Darigan and Skunk Yurbles

For discussion of new pet colours- speculation and discussion of colours in general should be placed in New Features or Misc.
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Post by klaatu99 »

[quote="Sparrow"]I must have a soft spot for all Yurbles in general, but I adore this creature. It does have a whole lot of solid attitude about it, and the horns are an excellent touch. This pose in particular is like a great, angry roaring bear:


And I love bears, so this is automatically awesome. :D

Yeah, a bear. With the purple fur and lavender belly, it looks like some kind of mutant Care Bear.
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Post by gidget »

I like the Darigan Yurble.

I'm tickled pink that it's purple (with blood red and even the the touch of yellow). I wouldn't mind a different shade of grey--perhaps even a black shade of grey for the mane.

Sad to say, but until they make a proper purple (without orange herpes) purple colour, I'm going to continue to be delighted with lovely purple Darigan pets.

I like the horns, the teeth, the claws, and the way the artist managed to fill the maximum amount of white space with pissed off Yurble. :)
Digital Kaizer Myuu
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Post by Digital Kaizer Myuu »

I never understood the gripes about purple Darigan pets. I love it. Red does seem more fitting, but this pet is being added to my wishlist.
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Post by Kantark »

Shmoe wrote:It looks like it's dressed up, more than anything. Like it's not a real Darigan creature, it's just pretending to be one.
Those were my thoughts too, it looks like it's dressed up as one of the Munsters for some halloween fancy dress party. The wings, teeth and grey 'beard' look added on.

But that's not to say I don't like it - I have a soft spot for Yurbles anyway, and this is a good redraw as far as I'm concerned. The purple takes a little getting used to, but I didn't think the red or blue recolourings here were a massive improvement on it. (EDIT: Cheese's Purple recolour is a definite improvement!) I'm especially liking the Sad pose, the claws sparking in the air, and the reptilian eyes.

And also I agree with gidget - Darigan is the closest we get to a proper Purple colour at the moment.
Last edited by Kantark on 24 May 2006 10:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Mythic »

I can't make my mind up about this one. I think I agree with Shmoe, it looks like it's trying to be Darigan and not succeeding very well, which makes it kinda cute. I never noticed what a strange assortment of colours they had used until Huggles pointed it out; the blue version is nicer but if it looked like the red version I'd definitely want one. I think it's actually quite well drawn, it's just the mixture of colours distract you - it has lovely horns and claws and the 'fire' thing would be cool if it wasn't lost amongst everything else.

I like Yurbles though, they need good redraws :D
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Post by Cheese »

I love love love the ram horns. Those win at winning. The rest, not tremendous but perfectly passable...colours being the worst problem.

If they'd take a little time to look and see what might be a good, new, different colours to use these would all be great.

I mean I just threw a rough mask over it and altered the hue and look at these...

Did yellow first because that had been asked for.

Then I tried orange, for some kind of horrific evil version of the janitor.
Eyes lost some effect so I tried green.

Then I altered the mask a bit to make it better and did green.
Don't really like this one, it's a bit washed out.

Bit dark.

Did my own blue because I could.

How difficult is it? I did these in about 25 minutes in photoshop.

edit: even purple gets better if you coordinate a bit more.
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Post by LadySilverSnake »

Much love for the Darigan Yurble! Its looks just scream "Cuddlemonster."

Would gladly keep from the lab.
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Post by Trick »

Hmm, I quite like the Skunk Yurble, it's a nice colour for this pet and I like the way it has been done - looks a lot better than many of the skunk pets.

As for darigan... I just don't know. I am really glad that the yurble got one of the decent redraws for its day. It's not a colour I'd paint Fender anyway so that's not an issue. It looks rather cluttered which puzzled me as there isn't much going on to merit clutteredness. I don't have a problem with purple darigans at all but having seen Cheese's various recolours there I think less colours would have been good.

Overall the concept is good but the execution is somewhat lacking... to be honest I think even the linework is a little lacking on its own :/

Edit: I love the purple one Cheese did <3
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Post by Settingshadow »

Skunk is a nice colourfill, nothing spectacular, but not unnice.
Darigan I like in pieces, but it's a "can't see the forest for the trees" pet -- the horns are gorgeous, I love his wings, the teeth are nice, the claws are very nice, but all of them, on an already busy pet -- stuffed with two colours of fur and a mane -- my eyes can't focus.

I really, really like Huggles' red -- it ties together many of the elements for me. Particularly making the mane darker makes it seem less like there are half a million elements.
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Post by Atthis »

I really like the skunk yurble, but then skunk's my favourite colourfill anyway. It's nice to have the light grey instead of white for a change and I think it works quite well.

Darigan I'm less impressed with. The edited ones posted here are much better than the original but the actual design of the pet bothers me more than the clashy colours they used. The only thing I like about it are the stars in the beaten pose:

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Post by Marah »

Oh I love it, both of them, but I always like yurbles so that helps a bit.
Except the darigan close attack pose, it looks like it's licking the floor while it's supposed to be attacking something. But I like the circle pose a lot, it has a vampire feel to it.

And as far as cluttered goes, I still think no yurble tops the christmas one...
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Post by FaeMcCloud »

Darigan reminds of something from the carebears. In fact, it might as well be a carebear, possibly something from darker parts of the show, LOL Though it isn't a bad color...it's just kind of...yeah.

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Post by Darigan »

Although some of the "substitutes" presented really look better, I do like the Darigan Yurble (how could I not?)
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Post by uberstav »

i really like the yellow and orange versions cheese made...i really like the style of the horns and the redraw in general but its not a pet i'd like to own...atleast the yurble hasnt gotten any bad redraws as of yet
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Post by Aldanax »

Mmmmm... nice one. Even if it looks too busy and huge for a 150x150 square, and the colours barely match and its the 45135th purple darigan pet... it still somehow appeals to me. No idea exactly how but... it does. And I don't even like ram horns! It just somehow seems to fit for the yurble :|

Skunk.... not so nice. It doesnt look -bad- but I don't like it that there is no pure white on it. Doesnt scream "skunk" at me.
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