New Kitties + New Apartment!

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New Kitties + New Apartment!

Post by Illuen »

So, I know I've been pretty absent for a few months, so I figured I'd key anyone out there (read: nobody) who would be interested on what I've been up to.

My wonderful, adorable boyfriend and I moved in together, in a really adorable apartment. It is in a nice neighborhood and for the price, is a fantastic bargain.

(These pictures were taken the week I moved in. Among other things; I actually have a computer desk now, and we have these awesome IKEA floor lamps everywhere.

I also have two new kitties the BF and I got from the MD SPCA on Saturday. They are just about the cutest kitties ever.

Peaches is the one the BF picked. She is rather shy, and obviously annoyed that I bothered her under the bed. She's starting to warm up to me, though. She prefers using the arm of our couch rather than the scratching post standing no more than five feet away from said couch. She is very pretty, and has the most peculiar markings on her head.

Green Bean(Also, why the heck was nearly every cat in that pound named after a food? I'm serious, there was even one named Parfait) is my baby. He's the most cuddly, snuggly kitty I've ever met. He is too Cute.. He is also very very gay; his favorite toy is this big pink feather boa looking thing which is hillarious. I love my kitty very much *nodnod*

I feel really bad about abandoning you guys (especially those of you I'm really close with *hugs*) for two or three months, but I needed some time to put my life into order. I think I finally have achieved that awesome balance that is having a healthy fun social life while still having time for my wonderful internet friends.
No spoony bard could spin a sweeter tale.
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Re: New Kitties + New Apartment!

Post by Jessi »

Your new apartment is very cute :D yay kitties! And Pizza Hut! I should post pictures of my new apartment... and you should come visit again so you can see it xD
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Re: New Kitties + New Apartment!

Post by Alicorn »

Congrats on the new apartment Illuen! It is a very cute and cozy apartment. It looks very homey. You kitties are very cute as well and I love the names. Makes me wish I could have a kitty (I now live in a house full of cat haters, bah!). Your boyfriend is real cute too. You're just surrounded by cuteness, hehehe. ^_^" Anywho I'm glad to hear things are going well for you and that you have a good balance on things. I'm still trying to find that balance. Haveing great social life thing going on but been negelecting my net friends, eep! ^_^" Anywho I'm happy for you.
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Re: New Kitties + New Apartment!

Post by Huggles »


I want to come to your house and decorate! Actually, I want to come to everyone's house and decorate, but you posted pictures which wakes up my tiny interior designer. It's not at all weird that I know the exact layout of your apartment. She usually sleeps all day, until there's cookies or cupcakes around. I do approve of your bedroom set. It fits so snuggly into your room. I'm not sure I approve of the number of monkies. I'm pretty sure there's a three monkey minimum. You lose points for the blinds, though if you're renting they might not let you take them down, even if you save them because people are dumb. I had them in my bedroom and it drove me crazy trying to clean them without hosing them down. However, you gain a hojillion more for the Hello Kitty toaster. Radio? Whatever! <3

Also, kitties! *huggles* I love greenbeans fluffy tail.
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Re: New Kitties + New Apartment!

Post by Madge »

Hey Willy! I found your post like I said I would!

And I have to say that Green Bean is indeed a very gay kitty, that picture of him posing with his tail all swishy and his arse on display for all who would glance in that direction truly leaves no doubt.

You have a nice apartment (it is nicer than my friends' apartment that they have together, SO YOU BEAT THEM IN THE COOLNESS DEPARTMENT), nice kitties, and most importantly of all, a highly attractive boyfriend. Is he by any chance bisexual?

I think when you come down to it, as awesome as internet friends are, you can't meet them all, and they can't give you hugs when you're sad :(. So RL friends are good for that. THEY ARE A WORTHY INVESTMENT, MY FRIEND.

Furthermore, I sent you a PM a few months ago asking if you had a database of Hoomoo pictures! My boyfriend's mother has a cow motif throughout her house but also two paintings of owls, so at dinner one day some fellow guests posited that the ideal animal for her would be a "cowl", and I then brought up the existence of the Hoomoo, and she was interested, and I got no pictures!

If you PM me the pictures I will PM you a picture of me dressed as ceiling cat.
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Re: New Kitties + New Apartment!

Post by thelonetiel »

I request that the photos of Madge dressed as ceiling cat be distributed evenly through the forum. But you probably shouldn't mention it to her.

You already know that I luff you even if you've gone and found yourself friends away from NC. I'm the jealous type but I'll let you slide cause I've been doing the same. >>

Your kitties and boyfriend are adorable and the apartment looks great for the four of you. Yaaay!

Just remember I will hunt down and kill everyone that distracts you from the Heroes WW, so you might mention it to your friends. If you really care about them, you'll stay away.
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