Subeta subeta EVERYWHERE

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Post by Wingsrising »

I'm sorry in advance if the hack ends up crashing the board....

I'm also sorry if I seemed too emphatic in my last post. I was just rather taken aback by the suggestion that I proposed moving Werewolf was based on some sort of emotional consideration. Believe me, I don't care about it one way or the other provided any drama generated there doesn't spill over to cause problems in the forums at large.

I did want to clarify that when I said "subforum" I meant its own board like AoToW or Offsite Games or Site Suggestions that someone could mark as read. I did remember from the Werewolf discussion that phpbb can't do another level of forums below that. :-)

I have definitely noticed a drop in Neopets traffic (and unless I'm imagining things, a drop in traffic in general) and I'm also sorry to see it happen, but I'm not sure what's to be done about that. I think that the recent obsession with Subeta may be a symptom and not a cause of a lowering in interest in Neopets among forum members.
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Post by Seerow »

Wingsrising wrote:I have definitely noticed a drop in Neopets traffic (and unless I'm imagining things, a drop in traffic in general) but I'm not sure what's to be done about that.
I too have noticed a drop in Neo traffic, though that's no fault of the forums. Neo has become boring to me.
I no longer get on it for long periods of time, mainly as I don't find it interesting anymore. The only thing exciting right now is the plot, which is begining to tire me out. I want a war where I don't have to think out puzzles yet again.
Heck, even the release of the new world (Shenkuu) didn't bring any exctiment to the site for me - there's nothing to do there! Add a quest, a wheel, a daily, or hey something new and innovative and I might go visit it once in a while. I haven't visited Shenkuu once since it's release day.

That said, Subeta is something new and exciting. It offers a nice distraction from the montony that Neo has become and as such more people are posting about it then Neo.

*End pointless post here*
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Post by Jazzy »

It won't crash the board; if anything, it would break the new posts page, which would prevent us having to have this discussion again, at least...

edit: installed. Accessible through the links at the top of the index; let me know if anything's funny.
Last edited by Jazzy on 24 Oct 2006 05:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Cheese »

Hooray that will possibly probably be quite useful...
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Post by Phlizz »

Wingsrising wrote:I think that the recent obsession with Subeta may be a symptom and not a cause of a lowering in interest in Neopets among forum members.
Exactly. I've been steadily losing interest in Neopets for some months; I log in to check up on my pets and maybe play a little Pyramids or something perhaps a couple of times a week these days, not more. The outrageous inflation, the tediously complex plots - achieving anything on Neopets these days just seems like so much damned hard work, not the fun and games it's supposed to be. If I were still half as much into Neopets as I used to be, I never would have let myself be inveigled into signing up to Subeta in the first place - although now that I have, I'm glad I did. And having both sites covered by this forum gives me more of a reason to keep checking back here, too. So while I can understand the irritation for the non-players, I think the interest generated by Subeta may also be helping generate more interest in Neocolours, for some at least.

All of which was, erm, sort off-topic, not to mention that the original issue here seems to have been cleared up anyway...
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Post by AngharadTy »

The order of the new posts is now reversed; it used to be newest at top, and now it's newest at bottom. (Also I somehow posted on completely the wrong thread, and I'm at least 95% sure that I'm not just crazy; I think the forum ate my post and spit it out in the wrong place.)

Or is it getting confused with stickies now? *does some more testing* Well, it's definitely backwards for the plain new posts link. People need to post more for testing the other links. It may have those in the right order, but with preference given to stickies....? Or... Augh. It's in "most recent on top" order for New Colours, but "most recent on bottom" for Offsite Games--or so it appears; there's really not enough posts to test it.
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Post by Rainbow Daydreamer »

Thankyouthankyouthankyou, Jazzy. While this doesn't cure the fact that there's more Subeta than Neopets about these days, it means I don't have to sort through it all to get to the stuff that's actually relevant to me.

Personally, I can't imagine ever losing interest in Neopets... new things are happening constantly, my eleven permies mean the world to me, and being a foster parent gives a tiny fragment more of meaning to my stupid life. Each to her own, I guess.
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