Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by Rakumel »

Wingsrising wrote:There seems to be a huge jump in difficulty between Susie and Clive. I've wiped out Susie 45 times so far and haven't beaten Clive once. Is it even possible for a Tier 4 pet to beat Clive?
Yes it is possible, I did it 5 times. :D

There's not much I can add strategywise that Cranberry hasn't already said: freeze him and hit hard. Gorgun was my main freezer, then occasionally I'd luck out and get a second freeze with a Glaciating Pylonic or Mercurial Throwing Vial.

My tier 4 set's not anything special: Blutex Laser Wristwatch, Earth Bomb, Earth Soul Stone, Purple Gun, Amulet of Destiny and Prophecy, Phoenix Quill, and the last slot this time was the V-Nuke. I also had the scrolls Terra Spire, Stalactite Star, and Melting Eclipse, as well as a bunch of Dark Earth and Dark Magma potions equipped (I don't think the type matters *too* much in this case, that's just personal preference on my part).

I modded the Purple Gun with a Phys. Defense Baguette crystal to help block some of the physical icons, and blocked the dark ones with Stalactite Star, which I used almost every turn. I liked using the Soul Stone + freezer on the first turn; the soul stones have a blessing that attacks with one of each icon on the next turn. That, plus two bombs and a potion and a strong offensive spell = lots of icons to attack Mr. sitting duck Bucket with. Then just keep pounding away with the remaining weapons and scrolls, using the Phoenix Quill when necessary, until he...kicks the bucket.

[insert overused YEEEEEEEAAAAH scream here]

There's a luck element too, I didn't win every time. Especially after about the 3rd or 4th win...Clive has a ton of HP, and my pet just didn't have quite enough strength to kill him quickly. If it became an endurance match, I was likely to lose. If I managed to get a critical hit on one of my turns - especially the one with the bombs - it was usually pretty easy from then on.

I'm liking the opponents so far; I'm probably going to be focusing on beating them for plot points instead of turning in fairies or *shudder* restocking supplies. Nice for people that already have the layout, I guess, but that kind of screws those of us who don't. I'm sure as hell not going to pay 40k per fairy when I still have over 700 left to release.
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by Cranberry »

Marah wrote: (Also, any news on the possibility of getting different default battlesets for differents tiers? That would be so handy!)
That plus the scroll library (basically an armory type thing, but for scrolls) are on the list of things the programmers are planning to do! I'm not sure if they're working on those at the moment or not -- we have a bunch of cool changes to push soon, though.
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by Wingsrising »

I'm afraid I don't have a freezer and Gorgun is too rich for my blood, so I may need to let it go.

This is my current set (I bought the Grimfruit and took two weapons recommended for Tier 4 on that weapons thread out of my pet treasures):


Plus a Champion Scroll. (I'm afraid I have no AR to speak of.)

Aside: are there any alternative "find things you're missing" sites to Monoclide, which doesn't seem to work anymore? That used to make it so easy to do things like find cheap books a pet hasn't read (for example).
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by Cranberry »

Yes! Subetalodge is awesome. Sign up and then go to the mass add page. Put in the source code of the "books your pet has read" page, and it will generate you a checklist of all the books your pet has read and all the books it needs... here is the public version of Visla's, for example.
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by Wingsrising »

Ooo, thanks! It looks like I've used that before a LONG time ago (although not for pet book lists) and had totally forgotten it existed!

You've read a few books. :-)
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by Cranberry »

Too many... I really should have boosted Visla's intelligence using stat boosters instead, because now all of the books I need cost 2 mil each and up! I read her a lot of those before I really knew much about the AP system. She has a decent amount of AP now (66; I want two more), but it's been pricy. The tier system has made it so that you don't need god weapons to beat opponents geared towards your tier, but scrolls are still nuts. There's not much we can do about it because we can't tier scrolls, so we have to keep intelligence prices fairly high or else everyone will just pile a bunch of awesome scrolls on their little pets and blast everything. :P
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by Officer 1BDI »

Full disclosure: scrolls saved my butt against Scavenger yesterday. My pet's tier 9, but I was struggling to get 5 wins until I realized, amid all my losing, that every time I activated Perilous Whirlpool I froze the enemy.

That scroll's been on Albia for months and I had no idea it could freeze.

Incidentally, Scavenger's the first Extremely Hard opponent I've been able to defeat, so cheers for that! :mrgreen:
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by AngharadTy »

I've got about 35 wins on the bucket monster (he's buckets of fun!) and I'm hoping that the number of rounds it takes to wear him down now will end up being worth it. Easier opponents definitely don't take as long to kill, but he's harder so he should be worth a good deal more points, I hope.

Edit re.: Scavenger. As usual, I'm not willing to put up millions of sP (or is it billions yet) to have an appropriate set for my t10 pet, who I have already spent so much money and time on. I even conceded and replaced my wonderful crit crystals with the blessing ones. Went off once in all my testing. Beat scavenger once through luck (i.e., crits, before I replaced those crystals), can't beat it again, wasting my time, and all on xmas. Think I might be dumb. And/or insane.
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by Cranberry »

It's not billions unless you want to wield double godlies, which you can't do until you hit t11 anyway.

I'm... not really sure what to do with complaints like that. I mean, I know where you're coming from; battling in the higher levels is expensive, and that can be frustrating. We made it so that you no longer NEED godlies (they certainly make it easier, but they're not completely necessary), and we're adding more choices in the higher tiers (including mil center weapons that should help stabilize prices, plus some upcoming challengers who drop good weapons). We can't just make it so that extremely hard challengers can be beaten by good pets with cheap weapons, though, because then there's no challenge at all for the more serious battlers who keep upgrading their sets. We try to keep a balance by carefully testing each new opponent with different sets, but it can be tough. And we don't really have control over prices, aside from with the mil center stuff; the Subeta economy's kind of crazy and so many people are loaded now that they keep driving prices up.

I find, though, that if you shell out the SP for a couple of good weapons -- or even borrow them -- then you can win more good weapons to keep or sell. Battling does get profitable the stronger your pet gets (those tomes the last two challengers dropped normally go for 8mil, for example). This is something we're going to be working on more in the coming year -- weapons you WIN, not buy. But if you have any other suggestions for how we can make battling fair yet still challenging in the higher levels, I'd love to hear them. Purge and I always like implementing good suggestions from the people who are playing the game. :)

And if you'd like to borrow a couple of weapons to defeat the Scavenger with, I could lend you my Malerias Cursed Arm Bangle and Trident, or something else more suitable (I'd have to go look at what I've got that would be good against him).
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by AngharadTy »

I'm just complaining to complain, basically, not to hint, although of course I do appreciate advice that comes my way. It's mostly due to the fact that I think the battling system sucks and is not very fun at all, and that has always been a problem on Subeta (long before you were on staff, Cranberry). Winning is nice. But click click click. Wait for page to load. Click the same three things. Wait for page to load. Click two things and maybe pick a different spell!! oh wow!! Wait for load... That's inherently boring and I doubt anything can be done about it. But the system itself feels clunky and has never really gotten a good overhaul. Battling means I abuse the "End" key on my keyboard because the pages are so awkwardly tall. The page that loads when the opponent has 0 HP needs a button at the top, not just the bottom, to take me to the congrats page, and it should be bigger and happier and more "ooooh I freaking won, yo." The congrats page needs a "Fight this guy again immediately" link. The battling could potentially be slightly less tedious if there were a "just use all the things I used last round" button.

Just rambling. I have to go do family stuff for the rest of the day now, though.
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by Cranberry »

I agree with your assessment of the system in general (I say something very much like that to Purge fairly often, heh). And yeah, not much we can do about that. The other stuff could be fixed, though... Fletch and Scarsdale are working on some other things for us at the moment (including exp payouts that get bigger with each win instead of smaller, because really, that has NEVER made sense), but once that is done and pushed, I can certainly talk to them about making the pages shorter and including some shortcut-type buttons. :)
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by Seerow »

I would love it if the page wasn't so freaking tall. I mean, is it really necessary for all the icons to be one per row? That stretches the page so much when you have weapons that deal many different types of damage.

I got 8 or 9 wins against the spider guy so I was pretty happy about that. I can get 10 wins I just have to go out and buy more of those vials and dark potions (I forget who mentioned them, but they are awesome if tedious!) so I can get up to 10 wins. I did however spend a large chunk of time yesterday beating that doll girl about 250 times. I can get some more wins on Clive easily enough, I'm at like 50 or something but he takes awhile to kill vs the one hit kills on the doll. I wish I knew if I was anywhere near a decent stash of points though. I hate not knowing what the highest priced item would cost and how many points I have heh.
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by Cranberry »

I wish I could help, but I don't even know that! I think anyone who battles that much is going to be doing pretty well, though. Pretty sure one win on the teddy will be equal to turning in one fairy, but the other challengers will be worth more points, with each difficulty being worth more than the one before, of course. There shouldn't be a points cap -- we aren't planning on one, anyway. I think that the programmers will have to look at the average points earned/high and low ranges before they can decide what each prize is "worth."

Negating Pylonics are expensive, but awesome. I used those and Potion of Life to manage six wins on the impossible fairy.
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by Wingsrising »

Any hint on when this is going to be over, thus, how much longer we have to kill low-level opponents/turn in fairies?




Whether I can do it 4 more times is the question. Starting to explore the wonderful world of potions now...
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by Cranberry »

I don't know exactly when it's ending, but you should have a few more days, at least. :) All opponents will stay up 'til the end.
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