Darkmatter Kora, Hikei, and Anyu Revamps

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Darkmatter Kora, Hikei, and Anyu Revamps

Post by Jessi »

Looks like we'll be getting a few Darkmatter pets in September - glee! They have been rather abandoned, haven't they? We start off with three revamps:

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(old poses courtesy of Seerow!)

The Kora is absolutely gorgeous, especially considering the old one was certainly nothing exciting to look at! I've been planning to make my 22nd pet a Glacier Kora, but I might go with this instead. It really is a beautiful pet, I love the flowing pose and the ears especially here.

The Hikei seems to look pretty much as the old one did, but newly updated and with better art and shading - so no real complaints there. I'm not a big Hikei fan, but I'd call this a nice, solid revamp.

The Anyu... ohmygod. What a big, absolutely GORGEOUS bear it is! I don't even like bear pets! I've never liked the Anyu, but this is wonderful! He is so incredibly handsome. The pose is wonderful, much better than the old standing-on-DM pose. Wonderful job with this one, Rah!
Last edited by Jessi on 21 Sep 2009 05:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Darkmatter Kora, Hikei, and Anyu Revamps

Post by Seerow »

So rude, beating me to making a topic Jessi.

Here's the old one from my thread:

My favorite of the bunch is easily the Anyu. The thoughtful expression on his face and the pose are great. I was rather fond of the old one as well and how it was standing on the dark matters, but this works too. I bet some fans of the old will be none to happy about the pose change though. He looks so shaggy and adorable though!

I'm happy the Hikei kept the pose! It looks great overall and I adore how the artist did the mane. I think I like the grey toes on the old one more, but it isn't really anything terribly important.

I really want to like the Kora, and I do like it, just not as much as I could. I think the ears are what's throwing me off since they are the same color as the body. I know they usually are, but it just seems a bit strange here, maybe because they are in front of most of the body. Maybe a different color grey or that pretty purple color would have been better. *Shrug* It's still a nice revamp though, and whee, sparkly gem!

I'm excited that DM pets are going to be getting released these next few weeks! I've been thinking of painting Chocolat DM but none of the current selection really worked for me. Here's to hoping that something released will!

Edit: We're just all kinds of posting fail today Jessi :D
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Re: Darkmatter Kora, Hikei, and Anyu Revamps

Post by Enriana »

The Kora and Hikei are both solid revamps - though I wish the new Hikei wasn't so dark. The Kora's gem looks neat, but otherwise those two are fairly standard.

The Anyu, though! This is the first Anyu I've truly loved. It's just got the best pose, and the fur is detailed so well, and the expression is great. It's just done so well, I could stare at it forever! It's definitely going on my list for a possible 13th pet.

I think it's cool that we're going to get some more Dark Matter pets/revamps! It's a great colour, and I look forward to more.
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Re: Darkmatter Kora, Hikei, and Anyu Revamps

Post by C. Dagger »

Ooooh, a topic started by Jessi. :D

I'm agree with both of you, the Anyu is absolutely a delight to look at. I once had an Anyu character and seeing this gorgeous guy makes me want one again. I looooove the direction that the Anyus are going in. *u* He's so damn fluffy!!

With the Hikei I like it a lot, but I can see some key differences that I miss about the old one. The grey toes, messy mane, etc. But this one's more accurate to the way the Hikeis look now, and the shading is really, really nice, so I'd say it was a pretty successful revamp.

I've never been too big on Koras (pretty art, unique species, I just can't get into them XD), but like most of them this one looks lovely. I really love how dynamic the pose is.

rofl I did them backwards oops. Oh well. XD

Oh and one more thing I thought I'd point out -- does anyone else notice the Dark Matter is sort of a different consistency now? A little more... sticky/slimy rather than floaty?

It looks pretty cool and I honestly don't care which direction they go with it, but I just thought I'd point it out and see if I'm just crazy or anyone else noticed. XD
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Re: Darkmatter Kora, Hikei, and Anyu Revamps

Post by ZomgethMew »

*flail* That Anyu. Omg. I don't really like the Anyu, it's pretty but not really my thing, but this.. :O. The Hikei and Kora are nice too, but damn, that Anyu is epic.
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Re: Darkmatter Kora, Hikei, and Anyu Revamps

Post by Pyrostatic »

Holy crap, I love that Kora and the Anyu!

The Anyu definitely had the biggest improvement and was the first one to catch my eyes. I'm a sucker for big, poofeh, fluffy fur. I also adore the expression, that devious sneer. Perfect, perfect, perfect! Not a pet I'd own, cause I'm not fond of bears, but wow...A great pet to look at and admire.

The Hikei is okay. I think the front half is too dark to see all the details. That's all I have to say about it. I haven't really liked any of the special Hikei revamps thus far.

The Kora is very cute. The more redraws I see for this pet, the more I really love it. Look at those itty bitty paws! And the tentacles, floating matter, and fur are all flowy...It's really a great pose. My only nitpick is the negative space in the corner, but I can understand why it's there.

And can honestly say, I'm glad DM is getting attention this Spetember. I'm kind of nervous for the Kumos, but I'll keep an open mind. I love Arbor's Kumi, so I'm sure she'll do a wonderful job. ^^

And Dagger, I noticed it too. I like it a lot; good job artists. =)
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Re: Darkmatter Kora, Hikei, and Anyu Revamps

Post by TCStarwind »

An awesome bunch of revamps. The kora is awesome (with an awesome pose). The hikei retains its old awesomeness (though I wish it was a little lighter, as it seems a bit too dark). And the anyu is really awesome, too (ditto what everyone else said about it).

Does anyone know the status of the lasirus? Because a DM lasirus revamp would be even more awesome. But, I'm guessing they'll probably be MIA for a while still... :(

I'm sorry; I couldn't help myself (I'm really not being sarcastic or anything, my brain just shuts itself off at 5:30pm every day like clockwork). Awesome! o_o
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Re: Darkmatter Kora, Hikei, and Anyu Revamps

Post by Aisu »

I absolutely love that Kora! I was hoping to make one of my future pets one after it was revamped, so I'm happy that it came out so beautiful! 8D The pose is wonderful and all those little tails~ So pretty!
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Re: Darkmatter Kora, Hikei, and Anyu Revamps

Post by Slugawoo »

I adore the Kora, and I went out and made October one almost immediately after I saw this~. It just looks so graceful. :D

The Anyu and Hikei are nice, too, but I don't have much of an opinion since I don't really care for either species. My only complaint is the front half of the Hikei seems a bit dark and the Anyu's a bit light, but I know what a pain black pets are to shade, so... yeah. :D No big deal as far as I'm concerned.

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Re: Darkmatter Kora, Hikei, and Anyu Revamps

Post by Jessi »


I just thought I'd point out that the two Darkmatter on the left look rather disturbed at being so close to a Hikei's ass... xD;
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Re: Darkmatter Kora, Hikei, and Anyu Revamps

Post by lar »

Noticed the same thing, Jessibean. xD I figured the Hikei farted.

Solid revamps, though, especially the anyu.
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Re: Darkmatter Kora, Hikei, and Anyu Revamps

Post by Kari »

Kora is beautiful, I love the motion in the pose.
Lol Hikei ass. Nothing else much to say as it's the same pose, just with new art.
The Anyu looks so smug: "I'm evil, and I like it, do you have a problem?"

I hope the Serpenth gets redone during this month, since I have one and she's so boring looking.
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Re: Darkmatter Kora, Hikei, and Anyu Revamps

Post by Mistress Morbid »

The Anyu and Kora are beautifully done, they're definitely improved from the old ones.

The Hikei, however, doesn't impress me. I don't own one, but with the side by side comparison the original just had so much more attitude. I prefer the black stripes from the old one (you can hardly see the stripes on the new), and just little details like the expression, the mane, the grey toes...the new one looks sort of bland to me.
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Re: Darkmatter Kora, Hikei, and Anyu Revamps

Post by lastaria »

Anyu is great. It just looks so regal and content, sitting there. Also, I really love the expressions of the dark matter under its front paws. It's a nice touch.

The Kora is lovely, highly considering getting one now...

The Hikei is nice, though I feel some of the details get a bit lost in how dark it is.
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Re: Darkmatter Kora, Hikei, and Anyu Revamps

Post by firost-the-dragon »

the anyu seems a little light for a darkmatter pet- other than that, i seem to like it.
see this picture and more at http://www.darkpidgeot10.deviantart.com . this is by ME!!!
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