MumboJumbo Games to create Neopets Casual PC Game!!!

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MumboJumbo Games to create Neopets Casual PC Game!!!

Post by Neoassistance »

You heard it right! A company by the name of MumboJumbo Games will create a Premium Casual PC (Computer) Game. This means they are going to release a Puzzle Game (or something close) like Bejeweled, or even Pinball. So basically we'll be able to go into regular stores like Wal-Mart, Target, Kmart, Best Buy, ect.. and pick up a game we can play offline on our computers! It sounds very exciting!

The game is supposedly going to be released the second quarter of this year. So it most likely will come out between April - June.

To see the official press release, here is the link:

So what you guys think about this?
Try out the Neopets Trading Card Game, you will love it!
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