A card/dice game I'm creating, Yoshi Racing.

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A card/dice game I'm creating, Yoshi Racing.

Post by nanabobo567 »

I'm making a card/dice game. Called Yoshi racing. I got the idea from FF7's Chocobo Racing. I like the idea of breeding Yoshis. Yeah, I made a whole card game of it. I didn't think it would go under Other Games, since it's not a video game, and would confuse people if I put it there. Maybe Epilogue? Either way, I have the actual game set up here. Much neater than the example, but still. This is the example. I use it with the rules. Here you go.
The Yoshi racing game is based off of the DnD die-rolling system, with a bit of creative thinking. To play, each player must have at least one Yoshi Racing card. There must also be one course with at least two food items to choose from. You need at least one 20-sided die to roll with. Each player starts on the starting line, and roll to see who goes first. Whoever gets the highest number gets to go first, in this case we'll say Boshi. They choose a food item and progress to first roll spot. We'll use Yoshi's Vacation Island as an example. Boshi rolled higher than Yoshi and gets to go first. He chooses to eat the Yoshi's Cookie, so coupled with his normal stats, he now gets a +5 bonus to Speed, no bonus to Smart, a +6 bonus to Mass, a +2 bonus to Power, and no bonus for Float. He now rolls to see if he can move past his first speed check. He must get a number greater than or equal to four to get past. Let's assume he rolls a two. He still gets to go past. His roll of 2, plus his stat bonus of +5 gives him a total of 7, more than enough to get past. Next is Yoshi's first turn.
Yoshi chooses the Sweet Fruit and moves on to his first speed check. He rolls a 6. He has a +2 stat bonus... Yes, 8 is more than 4. He can continue.
Boshi's turn now. He rolls a 10. 18 is much more than 5.
Yoshi rolls a 13. He moves along.
Boshi rolls a 20. My, that's quite lucky! He can pass the 10 mark.
Yoshi's turn. He rolls and... Oh no! He rolled a 2! 2 and 3 is 5! He can't go past!
Now Boshi's at the first non-Speed event. He has to roll at least a 10, since he has a Power level of 2. He rolls a 15, luckily for him. Now, he has a choice. He has to choose either to go through the Nest Pitfall of Unluckiness or Boshi's Chasm (the little cheater). He confidently strides up to the Chasm.
Yoshi rolls a 9. He can go to the Boulder now, and he does.
Boshi rolls the die. He gets a four! He can't continue over the Chasm, since he doesn't have any bonuses for Float. Too bad.
Yoshi rolls to see if he can push the boulder. Yoshi gets a 17, just enough. Things seem to be going in his direction. He chooses to go past the Nest Pitfall of Unluckiness.
Boshi tries again. Only a 16! He knew he should have gone the other way!
Yoshi now has to roll under a 15 to get past the Nest Pitfall. He rolls and... Oh no, he gets 15! But, he ate a Sweet Fruit, which gives him a -1 Mass bonus. He can pass. Yoshi wins!
Now, besides the regular cards, you may ask me for a Bred card. You make these by asking me to breed together two cards. Yes, even Yoshi and Boshi can be bred. The stats will be averaged. If, through breeding with other people, one somehow get a Yoshi creature with at least one bonus in each stat, they get a Black Yoshi card! Isn't that great? Now they can fly- oh, wait, wrong game... So, hopefully this helps you with my new game, Yoshi Racing.
Please, if this is in the wrong place, move it, don't lock it. I'm trying here. So, comments or critique? Gee, maybe it goes in the Art forum?
Last edited by nanabobo567 on 15 Mar 2007 10:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Seerow wrote:Aww Nana, I didn't think you meant you were literally dead last night :(
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Post by AngharadTy »

Subeta isn't a video game, Pony Island isn't a video game, Pokemon Crater isn't a video game... Offsite games is for any game. ^_~ I'll move this for you.
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Post by nanabobo567 »

Oh, sorry. I just assumed. Thanks for moving it. I guess I'll change the title.
Seerow wrote:Aww Nana, I didn't think you meant you were literally dead last night :(
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