Chocolate Nimmo

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Chocolate Nimmo

Post by Nogitsune »

Image "Non-living chocolate nimmos contain cards of famous mages of Neopia!"


Faster than a speeding cheeseburger, but not by much.
Mistress Morbid
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Re: Chocolate Nimmo

Post by Mistress Morbid »

Alright even if I'm one of the only ones, I'm going to try to be more active here since I came back to Neopets. xD

Not a colour or a species I'm particularly excited about, but I think this one looks very nice for what it is. I like that the squiggles look 3D and not just painted on.

...Chocolate pets always make me crave dessert.
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Re: Chocolate Nimmo

Post by MalionX »

Chocolate frogs here just in time for JK Rowling to be terrible
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Re: Chocolate Nimmo

Post by Jazzy »

Hahahah. Yeah. I hadn't thought about that until you mentioned it...
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