Of trading meowclops (advice? anyone want one?)

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Of trading meowclops (advice? anyone want one?)

Post by invsagoth »

Ok, so I have a Christmas meowclops up for trade. And soon I guess I will have a green meowclops up for trade. (I hate the trading post though, blarg)

Now, before anyone says "holy crap, I didn't realize you had such valuable stuff!!!"... I don't really. These are my mom's. She was collecting them back when they were cheap, in the ballpark of 30k. She one attached to a pet that she got the ppl for, and she got another one for my "brother's" pet. (I say that in quotations because she's done all the work in the account and my brother doesn't really care about neopets, but she still thinks it's his account. Yeah, it'd be nice if someone spent a crapload of time to buy me paint brushes n stuff even though I don't give two shits about them... anyway...) I think she actually gave me one once, but I can't find it. D: I don't think I did anything to get rid of it, but I can't find it and it's unsettling. Because I would like to have something worth 5 mil. :P

So anyway, she had them on a side account gallery. It made sense to have them in her gallery when they were worth 30k, but I looked them up recently and found they were worth a whole lot more. I have no idea how many people have a collection of meowys in their galleries, but I told mom that it might be a good idea to remove them so her gallery wasn't a 'hack me or try to scam me plz' sign. (She's kinda gullible).

So she did, and then asked me to trade her xmas one for her (for one, because she's gullible, she'd rather not get ripped off). She wants a krawk trans and an island pb. The total value of those is 6 mil, one mil more than the meowy.

So I've been trying to trade the xmas meowy. I've been getting offers. People offer a krawk trans and 500k, but that's 1.5 mil less than what the meowy is worth. I've also been offered an air faerie crown and nps, but I don't know if that would be harder to sell. Not that the meowy is hts, it seems relatively ets for it's price... but still. I don't seem to be getting offers that are very good. Not horrible, I get no junk offers... but I'm not getting what it's worth either. I don't know if I'm expecting too much?

I didn't know until today that mom was going to trade another meowy. That actually is a little less stressful then because I know she wants both those things and together they're worth 10 mil, so I'm using stuff worth more than what I'm looking for. Now I don't have to stress that mom won't be able to get what she wants because she didn't give me enough to get it for her. I was thinking at least if I got the extra 2 mil with the trans potion she could at least have a shot for saving up for the pb, but if I was only getting 500k with the potion, losing 1.5 mil then she wouldn't really have any sort of shot for saving up. But I kinda would rather not have her lose 3 mil total either.

She's so excited about getting the potion and pb (she's wanted an island krawk forever), and having 4 mil (She's never had nearly that much, and neither have I, actually. My mom will have more nps than I've ever had. Weeeeeiiiiiiirrrrrd.) I'm over here just blah. TP, I hate you. :P

I dunno, anyone have any advice? Or want to trade for a meowclops? n.n;
Thank you to Jazzy for the av!
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Re: Of trading meowclops (advice? anyone want one?)

Post by varii »

My only word of advice when it comes to petpet trading is that it is best to have the petpet be at its basic color (in the meowclops case, black) because generally when people search for them, they do 'identical to my phrase' and only breach out into the painted colors if they are looking for that exact color or are looking for a good deal as painted petpets are generally harder to sell. It's not for certain, but spending the neopoints to paint them black may garner you a quicker sale at the price you desire.

Also, you might want to try just sticking one of them in the auction house at the price you want for 24 hours just to see if anyone will bid. Some people really hate dealing with the trading post and haggling...it couldn't hurt.
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Re: Of trading meowclops (advice? anyone want one?)

Post by Jessi »

I agree with Varii - it'd be worth it for you to invest in black PPBs and paint them their original color. I had a lot more luck -buying- my kadoatie looking and haggling for regular ones than any color variety.
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