RL Achievements and ToW-split 2/16/09

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Post by tallan »

Achievement: Made it back from festival alive. It was a lot more exhausting and annoying than I remembered, which makes me feel old, but the good parts were still incredible. :) Saw lots of bands, missed some, saw my all-time favourite artist less than 24 hours ago and am still high on it. Am bruised all over and aching everywhere, and got some not so nice sunburns, but it was totally worth it. Especially for the way it lowers your standards. REAL TOILETS. WARM WATER. SOAP. What else can you possibly need?
Will see when head gets screwed on right so I can function normally again. Until then I'm wandering around (or, rather, sitting around, since feet OUCH) in some strange fatigued bliss.

All right. *goes to see what has been missed on Subeta*
Anna the Red
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Post by Anna the Red »

I have a writing gig.

It's not anything big, it's a free fanzine for a friend of a friend, but it's a writing gig. A friend put her onto me, showed her the stuff I wrote for the yearbook a couple of years back and she asked me if I'd be interested in writing for it. Does the pope shit in the woods?!

It's made me reconsider doing writing as a career, which would be awesome.

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Post by FaerieInGrey »

Jay (DamionDarkheart) and I are gone from the internet. It's terribly messed up at my house and I cannot fix it. We're moving August 2nd but neither of us has a computer.


...see you all from campus in September? I dunno. I can maybe borrow someone else's computer.

Woe :(

Edit: We may, tentatively, have internet. Achievement? Maybe.
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Post by ladynight6 »

Yay: My friend is coming to visit from Finland in 10 days!
Yay: While in Finland I closed down my child support account and I'm 300 € richer
Woe: I have summer homework... *headdesk*
Officer 1BDI
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Post by Officer 1BDI »

Oh, sonuvva....

My family just came home from a 6 hour flight and an additional 2 hour drive, and our house gets TP-ed not half an hour after we've walked through the front door. >_< apparently I scared them off when I peeked through the window (they were noisy little ingrates), so they didn't get the entire yard, but several of our trees are layered with the stuff.

FaerieInGrey: Oh no. :( I hope you can get it fixed (for good) before then, but if not, see you two in September.
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Post by anzuronamin »

Officer: ...why did they do it while you were home and not when you were on a trip?

My condolenses though. Hope you get it cleaned up soon.

Pro: Started Artemis Fowl. That is one good book.

Woe: All my friends are either at camps or MIA. I have nothing to do except read and do summer homework and noone to see. *lonely*
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Post by Fjorab_Teke »

- I've injured my left ribs (see my last post in here). I went to have them X-rayed on Monday but haven't gotten a report about the results yet. It was crazystupid at the clinic because they're switching to all-computer records, and my doctor was overbooked that day. I went in at 10:45 (my scheduled time), waited two hours, and didn't get out until 3pm. Thankfully I had developed a habit of taking a puzzle book with me.
- I don't know if I went into the clinic with one problem and came out with two, or if I got it from Dad (or some other source), but I now have the stupid icky sickness that is going around. At least Aleve Cold and Sinus seems to help. It's non-drowsy, but it doesn't wire me to stay awake either, so that is good.

- After all my huffing about NOT getting one, I bought a gently-used Nintendo DS. It was cheaper than if I had gotten a new SP, and hopefully my old SP will live long enough to satisfy my old-game playing for a while longer. I promptly bought Brain Age to go with it, and I am enjoying my new little toy quite a bit already. It's been good entertainment while I've been sore and sick, and I'm looking around to figure out which other games I want for it. Big Brain Academy looks like my next new-game purchase.
- I haven't gone to check since I don't want the people to get my ickiness, but the cat I almost officially adopted is with her right people now, and I get visiting rights. She has probably had her kittens by now (or at least VERY soon if not), and I get to pick one out and adopt it when it's weaned.
- In 3 weeks my husband gets to come visit for the most of August! He's in the Army. Tagalong woe: he's probably getting deployed in September, for a year and a half.
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Post by Ellie »

WOE: My iPod got stolen at Midnight Magic. I must have put it on the counter so I could pay for my book and left it there, because I was listening to it in line. I can't believe it. I'm normally so good about stuff like that. I've never even lost a puzzle piece. There goes $290 for a new iPod + case. xP
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Post by nanabobo567 »

Why do people steal things? It's not right... Do unto others...
Seerow wrote:Aww Nana, I didn't think you meant you were literally dead last night :(
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Post by Aurinona »

After a month of headaches, running around like mad, and having one place we really wanted end up falling through, there is FINALLY a light at the end of the tunnel. Signing a lease for a half-duplex at 6:30 tonight. It's more than twice as big as the apartment. YAY!

Now back to cleaning and packing.
Officer 1BDI
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Post by Officer 1BDI »

anzuronamin wrote:Officer: ...why did they do it while you were home and not when you were on a trip?
Evidentally, they did it while we were gone, too, and the poor house sitter cleaned it up before we returned.

I can only imagine they had no idea we were home when they made their second attempt, except my light was on at the time, so... perhaps they were just very dumb. Their stupidest mistake was whispering "shut up" to each other as I was peering through the window, looking for whatever was crunching its way though our front yard.

Gloat? Maybe? Nothing's set in stone, but my mum has a very funny way of trying to take advantage of a free deal:
"Hey, I was checking online and I think our free airline tickets expire in a month."
"Yeah. We should probably use them."
"So... are you still interested in going to Walt Disney World?"
" :shock: "
Not that I'm complaining. :mrgreen:
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Post by Aaron »

Yay :

July brings with it my second pay rise in as many months :D I get time and a half on my Sundays anyway, but my basic rate went from £4.92 to £5.41 in June, then again last week up to £5.69 (which means my Sundays went from £7.38 to £8.12, to £8.54..) Score!

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Post by Monkeyguy »

Achievement: Mormon Missionaries came to my door and told me about God. It was cute.

Edit: And my zipper is down, that makes it even cuter!
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Post by Huggles »

Woe. I failed my driving exam. Although, I get to go back and try again next Friday, before my permit expires. I hit a cone backing up about 45 seconds into the manuveribility portion of the test, which is an automatic failure in Ohio. Do not proceed. Do not pass Go. Go directly to jail. Err...home. I kind of figured I would since I haven't driven in two weeks and this is the first time I've driven my dad's girlfriend's car. It's a 2002 Lexus, which is great because I don't have to drive his or my mom's suvs, but it's completely different from the car I had been taking lessons on. For one thing, I can barely tell when it's on because it's so quiet. It's also a bit wider, which doesn't help considering that the parking spot the test uses is about 12 inches smaller than what's used pretty much everywhere else in the town. I probably would have passed if I had another 3. :(
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Post by Nobby »

I saw Hairspray today and loved it. Ever since I saw Little Shop of Horror in drama I've had a great fondness for musicals and this doesn't disappoint. John Travolta was great as a woman and added much comedy to it.

On a side note I'm going to try posting at least once a day (like it'll actually happen @_@)

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