RL Achievements and ToW-split 2/16/09

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Post by Silverevilchao »

:D: After broiling when walking home these past few weeks, it was FREEZING today. The good thing? It SNOWED. Not kidding, it SNOWED in Las Vegas at the end of MARCH. WTF?
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Post by Madge »

1 mile = 1.6 kilometres

I know this because for fitness testing my school made us run a mile and timed us, only you're not allowed to say it's a mile, so it's 1.6km, and it was known forever as "The One Point Six" with huge letters and it was torture.

The end.

Incidentally US$ to AU$ is becoming a smaller exchange rate! Woo! Our dollar's now worth 81 of your cents, take THAT, America!
(That's a real life achievement! I'm keeping on topic!)
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Post by DamionDarkheart »

I remember way back when I could run a six minute mile :(

MORE TALES OF WOE (aside from the USD's descent into worthlessness)

I saw the new Megadeth album today. I'm sure I'll download it eventually, but I doubt I'll ever get around to listening to the damn thing -- The cover art makes my soul BLEED.

I also spent 20 minutes sorting out the two new albums I put on my iPod as some jackass went and named every single one something completely different.

Then there's all the songs I still need to replace for varying reasons, but I'm sure I'll forget which ones soon enough.
"Blah blah blah into the pie, bitch." Image
Crystal Firefly
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Post by Crystal Firefly »

Achievement: I completed my Sociology coursework. Since I'm doing both AS and A2 in one year it was a pain to catch up to everyone else and revise at the same time.

Woe: And the school's printer is busted so I can't hand it in.
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Post by gomababe »

Achievement: I finally finished off my data set fdor my project and now all I need to do is analyse it

Woe: for some reason Genemapper didn't feel like exporting *all* of the sample data so theres loads of holes ><;;
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Post by Ierosbats »

Mrrrr. My wallet was stolen this morning so now I get to go through the awesome experience of replacing all my cards (including my SIN, which I never carry with me, of all the days...).

Plus I had more cash than usual in it, and my friends' grad pictures and coffee giftcards and almost-full stampcards and my school ID and...

...fuck. Awesome way to start the day.
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.
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Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Eeeyikes, Shmoe! :( I hope whoever got it doesn't do anything nasty with it. Do you think filing a police report might help?

Minor achievement: it's SO hard to find decent and easily-purchasable UNsalted tortilla chips. I found some today at Super Target because they were advertised on sale and I checked the ingredients. They're muchly to my liking! And now I know what to look for brand-wise. This is significant enough for me to be quite pleased.

Minor related woe: because of a combination of ailments, my throat is too sore to properly enjoy them. And though there's a Target in my hometown, it's not a "Super" and I'm not sure if I'll find these chips in any store there.

At least when I move back to my hometown, although it's expensive, I'll be able to get the ones at the little chain of Tex-Mex restaurants in that area along with their own salsa and goat cheese.
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Post by CallyKariShokka »

Whee, I don't post here often..

JOY. 83

The company my uncle partially-owns landed some giantOMG contract with Barnum & Baily Circus and was given four free tickets to a PRIVATE BOOTH that he promptly gave to my mom.

So, this sunday, we're gonna see THE CIRCUS. O_O In a BOOTH.

Circus = Love. Booth = Glee. Circus + Booth = ZOMG.

I'd post after Sunday, but.. ZOMG. It's just.. It..

YAY. 8D *runs around wildly*
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Post by nanabobo567 »

I have good news and bad news. The good news is when I went to get my hair cut today, I found out you can connect to the Game Crazy next door to the hair butchery shop place with your DS, so I got to play Elite Beat Agents while getting my hair cut and it was awsome. The bad news is...
There is no bad news right now. I guess I'll just show the last time I got my hair cut, last year when I still had my camera.
From before the cut...
And from after the cut!
Yeah, I donated it. Cancer patients need it more than I.
Seerow wrote:Aww Nana, I didn't think you meant you were literally dead last night :(
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Post by lynmar »

let's see...

-my hamster had babies a little over a week ago. after freaking out everyday hoping she wouldn't eat the babies (which happened to me when i was three), all three babies are still alive and well. and like to squeak.
-not really a big deal, but i walked about 4 miles to my friends house instead of getting in a car. and it was pretty fun because when i met up with them, her brother jay rolled down this huuuuge hill. and then my best friend zach called so, it was a good few hours.

-except when we went to the cemetery later on, some private number called my cell phone twice. and the second time it was this really low "...hello..." voice and i freaked out and hung up.
-one of my former best friends backstabbed me and is trying to get others against me. thanks.
-zach's moving to another state on the 30th.
-as usual, i'm not doing well in school and i'm considering dropping out.
formally known as lynnk/423789 other names.
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Post by Madge »

Yesterday I went to this piss up for about two hours, during which there was FREE BEER, also free soft drinks and crazy little bits of food, which is good because I don't drink beer and also I was driving and the blood alcohol limit for P platers (people who've had their license less than 2 years) is .02, which pretty much means you can't have any. . We also had some engineering people from the industry talking to us, including one guy who did something with concrete. He was all "we don't design or build anything ourselves. If people want information about concrete, they just phone us up". That sounds interesting? O_o.

Anyway, at the end of said piss up, I was given a laptop. For free! Wooo. People in second year civil engineering at my university get given a free laptop. That's pretty awesome :D. It's not a particularly good laptop, but it's not a bad one, either.

Of course, now I need to buy a decent bag for it as the bag that came with it will fit the laptop but not any books as well. But hey, that's not such a big deal is it now? :D
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Post by EofS »

Madge wrote:Anyway, at the end of said piss up, I was given a laptop. For free! Wooo. People in second year civil engineering at my university get given a free laptop. That's pretty awesome :D. It's not a particularly good laptop, but it's not a bad one, either.
Compulsory/university funded piss-ups are fantastic aren't they. Even for non-drinkers. We had one for the entire School of Arts in our first week of uni. It was the scene of the most mortifying moment of my entire life, but it did eventually get better and I had fun by the end ;0)
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Post by Buttersauce »

I just won an auction for something I've been wanting since I was a wee lass. I played with dinosaurs as a kid, so imagine my surprise when I won this:

The Ultimate Godzilla action figure

This bad boy is about 2 feet long and...and...God I'm so friggin' happy! The thing's in mint condition too. Never been opened from its box. Not that I'd care, as long as the figure itself is the sechs. :D
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Post by Sparrow »

o_0 Wow! That is such an awesome Godzilla figure. Now I want one. :D

Minor woe-ish: So today I went on a field trip with the rest of my Biological Oceanography class to the Delaware Museum of Natural History. The actual exhibits were great, and I bought a couple nifty brachiopod fossils at the gift store, which made me happy. The woe came in when our guide asked if we wanted to see the "bug room", which is where the flesh-eating beetles strip carcasses clean for mounting the skeletons later. I was always curious about these beetles and wanted to see the facility. I figured it would smell pretty bad---little did I suspect just how bad. The stench of rot was unbelieveable. I could not breathe through my nose without feeling like I was gonna hurl (and I've got a strong stomach; things like that don't usually affect me). Afterwards, I realized that just being in that room for five minutes had caused my jacket to smell. I spent the rest of the trip wandering the museum and trying to avoid people so they wouldn't smell me and think I hadn't showered in a year or something. :oops: That jacket is in the wash now; I really hope I can get rid of that smell.

But, aside from the unholy stink of death, it was really neat. There was a deer carcass in there that was partially stripped, and you could see all the little beetles running around over the carrion. I like this sort of thing. I'm weird, yes. ^^
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Post by anzuronamin »


Third term grade: (look at the one on the far bottom - Marks-3)

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