More forums (AaToW, RP, etc.)

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More forums (AaToW, RP, etc.)

Post by Zap »

Jazzy wrote:I've been hearing murmurs on livejournal and aim about some of the things we've been doing. Since we're a democratically elected team (for those of you that've joined us more recently, we had mod elections in November '03 and November '04, rather than making it admin decision) then really, you guys should be able to voice your opinions on what we're doing, and there's no public feedback forum right now. (That's another thing- do you want one of those? All I remember it really being used for was strange attacks and Russian spam.)

Tell us your honest opinion on what we're doing, and if you feel you need to, you can post anonymously and we won't check your IP.
(Replying in a new thread, since it's not really on topic with the other thread, but it was your post that reminded me to bring this up...)

I'm getting used to the forum layout here, but there are still a few parts of the forum I'd like to come back. I guess Public feedback is one of them, but we've never really had to make use of it. What about the practical ones? Why don't we have Petpets, Other New Features, or Achievements and Tales of Woe anymore? And I know some have been waiting on the Role Playing board to return.

It's still kind of weird to me, going to Miscellaneous to read the new achievements/woes. I missed Other New Features for a while, until I started getting used to seeing the other new stuff in with the new colours and petpet news. I actually like seeing new pet and petpet colours in the same place (I forget to check the Petpets forum) but then people wanting petpet matches have to go to Misc. or Aesthetics...

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Post by Deku »

I definitely want Other New Features, Petpets, Achievements and tales of Woe, and Roleplaying boards back, but I've been saying that for a while now xP Misc and New Features are very, very cluttered right now.

I don't really mind about Public Feedback, I don't remember us using it an awful lot, but if people want it back then I guess we should bring it back.
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Post by oogabooga »

I don't really think we need Public Feedback. It never got used, really. Other New Features seems to have merged well with New Colours and neither is so busy as to make it too crowded. I never went into the petpet forum before, since it was mostly matches which didn't interest me much (like I never go into the Aesthetics forum here :P)

AaToW - well, Misc is a bit crowded, but I personally am more likely to post on threads when they're all mixed in than when they're corralled to a separate forum.

If you're going to add any, I'd prefer no more than three more for purely selfish lazy reasons - that's about the limit before I have to scroll down ;)
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Post by Kamil »

I very much want AaToW, Petpets, and Other New Features to come back - although I wouldn't mind if new petpet colors stayed where it was, but have new items and petpetpets and stuff go to ONF.

I don't mind either way about Public Feedback or Roleplaying, so I'm entirely willing to go with the idea of bring them back if they're wanted, what can it hurt. And it seems Roleplaying is, but PF maybe not so much.

I'll obviously live if the forum stays the way it is now, but it just looks *so* different, and that's probably the main thing keeping it from feeling like 'home' to me.

But then we've known I'm weird for a long time now, so there's that to take into account too. =D
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Post by bonecrivain »

Separate boards don't really affect me that much, since I just click on "view posts since last visit" and read threads accordingly. But if i did still browse forum by forum, I would miss AaToW. And I do kind of miss the petpet board--not necessarily for new colours, but it's nice to have the petpet matches all in one place so it's easier to browse in there if you're looking for a match for your pet.

What else? Hmm, I think an RP board would be nice. I don't RP, but others would like to, and it would be good to have an area where people can feel free (and encouraged) to do that.
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Post by Figment »

Maybe we should make a RP forum but call it "games" -- that way you guys can hold your silly werewolf activity there instead of in chitchat? I get tired of it making unread posts in chitchat for me.

I don't think there's much need to bring back the petpets forum right now -- new petpets are just fine posted in new features, and people can ask for petpet matches in aesthetics.

Achievements and Tales of Woe ... I can go either way on. Misc is crowded, yes, but I feel like not having that as a separate forum cuts down on the amount of needless achievements and small woes that are posted.
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Post by bonecrivain »

^I was going to suggest that about the werewolf game, too, but it isn't really an RP, so I figured people would object. The name adjustment is a good solution.

I dunno, I think it's kind of fun to be able to post and/or read silly little achievements and woes. It's irritating if you post those in the more general Misc. forum, but if there's a whole forum devoted to your day-to-day happy/sad things on Neopets, what's the harm?

I don't think we need Other New Features back--I like having the new games and stuff with the new colours. New colours aren't that terribly common (at least not exciting ones), so I don't think we really need to separate it back out. (Even though we are a neoCOLOURS site, but bah.)

edit: *realizes she is becoming incoherent again, so goes to bed.*
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Post by Ierosbats »

The only one I'm really missing is AaToW. I'm tired of those threads cluttering up Misc., it's really starting to bug me.

The rest I'm indifferent to, except maybe Petpets which I don't think we need. The petpet threads are fine where they are.
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Post by AngharadTy »

bonecrivain wrote:^I was going to suggest that about the werewolf game, too, but it isn't really an RP
I dunno, I think it is. You take on a role and act out a part as play, that's the very definition of roleplaying. ^_~
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Post by Umbreonmog »

I badly want AaToW back. I don't mind that kind of thread, but they really clutter Misc. I like to have them in their own forum. It also is keeping me from wanting to post mine since I feel like I'm cluttering with my own personal achievements/problems.

I love the idea of a Games and RP forum. Making the topic broader to include Werewolf and all the other little forum games would clear a lot of chit chat clutter. And yeah, they keep bringing up little "New post" icons for me and fooling me too.
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Post by Jazzy »

The only thing about games is it's a green light for stupid spam game threads. The RP forum itself at the old place was hardly ever used- occasionally it'd go weeks without a post of any sort- and I therefore don't want an rp-dedicated forum. Unless there's a neat way to merge Writing and RP, because both were pretty quiet and writing-based...

I've actually never liked aatow; the posts tended to be about things that people really couldn't care much about, and the number of topics in the forum was the highest, even after regular purges (behind possibly only chit-chat) but the number of replies was tiny in comparison. You really can't say "congrats!" more than three thousand times over without feeling like an idiot. The fact that we were allowed to purge it, too, suggests something.

I'm going to add Petpets now (edit: done). New Features and New Colours, though...we've had something stupid like five new colours in as many weeks, and I really don't know if New Colours needs its own place for that.
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Post by Trick »

I quite like Misc being as crowded as it is, it means I'm more likely to read (and post) achievements and woes threads. And Misc before was a pretty empty board really. I suppose we could always do what PPT has and have an Achievements and Woes sticky in the Misc thread for smaller a&w's but that might not get used much so I don't know.

I'm glad we have a Petpets one again, especially as tnt seem to be churning out a lot of petpet specific news recently and it's easier to see matching threads :)
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Post by Wingsrising »

Add me to the list of people who REALLY REALLY wants to see the Werewolf stuff living someplace that's not Chit-Chat.

Does it really matter if people play silly word games there? People play silly games in chit-chat now ("answer the question of the person above you!"). Maybe we could make it like the "No Nutritional Value" forum on PPT: not incrementing post counts and purging quickly. (Though that might make it unsuitable for roleplaying.)

Dunno, but I'd really like to see the games moved.
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Post by Jazzy »

It would be unsuitable, because unfortunately the "person above you!" and similar threads were actually more active than the roleplaying threads, so the rp threads will disappear first- and I'm sure people want to keep old rps, too.

Hmm. How about a general writing-based forum, calling Werewolf an RP (it effectively is, Ty's right) and throwing in any rp, story or poem threads in there.
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Post by Twisted »

I like the writing/RP board idea. I'd agree with that.
But can't we have subforums-like making AaToW a sub forum in Misc?
Returned for the moment...I guess.
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