Possible Fester Redesign--Now Complete

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.
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Re: Possible Fester Redesign

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Aw, i like the stupid mohawk and the mischievous-looking grin and the slightly garish color scheme. But that combination, although endearing to me in that combination, doesn't make me want to actually have one. As nice as the new proposed version is, i'd pout if it replaced the current one. And though the animal style is the same, the character style is vastly different, so to me it's a different pet.

It reminds me too that although the revamps have largely been improvements on the art, every time it's changed one of the pets i liked when i joined, it's made me less interested in playing. I don't know how Fester aficionados (small as the lot may be) would like such a drastic redesign.
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Re: Possible Fester Redesign

Post by Bumblegoat »

This is probably the first revamp that scares me. I'm not a big fan of the common fester, but I do love some of the redraws, and currently own a graveyard one. This makes me wonder what would happen to the other festers, because many of them don't need redraws at all. This change would make revamps necessary. I actually don't like this artist's style at all, so even if all festers are basically traced with some minor updates, I probably won't like it. No offense to the artist, there really isn't anything wrong with her art, it just isn't my cup of tea.

I would have nothing against a revamp similiar to this, if it meant that the well-drawn festers wouldn't be touched (like graveyard, dark matter and galactic).
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Re: Possible Fester Redesign

Post by TCStarwind »

As much as I like the common colored festers, I don't like them enough to own one. And I really dislike most of the redraws for the species. So, I actually really love this updated version! :D I like that it's more of a general bird of prey rather than just vulture (because I always hate completely changing a design for one of my pets from the source, because then what's the point of it even being a vulture if I make it look like an owl?). I like that it's head isn't bald anymore and that is had a shorter neck. Aside from the few anatomy errors others have pointed out, I'd really like to see this go through because this is something that I could totally change Starwind into (assuming galactic gets revamped as well).

And I don't think that the graveyard would need to be revamped to match this anyway; it's already close enough.
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Re: Possible Fester Redesign

Post by Jessi »

The Fester revamp is LIVE now, and it is fabulous!


The new position of the wing is beautiful and really increases its depth and size, I think. The color palette is nice too, without giving it back its ridiculous green mohawk xD -- and the old common colors were preserved in Twilight:


Rest of the colors:

Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

I think my favorite is Cream - I love the colors so much! - but it's closely followed by Nuclear. I don't usually like Nuclear pets, but I love the way the color is done on the face in particular. Very pretty!

Also scribble:
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Re: Possible Fester Redesign

Post by Seerow »

I am so torn by this revamp! I really love the pet itself, it is the best bird pet we have and I will definitely be getting one. So on that front this pet is an outstanding success!

On the other hand I still stand by what I said earlier, this is not a Fester. I wish it hadn't replaced the old one and this had been released as an entirely new pet. Kinda reminds me of the Dragon revamp ages ago that completely changed the pet (though with a hell of a lot less drama surrounding it!).
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Re: Possible Fester Redesign

Post by Heilos »

I think this change was for the better (I absolutely love this revamp by the way <3). While it doesn't really look like a fester anymore, the fester was one of the least liked pets on the whole site as well as one of the lowest rated I believe (correct me if i'm wrong please) other then some of it's special colors, so they had to update it somehow to make it more appealing and they did just that with this gorgeous revamp. The new wings look elegant and powerful and i'm particularly fond of marsh, sun, gold and field.

Also scribble is the best lol XD
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Re: Possible Fester Redesign--Now Complete

Post by thelonetiel »

I was thoroughly unimpressed with this revamp to begin with, I agreed with almost all of Foghawk's comments. But the edits have helped tremendously, the wings look far better, the color scheme is much better (the blue grey and yellow tweaked me out a bit), and the feathers are so much nicer. Fantastic update and response to constructive criticism. Essentially everything I didn't like about the art was fixed.

And some of the colorfills are wonderful. Dawn is particularly striking to me.

I am still a little perturbed by the intense change in personality, but I own a bloodred fester so I don't mind the species being a bit fiercer. I look forward to seeing that revamp come up, though it frightens me some. I've had poor luck with revamps, this will be the fourth of my ten pets to have gotten reworked and I didn't enjoy the other ones particularly. (I don't log into Subeta often these days having essentially quit, but I was surprised to discover that my graveyard darkonite seems to have been revamped when I wasn't paying attention. I think I need to reinvest in the site just to restore my pets to a collection of ones I like)
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Re: Possible Fester Redesign--Now Complete

Post by Jessi »

Seerow, the problem with saying "this isn't a Fester and shouldn't have replaced the old Fester" is NO ONE wanted to draw the Fester anymore. Seriously. The only reason Lindsey gave in to drawing the Fester in the first place (after she adamantly said she wouldn't do it!) is because Andi and Keith let her go ahead and redesign the entire species. It was one of the least popular pets, and no one was ever asking for new colors for it and no one was suggesting ways to turn this into a new species but keep the old fester - and somehow make it interesting enough to keep. When you think about it from that point of view, it was basically a great decision for both the artists' morale and a business standpoint. Why pay artists to draw a pet that basically no one liked and no artists want to draw without feeling forced?

(not to mention I think you've proven a great point on your own - you keep saying you need one of these but you never would have considered owning an old fester ;D Therein lies the problem!)
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Re: Possible Fester Redesign--Now Complete

Post by Seerow »

I know this pet is already far more loved then the old Fester ever was and I am very glad Hagane created such a wonderful design. I don't doubt that this pet will easily make the site money and be far more fun to work with. I just feel like each time Subeta does such a drastic revamp on something it has had for so long, that they are loosing a bit of the site history. No other site that I'm aware of had a mohawk rockin' punk vulture so I thought it helped our site to stand out a bit more. Granted it was a very niche pet, but it was unique.
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Re: Possible Fester Redesign--Now Complete

Post by Wingsrising »

I still wish it looked happier, and I still think it's too top-heavy. I also don't get why some of them have splotches of bright color on... I think I'd call that the lores? Dusk in particular sort of looks like it got a Flicker mustache.

The wings are much, much better in this version, however!

I don't think I want one, but I'll be interested to see what the redraws end up looking like.
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Re: Possible Fester Redesign--Now Complete

Post by Fury »

I don't play Subeta but I needed to chirp in and say that this is one awesome-looking bird. Some of the recolours are absolutely beautiful, bravo to the artist.

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Re: Possible Fester Redesign--Now Complete

Post by puppykates_7 »

What website are these subeta pets on? i would like to join.
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Re: Possible Fester Redesign--Now Complete

Post by AngharadTy »

The website is subeta.net.
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Re: Possible Fester Redesign--Now Complete

Post by puppykates_7 »

thnx! i would have liked the revamp if the kept the grin in my opinion.
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