Revamped Hydrus Irion and Telenine

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Revamped Hydrus Irion and Telenine

Post by Seerow »


I like both of these revamps a lot. I love the new fin spike thingies on the Irion even if the colors are a bit more muted. I'm glad the blue things were toned down (though I think it could use a few more) as the old one was very cluttered with them. The fins sticking out of the ear confuse me though, I cant' quite tell what they are supposed to be. Overall though this is a very nice revamp and it's good to see this pet updated.

The Telenine also turned out well I think. I do think it lost a bit of the fierceness the old one has, this one seems more wary than the "GRR ARRG!" of the old one. The detailing on the back spikes and the fur is very well done, very fluffy looking wolf.
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Re: Revamped Hydrus Irion and Telenine

Post by thelonetiel »

After much thought, I miss the contrast in the old Irion. The black inking and the bubble patterns were both thicker, making each bolder and standing out against the other. The highlights on the orbs were brighter, and the contrast between the fin-feather markings was greater. The dark lines around the eye of the old also were nice - like eyeliner and makeup that makes the eye stand out. I also wish the horns were kept more slender and delicate, these ones look blunt. In fact, I think the horns are the only thing I'd complain about if I didn't have the old one to compare to.

The art is undeniably better, I hadn't realized how outdated the irion was (and the telenine too!). At first I was confused by the changes to the tail, then I realized that irions have always had the fluffy feather tail and so the finned lion tail of the old was pretty out of character. I like the front legs a lot. Overall, it's very pretty, I'd be happy owning one.

The telenine is a great improvement. The eyes are lovely, the anatomy is leaps better. I think I liked the old telenine's gaze better (off to the side rather than closer to the viewer), but that's a hard argument to make without pupils. Pretty fur and pretty paws. Well done!
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Re: Revamped Hydrus Irion and Telenine

Post by RNA »

I feel that the pets lost way too much contrast/ferociousness with the revamp. The Telenine isn't as sharp any more and lost the ear lights :(
Also, why were the purple orbs changed to be pink?
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Re: Revamped Hydrus Irion and Telenine

Post by AngharadTy »

I hadn't noticed the fins coming out of the irion's ear until Seerow pointed it out. Well... that's a bit weird. I don't really care for that. But I like the new irion quite a lot overall, except for the fin-ear-thing, and I also liked that one of the big fin-spines had dual lobes. But I definitely like the new tail and beak better, and if the facial decoration could be a bit fancier, still, the coloring is much nicer. And the too-stiff forelimb is fixed, which was my only real issue with the previous version. I like both pieces of art.

I like the telenine's revamp, although it's still not a pet I want to own, myself. It's a good revamp overall. The legs look much less stiff here, too. However, I think the teeth could stand to be more curved and/or more pronounced in general.
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Re: Revamped Hydrus Irion and Telenine

Post by Aqua »

I think the ear fins are an adjustment of the earring feathers the standard irion has. They probably should have made them a different colour like the feathers are.

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Re: Revamped Hydrus Irion and Telenine

Post by AngharadTy »

Ah, I see, that sounds right. So, I get it now, but I still prefer the other way. It's a little too weird for my tastes, hehe.
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Re: Revamped Hydrus Irion and Telenine

Post by Jazzy »

I love the Irion - apart from the back legs, which have become a little chubby for my liking on an otherwise sleek pet, I think everything on it is an improvement. I even like the ear things even if I can't tell what they are!

The Telenine, though - the anatomy is improved, but the facial expression seems more "mildly irritated" or "baffled" than "outright fierce". I don't think it works with the pose at all. I start wondering what it's smelling - it's doing more of a (Flehmen reaction than looking like it's about to attack.
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