Faerie techo

For discussion of new pet colours- speculation and discussion of colours in general should be placed in New Features or Misc.
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Post by Jessi »

Oh my goodness - this was a surprise! The colors, first of all, are just GORGEOUS. absolutely lovely shades, wonderful patterns on the wings, tail and legs - just lovely! The sad pose is wonderful:


And I can't wait to see the rest of the poses!

The wings are a little weird and don't look entirely functional, but they're so pretty I just don't care! I NEVER thought I would want a techo, but this could easily make it onto my needs-list. *sigh* I just wish we could have more than 4 pets per account. i'm running out of room! At the very least, if I lab-zapped this, it'd definetly be a keeper.
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Post by Silverevilchao »


A *nice* Techo color. A WONDERFUL Techo color.

Let's hope the rest of the poses don't suck.
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Post by huyet »

This is a really nice color for a Techo. While I'm not really fond of Techos, this would remain as one of the pets I like, but don't want to actually have becuase of that 4 pets rule thing and that I want to just have one account.
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Post by Chandi »

Yes, please, and thank you on this beautiful creature. I don't think the battleposes could possibly spoil it for me because all I'll see is the circle pose, but hot damn do I love it - the colors, the wings, everything. I'm sold.

I need more breaks from work...
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Post by Huggles »

How bizarre. I think the antennae look out of place. Perhaps the wings should have been extended up into some sort of crest. I don't know. Because of the translucency of the wings, the blue on the body seems a bit too dark. It's still rather decent from what I can see so far.
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Post by ChibiDragon86 »

As I said before Neo based the fae Techo off a real live lizard species the flying lizard also know as the Flying Dragon see looks just like the fae techo just less cartoony and the wings are functional.

I can't wait for the battle poses hopefully they'll be as good as the fae techo itself. :3

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Post by Saturn »

ChibiDragon86 wrote:As I said before Neo based the fae Techo off a real live lizard species the flying lizard also know as the Flying Dragon see looks just like the fae techo just less cartoony and the wings are functional.

I can't wait for the battle poses hopefully they'll be as good as the fae techo itself. :3

~ Chibi
That's what I thought of too. Personally I think it's wonderfully clever. :) Better than turning it purple and slapping butterfly wings on it at any rate.

I think it's gorgeous really... possibly the best Techo color right now (maybe tied with Tyrannian, which I still love just for the concept even if the art is a bit old), I adore the splotchy patterns and the yellow and blue actually look pretty nice together.

The sad pose is absolutely adorable!
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Post by Fullmetal Dragon »

Ooh. I really like this. I can't believe I'm saying that about a Techo, but, there you have it. :O The yellow and blue go really well on this pet, and it's so flowy and well-drawn -- I might have to think about making room for one of these guys, too ;__;

I hope the battledome poses are just as excellent, too. It'd be a shame if they cop out and copy/paste the regular Techo poses :/
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Post by Twofold Black »

Wow. I'm floored by how much I like this. I don't know yet if I want one, but still, lovely. It's good to see TNT doing something both clever and pretty with a pet that usually gets pretty viciously boned on colors.

Edit: This is kind of an odd thing to say, but it looks really good in the small poses. Lots of pets don't. Look at the default Draik in one of the small poses -- appalling. But this design sizes down very cleanly.
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Post by AngharadTy »

ChibiDragon86 wrote:As I said before Neo based the fae Techo off a real live lizard species the flying lizard also know as the Flying Dragon see looks just like the fae techo just less cartoony and the wings are functional.
Well... "functional," yes, but it doesn't fly like a bird, it glides. So yes, definitely functional, but (though I imagine you didn't mean this) you sounded like you were saying it could actually fly.

However, c'mon, people; we're talking about a world with Elephantes. If they can fly, this can.
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Post by Fjorab_Teke »

I'm also among the ones who saw this and went "oh wow....oooooo..."

I wouldn't want one personally, but that's just because I've already got some wafflings on other colors I like to look at but not enough to fork over NP over...not just yet anyway. :P

The only thing that bugs me about this is the antennae...they look terribly out of place. But they're cute and faerie-ish, so I'll forgive them.

And yeah, they could have made the wings a tad darker-splotched or made the body splotches lighter to match. But I'm also not terribly bothered by it, maybe because the wing splotches are close enough to the belly color though that's a lighter-still purply-blue.
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Post by Whikey »

I usually hate techos, but this one..is just plain georgous. The colors are nice and I like how the wings are drawn. Well done.
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Post by Twofold Black »

AngharadTy wrote:However, c'mon, people; we're talking about a world with Elephantes. If they can fly, this can.
Funny, I've always thought of the wings as vestigial. I actually think I've seen some official art of an airborne Elephante, but when I'm not looking at such an image I simply cannot accept the idea of one of them flying.
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Post by Huggles »

Magic. Duh. What I find bizarre is that according to lenny trading cards and things around the site, they can't actually fly. Other than the pteri, what pets come anywhere near capable of realistic flight? How dumb.
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Post by FaeMcCloud »

I like it, not something I would actually own though ^^;

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