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Post by Nogitsune »

Has anyone ever seen this site? I was wondering if it were worth joining.
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Post by kerg »

I've never heard of it, but it looks like it could be good. I'd like to see some more of the pets though.
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Post by Helmcargh »

I signed up, some of the pets are quite pretty, such as





Most of these needed to be painted or morphed to get these colours but it looks like money is really easy to make- I made about 5000kp just on the chance games.

It's really small site though and some of the forums have very few or no topics.
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Post by shaelyn76 »

Hmmm...I had never even heard of this site until seeing this thread. I went to the site to check it out and was somewhat offput that it won't let you see any of the pets unless you register. So I went to the FAQ to see what it was all about. I don't want to come a cross as a lazy pet owner, but their whole thing where if your active pets happiness or hunger reaches a certain point it runs away and you lose that pet slot is pretty ridiculous in my opinion. I sometimes can't get onto the computer for a week or more at a time due to real life things like , oh I don't job, kids, husband, friends, etc...the real non-pixelated stuff that matters in the long run. I just can't see investing any time in a site where you are punished if you aren't there every day. I use petsites as a form of fun and relaxation..not as a new responsibility on my plate. If anyone who actually plays the site can give me some personal insight into the gameplay and level of activity you have to maintain to be ok I would appreciate it. thanks!
Subeta Neopets
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Post by Elzaim »

I play on this site occasionally, but it's no comparison to other larger petsites, I'm afraid. I got bored with it after about 2 weeks and getting my 'dream pets' (it's VERY easy to get them).
I don't want to come a cross as a lazy pet owner, but their whole thing where if your active pets happiness or hunger reaches a certain point it runs away and you lose that pet slot is pretty ridiculous in my opinion. I sometimes can't get onto the computer for a week or more at a time due to real life things like , oh I don't job, kids, husband, friends, etc...the real non-pixelated stuff that matters in the long run. I just can't see investing any time in a site where you are punished if you aren't there every day.
The only way you'd lose your pet is if you are playing the game actively and it's hunger level and playful-level reach zero. If you go in for a few minutes at a tile to restock or get money and such, then leave for hours - the levels stay the same - they only change when you're actively playing on the site. Get what I mean? For example - I haven't visited in almost 3 weeks, but my active pet's levels of hunger and playfullness haven't changed since I last went on.

Also, buying food for them is ridiculously cheap, and the toys to boost their playfulness are often unlimited use.

Give it a try if you want, but like I say, I bored of it real soon. And I dunno - I only found a handful of really nice-looking or pretty pets. Many of the species are drawn kinda hap-hazard. :|

My screen name there is the same here. Just look me up if you need help or anything. :)
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Post by shaelyn76 »

thanks for the insight. I am on the prowl for a new addiction in case Subeta doesn't get its act together sometime soon. Your description of the happiness/hunger levels and how they work made perfect sense to me and I appreciate you atking the time to fill me in :D
Subeta Neopets
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Post by Praetori »

I like Kenopets, but after I got all my pets painted and achieved a warrior position in 12 days, the game was just boring to me. I haven't really played lately because, well, there seems to be no point to it anymore.
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Post by Twofold Black »

I signed up because I'm a character design junkie and enjoy looking at pet art even on sites I'm not going to play on. I'm really bothered by how wildly the art can vary from color to color of a pet. In the case of, say, the Capistro's water form being a sea horse, it makes sense, and the fact that the art just looks like a cartoon sea horse and not a sea horse-inspired variation on the Capistro does not annoy me too much, but the Vulpes is just a mess. I see five and a half (maybe six) totally incompatible variations on the basic concept of 'fox' there, and some of these variations then have <i>additional</i> stuff bolted on, like wings or fins.

Edit: Okay, but the demonic Guanaco is disturbing and <i>awesome</i>.
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Post by Huggles »

Again, please do not bump old threads.

I'm locking this one too, but if anyone is still playing pm me to discuss it.

Alas, Mr.Black, you are also three months behind.

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