Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by Wingsrising »


Phew. Took a ton of potions (luckily those are cheap) and several pylonics (unfortunately those are not) as well as breaking down and buying a Phoenix Quill (well, I figure I should have one anyway if I'm planning on doing even vague battling)

Thanks to Cranberry and Rakumel for the advice and Kamil for the new toy! :-)

Tomorrow if I have some time I'll go back to killing bears and dolls.
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by Cranberry »

Congrats on the five wins! And yeah, the Phoenix Quill is definitely worth it; that's one of the weapons that's good forever (along with stuff like Rainbow Vortex, Shinwas Temple Shard, Truth Serum, Soma Tablets, Reviver of the Lion... all of which have set prices or are obtainable from the reading drive, which is nice). Mine still saves my ass in a lot of fights. If you can get your hands on the donation weapon from the November 2012 collection -- Amulet of Drakkonis -- it's good, too. You can equip both it and the P-Quill at once, so you'll have a full heal and a 50% heal every fight.

If you're interested in battling at all, I think you'll like the changes we'll be pushing soon. It's going to make it a bit easier for the lower tiers to gain stats, and exp payouts will make more sense, and we're going to have more weapon drops... so you can win good weapons instead of having to save up tons of SP for them.
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by Marah »

I'm still stuck on 2 wins on the bucket. I stocked up on potions so now I'm mentally preparing myself for battle :)
I have the potions forum topic open (because I can't remember what these things all do) I have my weapon excel file open (because I can't remember what exactly all weapons and scrolls do). And now I need to tweak my default battle set.


This is what I have for my tier 5 pet. If any person has any tips, they are very welcome.

And I'm really glad we get a few more days, because I think I only battled 12 times in total so if people are really going for 250+ (Eeeeep carpal tunnel syndrome) I have a lot of battling left to do. Releasing faeries will have to wait for 3 or so years.

PS winning good weapons sounds like a great idea. really, the loot is why I battle at all.
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by Seerow »

A good freezer is wonderful against the Bucket. Freeze it the first round then do as much damage as you can the second round and hope you either knock it out or dwindle its hp enough. Also the Parched crystals/baguettes are a godsend since they protect you from freezing, but those can be a bit pricey.

I really wish the Reading Drive would make a comeback. It's been what, 2 years? I won't be able to get the Soma Tablets until it does :(
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by Wingsrising »

I'm torn between thinking "The Reading Drive? Yes, I love the Reading Drive" and, having read 150 books to my battle pet in the last two days and thinking I need at least a few more AR points, "Ahh! No! No more books! No more staring at the Book Nook shopkeeper!"

But in a little while I'd be excited for the idea of the Reading Drive again. :-)

I pretty much just froze Clive, hit him with my Mystical Star Shuriken and Almighty Pen and a potion and the Stalactite Star scroll that Rakumel mentioned (and the reason for reading all those books), then kept whacking him with the Grimfruit and the Pen and a potion with the occasional pylonic and Phoenix Quill as necessary hoping that I got critical hits on him and he *didn't* get critical hits on me (as he 1-hit me once when he got a critical hit on a high-damage round.)

(I don't know if the Almighty Pen is the best weapon for the purpose, it just seemed to be the best Tier 4 weapon I could identify pull out of pet treasures for the purpose -- though Duskfeather has almost 50 swords in her treasure, maybe there's a better one in there somewhere! Once the event is over, it and the Shuriken are going back in treasures and maybe the Phoenix Quill too, unless I decide to whack on some of the other 1-player opponents first.)

So far I've been turning in the fairies I've found around the site this year but left previous years' fairies in my vault. If a fairy is worth about 1 teddy bear win, maybe I'll keep doing that and save the fairies in my vault for getting the layout one of these years.
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by Silverevilchao »

AngharadTy wrote:I'm just complaining to complain, basically, not to hint, although of course I do appreciate advice that comes my way. It's mostly due to the fact that I think the battling system sucks and is not very fun at all, and that has always been a problem on Subeta (long before you were on staff, Cranberry). Winning is nice. But click click click. Wait for page to load. Click the same three things. Wait for page to load. Click two things and maybe pick a different spell!! oh wow!! Wait for load... That's inherently boring and I doubt anything can be done about it. But the system itself feels clunky and has never really gotten a good overhaul. Battling means I abuse the "End" key on my keyboard because the pages are so awkwardly tall. The page that loads when the opponent has 0 HP needs a button at the top, not just the bottom, to take me to the congrats page, and it should be bigger and happier and more "ooooh I freaking won, yo." The congrats page needs a "Fight this guy again immediately" link. The battling could potentially be slightly less tedious if there were a "just use all the things I used last round" button.

Just rambling. I have to go do family stuff for the rest of the day now, though.
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by Griffin »

I don't really like this kind of miniplot where I have no way of knowing whether my efforts are good enough. With the introduction of the Impossible challenger, I get the feeling that the top battlers are going to set the top prize tier and I have no way of getting there because I can't beat her. Guess I'll beat the lesser opponents 100 more times and hope it's good enough? -1 for fun but I'll regret not doing it if the top prize turns out to be some 500m book. -_-
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by Marah »

Is the battledome working weirdly for other people too? I had some problems with stealing (?) and freezing. The text said (for my glaciating potion for example) that is was supposed to freeze, but then nothing happened. My opponent didn't actually freeze.

I had it happen yesterday, I think, but I wasn't completely sure, because some opponents have a natural armor against freezing, stealing, blessings and such. unfortunately that list is still a work in progress, so I couldn't check that all the time.
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by Seerow »

The glaciating potion has a chance to freeze, and unfortunately I think it's a somewhat small chance at that. The Magical Love Duct Tape I loaned you I actually don't think is 100% either. It's probably like a 80/90%, since it works most of the time.
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by Marah »

Yeah, I figured that one out :)

It's just that the text in the middle usually says my glaciating potion just breaks and this time it actually stated that it froze my opponent. Except it didn't. That added to a few cases where I was left going "huh" I just wondered if something was going on. I wandered around on subeta's forums for an answer and I did came across a thread by Sekhmet/Sunwolf who seemed to have a similar problem.

I think that is one of my main problems with the battledome. When one of my weapons doesn't work it could be because of 1. It doesn't work against this opponent 2. They changed the weapon stats again 3. It's a glitch.
Information about any of those might be rather hard to find so I'm usually left guessing. The forums can sometimes be helpful, but forum search is not my friend.

On a positive note, I am getting slightly better at battling and managed to somehow beat the bucket 10 times. Your duct tape really helped, thanks Seerow!
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by Sunwolf »

Marah, my problem was that my Gorgun was freezing, but it did NOT state that it was freezing the opponent. Basically the opposite of yours! And yes, it was someone fiddling with the stats of stuff that made it happen >_>

I managed to squeak 9 wins on the Scavenger, which I find amusing, as it is rated as harder than Saggi and General Error, both of who usually kill me in one or two shots. I haven't yet beaten Cursed Effigy, the Tormented 10 times. Because I don't have the right weapons, of course. I wish that the Trident or a similar class of weapon was easier to get - I'm not shelling out 100 million for a single weapon.
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by Seerow »

Plot is over with and prizes will be given out soon (hopefully. We all know the Subeta definition of "soon" :P )
I just hope I got enough points to get stuff. I really really hate not knowing how many points I need to get everything I want. I get that they want it based on how many points are actually earned, but it's always going to be kinda skewed towards the hardcore battlers. I battled the Two-Headed Dysfunctional Teddy Bear 362 times, Susie 250 times, and varying amounts on the others. That is a crap ton of battles. But there is probably a handful of people who battled the Bear over 1000x and if they cater prizes to those few people like they tend to, I am outta luck. Ohh well, I just hope I did decent I guess.

Edit: Just checked a list of the highscore table, and yup, I'm not holding out hope for getting anything good or even decent. 2,165 is the top win on the teddy alone, not counting all the other wins those people accumulated.
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by AngharadTy »

Man. I spent hours just grinding out boring as hell battles and it says that was only 627 points in total. 42 points from fairies--and I know I turned in more than that (I could swear it was at least 100 fairies), so were fairies not equivalent to 1 point each?

I got 9 prizes, four of which are books, so, I guess that part is nice. And one is an item I'll use for a treasure, mostly because I already have it (I wouldn't go out of my way to buy it). I thought it was going to be a prize shop, though, so I guess I misunderstood something along the line, or they changed their minds. The key staff would have been nice, for sure, but I assume that was for the people who were much more dedicated to sheer mindlessness than I was. (I've been so damn busy! I had to schedule time for it in the first place! Scheduling time out of my busy holiday crap just to sit and be really bored! Yeah, I might be disappointed with the results of that.)
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by Wingsrising »

Well, one of the books I got was pretty. Of course I apparently didn't get enough points to get any of the stuff I want for treasures. Figures.
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by Griffin »

You earned 1,713 points!
This includes 1,080 points from battling and 633 from helping the sick fairies!

I'm really glad they didn't base the top prize tiers off the top users who vastly outperformed everyone else (must be disappointing for them, though). I still don't like this type of plot, but I feel more optimistic about future events if they work the same way. At least I actually knew what was going on, unlike with the garden lot event where I had no idea and kind of got screwed.

I heard the Key weapon isn't ~that~ great and is more like a tier 9, but I've tentatively replaced my Reborn Icewand with it. No idea if it's an upgrade or not. It's about time to ask for set advice on the battle forum again.
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