. 99% of the time I land on the question mark.
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Re: Post minor achievements/woes here!

Post by Jazzy »

Summary : You had 56346 NP. After 22 successful transactions, you have 1519557.
VPTS at 77 :)
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Re: Post minor achievements/woes here!

Post by MalionX »

Kind of a major woe that has been haunting me for nearly 5 years now.... but I don't need to make too many threads in a row.

When I signed up for Neopets. I wasn't old enough to do it without a parent... (It must have been 14 or 15... I was 13 at the time) so I altered my birthdate... in some way. To get in.

I was just fine for goodness knows how long.

But now. When I go on. I fill in my password. Then it asks for my birthdate. Which isn't my real one. And there is no way I could just remember it... so my pets of 8 years sit... forever starving. I don't want to start over having an 8 year account that is not frozen sitting there. Looking at me. and saying "whyyyy Mal, whyyyy" :(

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