Galactic Revamps: Hikei, Wyllop, & Keeto

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Galactic Revamps: Hikei, Wyllop, & Keeto

Post by Enriana »

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The news post mentioned "updated", so I'm assuming these are revamps - however, I don't have the old versions of any of them.

My thoughts:

I have trouble with the majority of the Galactic pets because their poses tend to be so awkward. These three don't have those problems - they look solidly good.

While I'm not running out to get any of them, I really enjoy looking at them - the Hikei's details especially (planet orb things!) make me happy. The Hikei's front legs do look a tad off, but not in a glaring way.

The wyllop's swirls are really lovely, and I like the blue dots on the back - it looks like a little galaxy.

I think the Keeto would've looked better with less light blue sections - with the light blue patches/stripes AND the gold swirls, it's a little too busy. Also, I wish there were more of a sky aura to it than just its usual Keeto aura.

If other Galactics are revamped into less awkward poses like these guys, I might just have to grab one for my 12th pet!
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Re: Galactic Revamps: Hikei, Wyllop, & Keeto

Post by Mort »

I liked the hikei so much I changed my lab pet into one. ^^

The others... are underwhelming. I don't like the muzzle of the keeto for some reason; it just strikes me as too feline for what I imagine a keeto to be. The wyllop is.. meh. Nothing terribly wrong with it, but there's nothing that makes me want to get one either.
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Re: Galactic Revamps: Hikei, Wyllop, & Keeto

Post by Fuzzy »

Here are the old images:


The hikei and wyllop are wonderful revamps. The background of the hikei looks a bit strange, but it is much better than the original. I like the wyllop's curly whiskers and the blue spots.

As for the keeto, the old one was my favorite keeto. I really like the old one's expression, and the aura looked more distinct. I don't really like this revamp. The nose looks twisted and the tail appears very flat.
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Re: Galactic Revamps: Hikei, Wyllop, & Keeto

Post by Aqua »

I adore the new hikei, the colours suit it much better. :D I like the little stars in the black fur.

The wyllop is better, though I'm neutral/tend to forget the species. <:D

I like the face and hair of the old keeto better, but the paws look better now.
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Re: Galactic Revamps: Hikei, Wyllop, & Keeto

Post by AngharadTy »

I have a galactic wyllop! And I'm really impressed, I like this change. I loved my galactic wyllop (obviously, since I have one, hee), and now I love her even more. It's a great look for her. Gotta update my profile icons again soon, hehehe.

The keeto is a surprise to me, because I don't think it needed an update... I like the new leg positions a little more, but I liked the old aura a whole lot more. Hmm. It's not awful or anything, but I liked several things about the old one that haven't carried over to the new one.
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Re: Galactic Revamps: Hikei, Wyllop, & Keeto

Post by Jessi »

I used to own a Galactic Wyllop - Brie got changed into Chibi because I loved the Chibi revamp so much - but this makes me want to change him back to Galactic. It looks lovely. It's everything I loved about the old Galactic Wyllop updated to the new look, with it's lovely face and posture. I adore the new colors too, that dark blue-black on its back is really lovely.

I'm glad the Hikei got its stripes back; I never realized the old one's stripes were replaced by the gold swirls, but now that I do I think it looks kind of silly xD And I love how the little tail planets are more pronounced. The only thing I dislike about the new Hikei is I think it looks a little dark. The bottom part of the muzzle seems to blend right into the body to me.

The Keeto is... okay. I rather liked the old one, even though its legs were completely stiff and looked rather uncomfortable. I agree with Aqua and Ty both on this one; I liked the old one's face shape, hair, and aura more but the paws and leg positions on the new one. I think the aura on the new one is really, really thin though and just... lacking something.

Re: Galactic Revamps: Hikei, Wyllop, & Keeto

Post by Pyrostatic »

I didn't think the Keeto needed a revamp. I must say, I preferred the old one. I didn't really see anything wrong with it. Needless to say, I'm not sure I like this new one. I think the gold markings are too bright and distracting. The tail's a little too dark as well. It's not as fluffy as it used to be. But, I kind of like the new leg positions. -shrugs- Just a pet I don't think I'd ever own.

The Hikei is a definite improvement. But...All the details from the lower belly down, seem to be lost due to the darkness. Despite that, I must say, I really like the tail, the sparkly mane and the background. A Hikei I don't really mind looking at.

The Wyllop is kind of meh. It seems too undershaded again. I'm going to miss the gold and light blue tuft of fur on it's tail. I guess the revamp was needed, but I didn't really find anything wrong with it before.
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Re: Galactic Revamps: Hikei, Wyllop, & Keeto

Post by Seerow »

I adore the new Wyllop, he's so handsome! Like Enri said, I think my favorite part is the little galaxy spots on his back. I do wish it had kept the gold ear/tail/spine colors though as I did really like those on the old one.

I'll be the odd one out and say I really like the new Keeto revamp. I doubt I'll ever own a Keeto as the species just doesn't really appeal to me, but if I ever had to get one, this would be it. I really like the new Keeto's face, especially the muzzle and I like how the neck scruff got filled out more.

Hikei is good too. I really like how they did the mohawk.

Courtesy goes to NoirRaven on the news comments.
Seeing it like this, I can completely understand how fans of the old probably don't like the new one. It did lose every ounce of attitude it had. The tail is also a step backwards, with the black going all the way down. Still, for me personally, I prefer the new one, but I was never a fan of the old.
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Re: Galactic Revamps: Hikei, Wyllop, & Keeto

Post by zebru »

Nononono why the keeto?! Why my favorite pet on all of subeta?
Just looking at my profile with all my pets makes me completely miserable right now. Why must they update all art and make everything bloody uniform? I feel something was stolen from me.
*takes a deep breath*
Is there a way of covering up the little image on the profile with the old keeto without making buttons for all pets?
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Re: Galactic Revamps: Hikei, Wyllop, & Keeto

Post by bonecrivain »

Oh, wow. Now that I've seen that gif, I've completely changed my mind about the Keeto. When I first saw the revamped one, I'd forgotten what the old one looked like, and I thought this one was cute. It has nice rounded paws and a cute face, and I like the marking over the eye. The tail looks dreadful--since there's so little texture, it looks like there's just a thick black outline drawn around it. Overall, it's a pretty cute pet. But it's not really a Keeto. It's lacking any of the mischievousness of Keetos.

I don't really see why it had to be revamped; the art wasn't old. Looking at them with the gif, the contrast between the old one's elegance and the new one's rounded lines is so much clearer.

And ugh, Zebru, I'm sorry. I don't know if there's a code for that, but I'm sure someone would help you with pet buttons if you needed.
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Re: Galactic Revamps: Hikei, Wyllop, & Keeto

Post by AngharadTy »

I don't believe there's a code for it, because it's automatically made/updated by Subeta. I'd be more than happy to make pet buttons for you in my style--just PM me if you're interested. And there are several other people here who make great pet buttons, too. The html is really easy, on top of that.
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Re: Galactic Revamps: Hikei, Wyllop, & Keeto

Post by Seerow »

Theoretically, can't you just do the same thing like how you code normal buttons, but just have the old image instead of a button? After all, the coding for buttons is just a blank section. You'd have to do the same with each of the pets so they'd all be on there, but at least you'd have the old overlay and it would still look like a normal pet section. *Knows nothing about coding, so this could very well be impossible*.
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Re: Galactic Revamps: Hikei, Wyllop, & Keeto

Post by Silverevilchao »

Seerow wrote:Theoretically, can't you just do the same thing like how you code normal buttons, but just have the old image instead of a button? After all, the coding for buttons is just a blank section. You'd have to do the same with each of the pets so they'd all be on there, but at least you'd have the old overlay and it would still look like a normal pet section. *Knows nothing about coding, so this could very well be impossible*.
You mean like the default pet list you can have on a profile, right? The ones with the small images with the pet's name underneath it?

Yeah, I think that can be done. It'll take some experimentation, but I think it can be done. The only issue I can foresee is that if you get a new pet or if you want to change the number of pets in a row, you'd have to change the coding itself.
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Re: Galactic Revamps: Hikei, Wyllop, & Keeto

Post by Huggles »

I don't like that the rings on the hikei's planets are orange and not gold. No sir, not at all. I'm neutral towards the rest.
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