Mortiking revamp poll - Revamp now complete

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Mortiking revamp poll - Revamp now complete

Post by Seerow »

Its the Mortiking's turn for a touch-up.

Gotta say, at the moment I'm liking the older version better. This one seems very fat instead of muscular. I am definitely not fond of the way DNA shades her pets, instead of looking muscular and sleek they usually end up looking very blubbery. The mouth also looks small and like his teeth are crammed in there. His left hind foot looks very very smooshed, his claws barely show further then the foot itself, and they don't seem very sharp either.

I think this could be a good revamp, but it needs a lot more work first.
Last edited by Seerow on 13 Aug 2008 12:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mortiking revamp poll

Post by Mayhem »

DNA (it is DNA who's doing the Mortikings, right?) needs to get with the program and stop making her lineart so thin. It's starting to be a trend in her art, it seems.

I like the pose, but his mouth and his eyes aren't working together. He looks bored and half-assed snarly. I think I'd like it better without a snarl at all.

His body looks too big compared to the rest of him. I realize he's supposed to be super muscular, but now he just looks kind of fat. I like his thick neck though, it almost makes it work. Almost.

His talons need more SHARP to them! Especially his left leg back there. His claws look terribly dull, how befitting of a predator.
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Re: Mortiking revamp poll

Post by Saturn »

The only thing that REALLY bugs me is the face, it looks more snobby/condescending than fierce to me. XD Like he's saying "meh, out of my way, worthless peon" rather than "RAWR I EAT YOU NOW". Not exactly the kind of attitude I'd expect a big friggin' carnivore dinosaur to have. :P
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Re: Mortiking revamp poll

Post by hebdenhippy »

I agree with Seerow, it looks really chubby and blobby rather than muscular, that was the thing that irked me most about the Dragon, I assume this is the same artist? Also the lineart is way too thin, I wonder what program DNA uses? The claws need to be bigger and sharper too. The face looks really weird to me, i don't like the huge bags he's got under his eyes and the snarl looks really strange. Yeah, I voted the old version.
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Re: Mortiking revamp poll

Post by Seerow »

Yeah Hepdenhippy, DNA did both this and the Dragon revamp. DNA can do lovely work, but she can also get a little carried away with the shading and stuff at times. This is one of those times.

Two things I also just noticed: The spikes on his shoulder look really small in comparison to his arm. I know they are supposed to be small, but I'd like to seem them a bit bigger.
The fin thing along his back seems tacked on. I think it needs to be "pulled forward" a little more then it is, giving it more of the illusion its actually attached to its back as opposed to just being there.

It'd like to see the arm cuffs given a bit more definition too, they seem to be just black stretches of skin instead of metal resting on the skin.
Last edited by Seerow on 07 Aug 2008 05:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mortiking revamp poll

Post by Huggles »

I think her styles works best for chubby or muscular creatures, so I take no issue with that. I do agree that the claws don't look the least bit sharp. One of the nice thing about the old one was how the nails looked like golden razor blades. I like the weightiness of the tail, but it's weird how you don't see some of the length hanging behind it's legs. I also agree that the black around its eye needs to be more triangular and sharp, and I don't like the snarl. It looks like it goes so far up that the mortiking has an invisible hand pulling up its lip in a fake smile.
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Re: Mortiking revamp poll

Post by Goldenchaos »

As an owner of a Mortiking I really don't like it. That snarl on its face is offputting and , I agree with Saturn, comes off snobbish..


Bit of a redline, tweaking its head some, arms, tail and back spike, as well as its body and legs/feet. Though the right one is off a bit, har, curse you perspective. It cuts off a bit on one of its claws, but whatev.
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Re: Mortiking revamp poll

Post by Sarivonne »


Let's see..

Overall it's an improvement as far as art goes, but doesn't feel the same as the old mortiking.

The eye has gone from deep red to a pink colour. Not a big deal, just something that sticks out to me. The face has become considerably fatter. I know it's supposed to look Tyrannosaurus like while the other dino is supposed to look like a raptor. The art styles are so different, it really wouldn't be too big a deal to thin out the face a little. Right now it looks a Tyrannosaurus who just sits at a McDees and is served bronto burgers everyday. I was expecting it to look a little more muscular, which I am sure the artist can pull off. It also looks like it's sporting a double chin.

The line art is an improvement from the Serpenth, but it's practically none existent under the chin. Not to mention it's way too thin. At least it doesn't waver between super thin and super thick this time. I cant really tell because it's pencil thin.

I don't understand the new trend lately with random shadow lines on creatures. I'm trying to understand what kind of lighting gets that. It doesn't make it look as though the stomach is smooth, like it has ridges almost. The line art, as I just realized, does waver, as it shows in the feet, but that's not what bugged me. As everyone said, the talon/claws just don't look sharp. It's like this Dino is going for bling and instead of sharp claws, it dipped it's weapons in gold and decided to look overly shiny instead? I mean the effect is lovely on the horn but too over powering on the claws. I'm sure if it was hunting an animal, the shine off it's claws would alert it of danger.

I really think, despite my crits, that it IS an improvement, but it can be further improved. Obviously is has far more dimension and the colouring is superb in comparison. Just needs tweeking.
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Re: Mortiking revamp poll

Post by Zekumi »

^^ YUS. That's remarkably better, although I'd prefer a slightly longer eye that's reminiscent of the old version. I like that eye.

No disrespect to DNA, because the art itself is still fabulous, but that face is just... I can't believe anyone could look at that face and take it seriously. It looks beyond bizarre to me, what with the teeth so low and the short mouth.

Also, yes. The tail I think is really cool, but the rest of it is definitely coming off as kind of obese-looking instead of muscular. I don't think it helps, either,that he has like no neck. x_x
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Re: Mortiking revamp poll

Post by Goldenchaos »

:O Woo, Sarivonne pointed out all the little things I didnt even notice before, especially with the line art. The only time Ive had trouble with line art is when I had the image sized to like ..four times the normal size, so maybe thats what happened here? I did like the hunched over effect of the old one, but I can see how it wouldnt work now since it legs looked splayed..I miss the fin at its tail tip too. Art is better, but not so much execution
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Re: Mortiking revamp poll

Post by AngharadTy »

I really like some of the things about Goldenchaos's redline. The snarl has gotta go. And if the arms looked thinner, that would help a ton with the "whoa this dino has gotten faaaaaaat" problem.

More than anything, the revamp just seems like it's having problems being big. "Fat" is not the same thing as "big."
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Re: Mortiking revamp poll

Post by Jessi »

I think this suffers from the same problem as a lot of DNA's art (the glacier Dillema is actually a good example) - the lineart is way, way too thin. It makes the lines blend into the color of the pet, and makes it really, really hard to see. I wish she'd use a more heavily weighed line =/ I just don't like the thin art, at all. I also don't like the snarl, and I think the pet is way, way overshaded - the same problem she had with the Serpenth, IMHO. The overshading makes it look less Subeta style and I think takes away from the overall look of the pet.
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Re: Mortiking revamp poll

Post by Heilos »

I'm not gonna beat a dead horse by repeating everything people have said about it being fat, but I 100% agree that it is
waaaayyy over shaded, and I really do not like the thin lineart either, it just seems to disappear in certain areas, definitely
not a subeta pet quality overall in my opinion when compared to the other pets. My biggest problems also are the arms and
it's claws, they look stubby rather then fierce and sharp, i'm not liking the random light source shading either,
it completely complicates the pet too much. I agree more with the pose on GoldenChaos's readline, get rid of the
snarky expression too, it's not really working either.
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Re: Mortiking revamp poll

Post by Chandi »

I agree with pretty much everything said so far (lineart too thin, snarl's gotta go, too big/fat/something, overshaded, etc.)... but on the whole overshaded thing. Yes, it's got way too many little details. But is it just me, or does the blue skin look especially... matte? I think that's the word I'm looking for. All the shades of blue are awfully close together, and it's almost hard to pick out where the shadows and highlights are. It may just be me, who knows, but on first glance, I thought the blue coloring was rather bland. *shrugs* Overall, I just don't like it.
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Re: Mortiking revamp poll

Post by Slugawoo »

It looks like it's about to sneeze. And it's ultra-fat compared to the old version. It's suppose to be a predatory dinosaur, yes? Nothing this fat could ever chase down it's pray. Ever.

And I agree with everyone else. Line art's too thin. It's over-shaded to the point where it doesn't look cell-shaded anymore. Claws arn't sharp enough. The eye's too small.

Oh, and I don't like how I can't see the end of the tail. I don't know why that bugs me, but it does. But that's just a pose issue, I'm sure it can be easily fixed.

And did I mention it's unhealthily fat? I really want to see more muscle, less fat if/when this gets redrawn. That's really my major issue with it.
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