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Post by chickvw »

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Post by Ziggy »

Just my opinion, but if we're using the term fursona to mean an animal version of yourself, I think a fursona should be so intensely personal to you that you can't get someone else to design it.

A fursona should be you, in animal form.
Only you know yourself well enough to make that work. Someone online can't put in aspects of your personality, physical features you posess, etc. In fact, if ever Im asked to design a fursona for someone, I ask for a photo of them as a person.
A lot of my rat characters are based on Slipknot, for example, but I still spent a lot of time looking at them as people, without the masks, and listening to interviews with them as individuals so I could get their character down.
I always think there is a lot of work in designing a character thats based on yourself, or someone else. Maybe thats just me, Im picky. I don't like people who just throw together some kind of cool looking predator species, give it some wacky colours then say its them. Then when you see a photo of them in real life, there is NOTHING about the real them in the character.
Classic example being people slimming down their fursona to being truly skinny, when they themselves are overweight. I think people should draw what they are, not what they'd like to be.

I bet if I asked someone to design me a character, from scratch, without ever having seen my existing fursona, the last thing they're come up with would be a fairly simply designed, generic blue and white rat. They'd probably do a big evil black wolf or something they think suits me based on what they know of me online.
I like to make my characters true to the person they're supposed to be.
There are things added in to my characters to give a nod to the person they're based on, things that a lot of people might not even notice are there, but they're important.

Also, if the only reason for wanting someone else to draw it is that you can't draw anthro, then I don't see why its an issue. I don't have one single anthro character, and yet I have at least 3 fursonas. A fursona should be what represents you best, it doesn't have to be anthro. And of course, if you want it to be, it won't take long for you to get a good grasp of drawing anthro. Lots and lots of people do it.
It should also be a species which fits you best, or one you have a strong bond to. A lot of people will pick a wolf or fox or big cat because everyone else does. But what animal do you identify with most? What animal do you think is most like you? If truly a cat or fox, then thats cool. If not, perhaps rethink. You'll be happier in the end if you can look at the character and really see yourself in them.

Didn't mean this to be a essay on fursonas, but its something I spent a lot of time thinking about and dealing with so I've got a lot of pre-existing opinions :P
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