Obligatory Photo Thread!

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Mistress Morbid
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Obligatory Photo Thread!

Post by Mistress Morbid »

I think it's been too long since we've had one of these, so I'm taking it upon myself to resurrect it. :P Post photos! They can be of you, your pets, the neighbour down the street...I don't really care. xD I always think it's fun to see what everyone looks like. ^^

I'm posting the photos themselves behind spoiler tags so slower computers won't have lag issues.

My pets: (tarantula pictures near bottom...just advance warning in case someone doesn't like spiders or something)
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Dexter, my oldest kitty. :)

Dexter and Hexter cuddling, Hexter is the little black one.

This is Koopa, he's a Uromastyx (or spiny tailed lizard).

And this is Shelob, my Rosehair Tarantula. ^^ (bonus points if you know her name reference!)
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Chihuahua! My two chihuahuas live back in BC with my Mom, so I miss them. :(

Lol, random picture at the club.

Let's just say this was at a house party...after some booze...and we got the best idea involving my shirt and a halloween prop. >.>

Best Jack Skellington costume I've ever seen. This was at an anime convention in Seattle.


Couple photos I modeled for a friend's website.
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Re: Obligatory Photo Thread!

Post by Usul_Princess »

MM, your pictures always look so beautiful! I love looking at them. :) You look shockingly close to your human avatar.
(Extra large closeups because they're with the webcam)
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I don't remember what I was staring at, but the angle is nice, and I love my hair out of braids in this pic.


Another pic without braids. (Haven't worn them in a while)


I don't remember this not being shown, but I'm sure it has. Just some random smiling.
I'll upload some with Carlie in the pet thread or here later.

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Re: Obligatory Photo Thread!

Post by Enriana »

I feel like I must do an obligatory AAAAAAHH SPIDER but you warned me.

MM - and I know I've said this before, and I know I'll say it again - you are truly one of the loveliest women I've EVER SEEN that wasn't a professional model or something like that.

The most recent pictures of me are actually nearly a year old, so INSTEAD I will share some pretty pictures of myself from the summer before last, back when my hair was long and my camera was compatible with my system.
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That crystal you can see nestled against my throat in the third picture - that's my crystal. It's kunzite. I bought it in Virginia Beach the summer of '04, and have rarely taken it off since. I sleep in it. It's basically my security blanket.
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Re: Obligatory Photo Thread!

Post by Jessi »

I won't bother posting pictures of all the pets, since I told Daisy I have a ton of new cat photos and I'll add them to the pet thread xD But uh, here I am.
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Here's an awful picture of me after my second-to-last haircut (not the one I got for my birthday). We were trying to show off the highlights but the sun kind of made them disappear xD

This has quickly become my favorite photo from the wedding and I have no idea where it's from or who took it xD I think it's after Lindsey's mom yelled "I didn't get a photo, kiss again!", judging by how we're all kind of laughing. That's Ty behind me and you can KIND of see Joey between our heads xD

One last picture - from left to right, that's Lindsey, me, and Seerow! That was from our most recent trip to Chicago and the Italian restaurant with crappy service but delicious food we went to xD

My boobs look extra big here.
Also, MM, Lindsey and I admired your tarantula for quite a bit last night - he's very lovely!
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Re: Obligatory Photo Thread!

Post by Slugawoo »

Why am I de-lurking for this thread of all things? xD Oh well. I have lots of pictures of my pets!
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Rowdy! This is the mutt we picked up off the road on our way home a few years ago. We weren't able to find his owner, so we kept him. He's now my favorite minion running parter/guard dog.
I don't know if I've posted this one before or not, but here's Rowdy sleeping with Lily.
Our other mutt and border collie, Sage and Jayce.
Yes, my house was a mess.
And the pugs! We have so many. orz I didn't get any pictures of Ben and Luna. Or our beagle.
That's totally Gus' happy place. And yes, I have 10 dogs. I shit you not. Here's one of our cats, Mutton. Yes, "Mutton." Don't ask.
And my iguana, Edward!
This is one of my cockroaches! Obviously, don't click if you don't like bugs!
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Shwick nomming an orange, next to his big gummy cockroach.
And me. Kind of. I took these pictures months ago. My hairs a lot shorter, now.
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Oh god, that one was from last Halloween. Haha, I never take pictures of myself.
Yes, I wear goggles, shh. They are awesome.
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Re: Obligatory Photo Thread!

Post by Jessi »

These are words I'd never thought would come out of my mouth, but Slugawoo, your hissing cockroach is absolutely adorable ;__;
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Re: Obligatory Photo Thread!

Post by Slugawoo »

Yeah, I think so too! My mother thinks I'm a freak, but I love insects so much. They're really cute when they're eating. ;_; I just wish my camera worked closer up so I could get better pictures.
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Re: Obligatory Photo Thread!

Post by Mistress Morbid »

Enri, I love that crystal! I often had something similar when I was younger of an Amethyst (my birthstone). It was a pretty large stone cut into the shape of a fang, it was my favourite necklace and I wore it all the time. I have no idea what ever happened to it...

Oh my god Slugawoo, your pugs are absolutely adorable!!! Especially that little black one with the white chest! I love pugs. ^^ And your cockroach is awesome too. =D Insects are indeed pretty cool. I love feeding Shelob and watching her eat. xD
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Re: Obligatory Photo Thread!

Post by Seerow »

I hate pictures, but here's some that I don't completely suck in. These, and the one that Jessi posted above :D
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Do images linked from Facebook work? If not I'll change them to Photobucket. Too lazy to do that right now though.
Here are me, my sister, little brother, my friend and her boyfriend at Kings Island earlier this summer.

Jessi and I on a hippo at the zoo.

My senior picture. I haven't really changed in the fourish years since this was taken.

For those of you who haven't heard yet, I'm a triplet :P I don't know how my brother got so tall.

Sorry Jessi, but I had to! We had snowcones :D
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Re: Obligatory Photo Thread!

Post by Joey »

I don't take pictures too often so I end up showing the same ones all the time in these types of threads. So for something different, I'm going to post costume photos!
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Probably my favorite picture of the ones I got out of the convention last weekend. And one of my favorite costumes as well. It just needs a hat. Red Calaf from Maple Story!

And here's my pirate costume. I hate my face in the picture, I was going for a pirate scowl but it looks so dorky. Love the costume though, I'm going to take more pictures of this later this week at the beach with all my effects.

And the costume I spent the week working on before the convention that sucked away my life! The picture doesn't show it off too well, but it was fun taking it. I never got the name of the catgirl, but she was very lovely and we had fun doing weird poses. Red Amoria, also from Maple Story!

Compare with the old version of the costume from last year, which doesn't fit anymore because I'm no longer flat chested:

And the lovely dress I made for Jessi and Lindsey's wedding! Which also consumed my life while trying to finish in time.
All of them were sewn by me, except for the Pirate, which was bought one piece at a time while I was working in a high class costume store. I've also got last years Halloween costume that I made the day before to match with my pumpkins but fell asleep before I could get pictures.
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Re: Obligatory Photo Thread!

Post by Jessi »

Seerow, that snowcone picture wouldn't be so awful if I didn't have like, a glob of it on my shirt xD And my tongue piercing looks -really- weird surrounded by a purplishred tongue xD
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Re: Obligatory Photo Thread!

Post by Arviragus »

Surprisingly enough there are some pictures of me that I don't absolutely hate, so I figure what the hey, I'll post them.
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My current favourite picture of myself (on the left) and my friend Jaime at the fair a few weeks ago. I was so sunburnt after this, I couldn't lay down comfortably for a week ;_;

Halloween '08, with a few of my coworkers. I've dressed up as a bumblebee more times than I can probably count, mostly because it's the easiest costume ever. Also, the costume came with fun springy antennae, which I can amuse myself with by having them bounce around.

My friend Clark and I thuggin' it at an all-night sports event last spring. I am Whitey McWhiterson, I could not thug if my life depended on it, but it was fun anyway.

I seem to stand on the right in almost every picture, ever, of me. This is me and my friends Miki and Terence, taken at Terence's birthday. We call this shot the "spectrum of Asian", as Miki is half-Japanese, Terence is fully Mandarin, and I, as mentioned earlier, am pasty snow white.
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Re: Obligatory Photo Thread!

Post by Slugawoo »

Mistress Morbid wrote:Oh my god Slugawoo, your pugs are absolutely adorable!!! Especially that little black one with the white chest! I love pugs. ^^ And your cockroach is awesome too. =D Insects are indeed pretty cool. I love feeding Shelob and watching her eat. xD
Thanks! They really are! I love pugs, they're my favorite breed of dog. :D I miss having a big dog, but having an army of little ones totally makes up for it! And Gus-Gus is definitely the cutest. He's like... three years old and still looks like a puppy. <3 Of course, I'm biased because he's my dog and completely favors me over the rest of the family. xD

skdjfk I've always wanted a tarantula or scorpion, but my cockroaches are pretty much as far as I can push my mother on the whole pet bugs thing. Shelob is so cool~.

And Joey, I really like that pirate costume! Green and purple is always a great combination. :D
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Re: Obligatory Photo Thread!

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

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Me and the back of my car - an '85 Toyota Supra. This pic was taken about 11 years ago, but aside from some "aging" I haven't changed much.

Me and Moby - the wonderful musician, adamant idealist, and continual goofball. 2001.

When I first grabbed this pic to use online, somehow it glitched blue. I like it, and it's my "real me" icon in various places. 2007.
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Re: Obligatory Photo Thread!

Post by Tom »

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I take lots of pictures with my friend, but they also feature lots of people. Here's a picture from a couple of weeks ago with my friend's baby brother. As you may be able to tell, I'm not really a 'baby' person. :P


Ehhh I decided I wouldn't be so lazy. Here's a picture of me at a concert on Saturday.
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