Wraith and Striped Ogrin

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Wraith and Striped Ogrin

Post by NeonDragonfly »

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Hmm the Wraith Ogrin seems a bit flat to me, especially along its chest. The back of its legs and tail get more detail, with a nice little arrow in its tail.
The Striped Ogrin looks rather nice, the stripes are nicely placed along it.
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Re: Wraith and Striped Ogrin

Post by Runic »

Kinda weird that Ogrin Day is very early this year. Wonder why.

Wraith is nice, but a purple outline of the chest fur would have given it more depth.
Striped is redundant on the species, but a nice addition nonetheless. ^^
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Re: Wraith and Striped Ogrin

Post by Darigan »

Those colors are ok.
Not anything special, but not bad either.
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Re: Wraith and Striped Ogrin

Post by thelonetiel »

Wraith is super flat. I agree that giving it defined chest fluff would've helped get rid of the gaping blank area on the chest. The jaw looks strange too, it looks like a bit of black accidentally got onto the face. The stripes on the ogrin are for the most part flattering though, so it could be worse.

Striped is pretty uninspiring, but the colors are pretty in combination. They look extra soft on the body, I like it.
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Re: Wraith and Striped Ogrin

Post by Witchneko »

Actually, I like that the chest fur lacks an outline - it seems less like a feather boa around the neck and more like fur. On the chest.

Striped is Striped, although the headmane and chestmane (...what to call them?) seem really bright in comparison to everything else. Maybe it's just me.
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Re: Wraith and Striped Ogrin

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

I think it's just the volume of the orchid color on the Striped one's mane and chest ruff that make it seem so bright. I do like that the toes and face have kind of a "shine" to them, to indicate there's less fur. This is a good solid addition to the Striped lineup, keeping the Ogrin's normal stripes and adding the rest for the requisite color.

Wraith is pretty nice. The smaller view makes the mane look chopped at the top, but it's curl-rounded when seen full size. The chest ruff might have broken up the big dark monotony, but there's a certain appropriate feel to it having some dark cavernous looking spaces. I love the menacing grin. And yeah, i looked for the black space, and it seems to be part of the grin effect that someone might have meant or just not fleshed out completely. Compare to other "darker than the rest of the dark" bits as well as on other Wraith pets.
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