Eyrie WIP - concrit?

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Eyrie WIP - concrit?

Post by Yuka »

I just got a spiffy new mouse, and found that I can work just as easily with it as with my tablet, which never works anyway. :D Of course, none of what I draw is actually good, but I'm trying to remedy that. This drawing is supposed to be Baalisbane's custom design. For one thing, I'm not very experienced with PSP (not that that's any excuse), for another I suck at anatomy. I used a couple of references from google to sketch out the 'skeleton' of the drawing, but it's probably botched. The wings are going to be a nightmare. :D As I finish more of the drawing and fix problems, I'll update the image below.


Advice, comments and rotten fruit are all very welcome. :) The beak gave me the most trouble, at least so far.

UPDATE: I've started the mane and back legs. The legs are okay (despite the fact that I had to repaint them. Stupid gif format.) but the mane is being problematic. :P I'm not sure if I like how it's turning out, but we'll see.

UPDATE: Changed the legs and eyes in this version. I think it's a bit better now, but I'm not sure. :? What do you think?

Last edited by Yuka on 21 Jul 2006 10:46 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Ava »

Well congrats on your new mouse. I'm afraid I can't be of any big help with anatomy and whatnot as that's not one of my strongpoints either, but I really, really like what you have so far. It's got a very cool texture to it and I'm excited to see it as it progresses. I also have PSP and have pretty much little idea how to use it. What version do you have? Looks great so far...keep posting and keep us updated!
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Post by Xiub »

Ohh You must have a spiffy new mouse if it works as well as a tablet! What is it that you needed help with as for anatomy? So far your picture looks wonderful! And the beak is no different, wonderfully draw and colour like the rest so far! I love the feathery look, I sadly only have my normal little paint seeing as my dad isnt going to go all out to buy me one and I have used any free trials I could get ahold of. Looking forward to see the progess you make!
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Post by Yuka »

Thanks! I'm using PSPX, which my dad paid for as part of my birthday present. :D I've been doing little doodles in it up to now; this is my first real attempt to draw something in it. The oil brush is what I used to paint in most of this. I prefer it to the airbrush because it's easier to blend with. :)
Gazella Dama
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Post by Gazella Dama »

Very nice! I'm loving the texture on the head. As for criticism, right now the paws seem rather small, especially when compared with that big heavy head and deep chest. I'd bulk his forelimbs up a little bit.
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Post by Yuka »

Gazella Dama wrote:Very nice! I'm loving the texture on the head. As for criticism, right now the paws seem rather small, especially when compared with that big heavy head and deep chest. I'd bulk his forelimbs up a little bit.
Thanks! Yeah, now that you mention it they do look small for an Eyrie. ^_^; Nothing that can't be fixed with a bit of work. I used my cat as a reference. :P
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Post by chickvw »

Ooo I love the watercolor effect you have going! The foreleg correction helps Massively, but might I note that the spine just behind the shoulderblades seems set a mite bit low? Keep it up, it'll look great when it's done, I'm sure!
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Thank you MM for the Woobles!
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