Sweetheart Pets

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.
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Sweetheart Pets

Post by Ierosbats »

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New pet colour! A potion costs 100 candy hearts in Louis' store. Very reasonable, actually! I was worried when I first saw the news post that the potion would cost 2000 hearts or something insane. To be fair, they're pretty easy to get right now (as long as you can put up with the terrible lag).

I... I am going to own so many of these pets. Pink and mint green are my two favorite colours and I really love them together. Plus, if I'm interpreting the clue in the news post correctly, they're also a reference to Sugar Rush from Wreck-It Ralph, which was so wonderful and charming. Really, really looking forward to more of these.

Dat Jollin! daaaaaang. I don't even really like Jollins but that thing is adorable. Same goes for the Harvester, actually. I almost always like the Lain redraws so I'm less surprised by that one, but it's still very cute. When I first saw it I accidentally quoted Despicable Me without realizing it. "It's so fluffy I'M GONNA DIE." I love the teeny talons poking out. Not so crazy about the cheesy glow effect on the floating things, but that's easy enough to remove.

I'm very excited and nervous about the rest of this year's batch. Excited because, come on, these are amazing. Nervous because all 31 of my pet slots are full and I don't get another one until September. If a nice Kora comes out this year I'll probably wind up changing my pet Quelle who already has a pink and green overlay. And if there's a really good Tutani, my pet Soapy might be in for a change too. I'm sort of terrified there will be a Bhakoru because so far I love all of those redraws (and own almost all of them) but I really don't have space right now for another dinosaur.

Sorry, pets I've had for six years! I love you very much but if you aren't pink you are no longer my top priority.
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Re: Sweetheart Pets

Post by Silverevilchao »

I really, really, REALLY love the Harvester one and I'm contemplating somehow changing something to fit that pet. Because omggggggg >w<;;
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Re: Sweetheart Pets

Post by Rakumel »

Was not expecting a new pet color, what a nice surprise! :D I may just have to get rid of the crappy overlay I made for my pet Amegami, and paint her Sweetheart instead. It would totally fit her (she's a goddess of candy) and would look better anyway. And her treasure chest is already full of peppermint and mint chocolate things, so hey, perfect color coordination!

However, having said that...I'm not crazy enough about either of these three to rush right out and get one. I mean, they're cute and all, just not what I'm looking for exactly. But I'm reeeeeeally looking forward to more pets in this color!
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Re: Sweetheart Pets

Post by Sunwolf »

This is pretty awesome :D

Harvester - very sweet with an awesome sucker, plus all the rips in the cloak being hearts is very clever!

Jollin - I love it so much! All the tiny hearts - and I want to ruffle its ears! This is seriously the first pink pet that I've really liked!

Lain - It's well done, but I would like it a lot better if it lost the toy. It's too busy and none of the other Lains carry toys, why is it there?
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Re: Sweetheart Pets

Post by Faun »

As soon as I saw the candy heart store go up I knew there would be a new pet colour. :P
These are really great. I kind of want to get one and fill it's treasure with cute pink things.
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Re: Sweetheart Pets

Post by Jessi »

Sunwolf - it's not a toy, it's a candy necklace. Some pets didn't have a good way to add candy in, so they got to accessorize a bit ;)
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Re: Sweetheart Pets

Post by Seerow »

These are adorable. I never would have imagined I'd like a candy themed pets but these aren't gaudy at all. The pinks, browns, and greens all work very well together. All the little heart details are excellent. I hope we get a bunch more soon!
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Re: Sweetheart Pets

Post by Marah »

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More pets!

They are all supposed to have candy? So on the Jollin it is the spots? The fluff?

Edit: I love this new colour, but those eyes are slightly freaky!
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Re: Sweetheart Pets

Post by Aqua »

The chai is cute! But I find the bumbus a little creepy somehow.. Not sure if it's the beady eyes, the huge mouth or the fact that I can't see it's chin (or a combination). I like the curly fluff these are getting though.
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Re: Sweetheart Pets

Post by Luxe »

Marah wrote:
They are all supposed to have candy? So on the Jollin it is the spots? The fluff?
Some will have candy others will have parts sort of made of or looking like candy. In the jollin's case, the neck fluff is reminiscent of cotton candy. Or meringue. We sort of left that one to interpretation. Same with the bumbus' fluff.
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Re: Sweetheart Pets

Post by Ierosbats »

Haha, the expression on the Bumbus is pretty great. Hard not to smile back. I think the candy necklace is a bit too much, though. Makes it a bit cluttered. I like it with the Lain because it reminds me of actual wooden-blocks-on-strings bird toys I've seen. On the Bumbus, I think the cotton candy neck fluff would have been enough. I wonder if Pie has a version without the necklace she'd be willing to give out. I'm not actually asking in this instance, but it's good to know for the future.

That Chai reminds me of a carebear, which I'm certainly not complaining about. And its antennae turned into twizzlers! I love me some twizzlers. Of the five pets released so far, I think the brown accents are used the best on this pet. The nose, ears and tail are super cute.
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Re: Sweetheart Pets

Post by Marah »

In the jollin's case, the neck fluff is reminiscent of cotton candy. Or meringue.
Didn't get that out of it at all, maybe I need to get better at making meringue? It doesn't matter because I love the thick swirly fluff. I hope lots of pets will get it. Maybe a few in turquoise?
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Re: Sweetheart Pets

Post by Griffin »

This color is very promising. I've wanted a Valentine's color for so long, and this one fits the bill without being as trite as anything I'd come up with! I think the color scheme is a little drab (although that helps it be less sickening), so I would tweak it if I got one. If the Sheeta comes out sweet and girly, my pet Nadine might become one. I hope so, because I'm picking up a potion just in case. Does anyone know if staff has confirmed whether Louis's shop will be open all year?

And am I the only one who totally thought of a black mage upon seeing the Harvester? Maybe because I'm playing FFT.
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Re: Sweetheart Pets

Post by Farseek »

Finally, a color cute enough to fit my Selphie! She has been a Dawn Donadak for ages merely because there was no color to suit her super happy, lover of cute things personality. The chai is my hands down favorite at the moment.
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Re: Sweetheart Pets

Post by Aqua »

Two more. :D

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